I've put flyers out this year along the south side of Edinburgh. I've completed a long stretch of area that is of the closest proximity to us. I was thinking this morning that this was my last time doing this kind of outreach before furlough. I've got our HBT flyer that I will soon be putting out through our area. That flyer distribution will take me up to our departure.
I only had one brief opportunity to speak with a man from Trinidad. But, I enjoyed listening to a testimony/message preached by Pastor Zemke, missionary to Japan. He preached at my home church last week and my mom sent me the message. He shared the testimony of a 92 year old woman who got saved. He had prayed for her for 12 years. He challenged the church to pray for young people/families to be saved. It was a blessing to hear him share testimony from a field that is in many ways similar to our own.
Katie got an email yesterday from someone that she met at the Gala Day tent. That was a special blessing. Please pray for this new friendship.
Thank for the many Birthday cards sent my way. I got within two years of 40 yesterday as I turned 38. The number didn't seem so big until I saw it on my birthday cake. God's been very good to me and my family. We're excited about what He's doing in our lives. Thanks for your prayers.