Fruitful ministry at Gala Day.
God gave us fruitful ministry today as we participated in the Gala Day *Community Childern's fair. It was incredibly windy - but the Lord keps us dry. We have made a mental note to pray about the wind and the rain next year. It was mostly cloudy but when the sun came out it warmed right up.
We were able to hand out a lot of literature and spoke with many people. Several of these we have shared the Gospel with in the past. The Lord gave another incredible divine appointment to Katie as she was able to lead a 14 year old girl to Christ. They spoke for well over an hour. Please pray for this young lady. She had been reading her sister's Bible because she was seeking God. Praise God!
Tomorrow is an important Sunday. Please pray that some of these we met today would visit with us tomorrow. Thank you for your important part in our ministry! (The photo's don't begin to show how many people were there as they were take towards the beginning and end of the day!)