Encouraging divine appointment....
As I put out flyers this morning I saw a 16 year old that I know from a previous divine appointment a few months ago. He smiled when he saw me and told me that he still had our church tract in his bedroom.
The first time I met him I had witnessed to he and his four friends. Of all of them he had seemed the most interested. One the way back I saw the tracts torn up on the pavement and the teens about a quarter of a mile further down the path. I had collected all the pieces and put them in a rubbish bin. When I passed them again I said that I had found the tracts they had dropped. He took his tract from his back pocket and told me that he still had his. A couple weeks later he told me the same thing.
Please pray for God to use this young man and save him to reach others. I encouraged him this morning to stand up against the peer pressure and come and visit our church.
I also had a great divine appointment yesterday morning as I spoke with a man for about 20 minutes. His family was communist and they never went to church. He is a professed atheist. God clearly led in our conversation. Please pray for God to awaken his heart.
Thank you for praying for these opportunities.