Gala Day!
Thank you for your prayer for our day today. God was incredibly good to keep the rain away. The rain was all around but not in Loanhead. It is sprinkling right now but not a drop of rain fell on our tent.
We had great responses from the many people who brought their kids by our tent. Please pray for the Holiday Bible Club invitations that went out. There seemed to be quite a bit of interest in those invitations. We also enjoyed catching up with many friends in our community.
Some of your have inquired about Brexit. Britain has voted to leave the European Union (British Exit ='s Brexit). A weaker Pound or Euro makes a strong dollar. So, the missionaries you support in Europe are getting an increase in their buying power. I share that just in case you were worried about how it is affecting missions in Europe.
Please keep praying about the building. We received a response to our "pre application planning permission" and it was a positive response. Their only concern is the sound during our song service and it's impact on the neighbor in the adjoining property. This is not something that we think will hinder us from getting planning permission. But, do please pray for wisdom about that.
We still need financing or another way forward with the property. So, please continue to pray for God's open door in His perfect timing. Thank you for your prayers. God's gave us a great day! Enjoy the pictures....the cutest one's last. You'll know it when you see it.... I hope!