Gala Day and Sunday
Both the last two days have been lovely days! Praise God. The weather for Gala Day was great! A highlight of my day was when an organizer of the Gala came out of his way to say to me, "Ben, I just want you to know God has answered your prayers for weather. Not just for today but for this whole week!" Praise God = God answered OUR prayers and showed His authority over His creation in such a way that it was kindly acknowledged by others.
I appreciate our church people coming alongside and making the day yesterday an easy day. Everyone worked hard and God gave us a wonderful day. A highlight of yesterday was when a woman came to church today because of us reconnecting with her yesterday. Please pray that our church can be a blessing to this young mother.
I enjoyed preaching today a message on "Trust in Me" from Jeremiah 38-39. Please pray for the power of God in our church and in our community. We've seen His hand at work and praise Him for His goodness.