Family Conference and camp update....

11/04/2018 11:39

We had a good start to our family conference last night. We appreciate Pastor O'Gorman taking the time out of his busy ministry schedule to come over here and assist us. He preached a good message last night on, "The Enemy We Face" from Ephesians 6. It was good to be reminded of the identity of the home wrecker. We appreciate your prayers for the two remaining nights.

Camp update: Camp was a blessing. Tommy, Bernard, Don Dillman, myself and my 4 oldest boys, Benson, Logan, Parker and Nelson spent three nights in Ireland this past week at a men's camp near Cork. Pastor Ledbetter and his people do a great job in running this camp. The preaching and fellowship were very encouraging. We studied the life of Hezekiah. This was expecially practical for the twenty men from New Hope Residential Centre. Layton Kelly heads up this ministry and is the one missionary our church supports.

It was a blessing to hear Bernard and Tommy share testimonies on Sunday night. We also enjoyed having George Clayson (24 years old) preach on Sunday night. We have some older teens who are unsaved. We spent some extra time in prayer during the invitation for their salvation. Please pray with us for God to awaken their hearts - even this week. God's good. Thanks for your participation in our ministry.