Edinburgh Outreach

22/05/2019 13:17

It was a slower morning, it seems, for evangelism in Edinburgh. People seemed slow to take the flyer today. The Lord did give me a few witnessing opportunities. One was with a woman who lives quite near Loanhead. I witnessed to her for about 20 minutes and she was thoughtful. She said that she would think about visiting the church. She knows our location.

I met a few believers today. Sadly, the first looked more ungodly than most the other people around her. But, she said she got saved when she was seven and that she faithfully attends her Baptist Church. I was frank with her and hope that God speaks to her heart about separation from the world. Another man I met is Brazilian and has only been in Scotland for two months. He is from a different denomination but was born again as a teenager. I encouraged him to come visit the church and he said he would find the location online. Please pray that Philip will visit.

One of the sadder conversations today was with a man who is 43 (I'll be 43 in July). He is an alcoholic. I went through the Gospel with him and left him a John and Romans. When he told me his age he said that he feels 73. (He looks much older than he is.) Sin has hurt is life. Please pray that He will obey the Gospel and find the victory which Jesus has promised.

My family had a busy day yesterday as we left at 8 AM to visit another minister's family, Don Clough, up in Lossiemouth. It's a four hour drive up there. Their church in Fochabers was having special meetings with Evangelist Ted Alexander. We enjoyed fellowshipping with both families and attending the 6 PM service. We got back here last night at midnight after a very enjoyable time away.

Thank you for praying for our church. The Steadmans have arrived in Scotland. They will be with us from Friday - Monday. We appreciate your prayers for our Stronger Family Seminar.