drizzle, drizzle, rain, snow, hail, and more drizzle....

11/02/2025 11:07

It's been a "dreich" start to the week. If you don't know that good Scottish word it means, "depressing, miserable or cold." It's ALMOST been all of that this week. We're not depressed, but we could be. It's not "happy" weather outside, so we must focus on happy thoughts on the inside. :) ("Encouraging ourselves in the Lord.")

I couldn't get out in evangelism, but the Lord has allowed me to push forward on an evangelistic tool. I prepared a sport's card size flyer to use in our street and personal evangelism. I'll put a couple of pics below. I've ordered 5,000 and should have them before the end of the week.

We're also getting ready for our church Valentine's Banquet which begins tomorrow evening at 6:30. I've already heard skit rehearsal this morning for a radio scramble skit that the teens will be doing. As you would imagine, I"m going to preach on the love of God. My text is 1 John 4. "Herein is love, not that we loved God, but that He loved us..."

Please pray for the power of God to awaken the hearts of men to His Gospel and His love. Thank you for praying for God's work in Scotland.