Day one of evangelistic meetings!
Thank you for your prayers for our meetings. God gave us a great start to the week and we are thrilled to have the Webbs with us. Brother Barry and Cheryl did puppets in Sunday School. You'd have to see it to believe it. God has given them some special gifts. Tonight Brother Barry did a chalk drawing. (see below)
The attendance was good in all of our service. Please pray for visitors to come and enjoy what God is doing this week. The preaching was just what we needed. This morning Evangelist Webb preached on the leper that came to Christ for cleansing. Tonight he preached on backsliding from an OT text of backslidden Israel. A young boy came to Christ tonight. Please pray for him to grow in the Lord.
Every night this week we have services at 6:00PM. Tuesday morning we are also hosting a fellowship meeting. Please continue to pray for the power of God in all of these services. Thank you for your prayers.