First Day of HBC
We have worked hard as a church to get the word out about our HBC's this year. We put invitations out to all the primary schools (around 6,000 flyers that went out with students.) We passed out flyers in the parade. We put flyers out through Auchendinny. Last night our church knocked on the doors through that community. (That was a lot of fun - and God gave us just adequate weather where we didn't get too wet.) And today, we waited to see who would come. :) God gave us one child other than our church kids AND WE HAD A GREAT TIME.
In church planting ministry you are often thankful that our reward is according to our labor and not what we see as the result. And, the "results" aren't in yet as to who will come in total this week. We'd love to minister the Gospel to more children. But, please pray for the one (and our church kids) which God has given to us this week. The program went really well and we have much to be thankful for. It was a special joy for me to see my son, Benson (13) participating in the Skit and to watch my daughter's (14) puppet. This is the first time that they have been involved in the HBC program.
God's good. Thanks for praying.