Exciting times!

07/07/2024 13:50

We are less than a week away from dedicating our property to the Lord and having our grand opening. Tonight we start rearranging the church into what it was meant to be in the mind of God. We praise Him for His clear leading in every decision we have made. 

Wednesday will be our first meeting in the sanctuary as we test the sound, video, livestream, etc. We'll have a special prayer and praise time. Saturday is our dedication and Sunday is our grand opening. Thank you for your prayers.

We had a special morning with really good attendance and a newleywed Christian couple joining us. It was great to get to know them as they have only recently moved into our area. They got our leaflet at a mechanics shop where I have been allowed to leave our leafletts. I can't wait to share with my mechanic that someone came because of that.

I preached on, "Great Gospel Clothing," on matching the Gospel with our lives instead of clashing with it. We had a good service and enjoyed our study of Acts in SS. 

Please continue to pray as we go through this week. The doors need to be hung. The pulpit needs to be finished. There is painting, decorating, etc. and we just need God to guide us through it all. Our biggest prayer is for God to be glorified next weekend. Please lift that request up to God's throne.