Edinburgh evangelism....
I guess I'm getting into a routine a little bit on Monday mornings. God's given some good Sunny days on Mondays which are helpful when handing people literature. I went a different direction today in Edinburgh and headed to the Meadows. The University of Edinburgh surrounds this area and there are a lot of college age young people.
I witnessed to an 18 year old theology student. She doesn't believe in God. This used to suprise me. Sadly, it doesn't anymore. I told her that her studies were pointless. I said, "It is like studying Boris Johnson (current Prime Minister) by reading biographies about Tony Blair (former Prime Minister.)" I told her that what she needed was Biblical Theology.
The second opportunity was with Peter (25) who is an evolutionary scientist. He was a great listener and we had a good concersation. Please pray for him. He went to church this past Sunday because he saw the door was open. I believe God is working in his life and think he may be the reason God had me go that direction.
The last opportunity was with a young man from Hong Kong who is studying artificial intelligence. He refused the flyer but then dialogued with me. We spoke for over 10 minutes and God was working. In the end he took the flyer. It will be interesting in Heaven to see the fruit of these simple conversations which could be life changing turning points for those who will believe in Jesus. Thank you for praying for fruit for our evangelistic efforts.