Flyers in Edinburgh
I've been putting out flyers on the outskirts of Edinburgh again. I did this area about two years ago. It is cold (occasional flurries) but it wasn't too uncomfortable. I was out for about two hours and put out a couple hundred flyers. I didn't witness to anyone this morning. I did however have the opportunity to encourage someone *whom many of you have often prayed for - to obey the Gospel and ask Jesus into his heart. Please pray that he will make that definited decision to trust Christ.
I forgot to mention that the Lord gave me a great divine appointment in Ireland with two teenage girls. They were sober and thanked me for the conversation. Please pray that God will awaken their hearts as well.
I've recently preached about the Great White Throne Judgment - and the judgment of the sheep and goats. I can't imagine how we'll feel if there are people present at these judgments who were within our ability to reach with the Gospel - and we didn't do anything about it. Please pray that we'll be faithful messengers of God's good news.