First Time Visitors

08/08/2021 20:20

God blessed us with first time visitors this morning and this evening. This morning, I got a phone call from a young married couple. They said, "We are at the Centre and wondered if you were here." We are on Zoom on Sunday mornings. I said, "I'm looking at you from the house across the road." They were a sweet young couple from Spurgeon's Metropolitan Tabernacle. It was there one year anniversary today and they were on holiday in Edinburgh. 

They joined us for Zoom at our house. We enjoyed lunch with them as well. I praise God for a young couple who put God first in their lives. A lot of people would have made excuse and dishonoured God on His day. They honoured him  on their special day and we were blessed because of it.

Tonight the family who had the accident came to church. They have visited the boy who was injured and he is doing well. Please pray for God's leading in their lives.

Our attendance was down a bit this evening. But, God gave us a good night. We enjoyed observing the Lord's table. I preached this evening on Paul's Evangelism Work Ethic (currently uploading to Sermon Audio). We got through 3 of the 4 points. I may finish this message next week.... we shall see. Thanks for your prayers for our ministry. God's working in answer to your prayers.