day of prayer and outreach
The weather has been prohibitive for outreach for much of this year. We've had snow, ice, wind and rain. Thankfully, everything melted this past Monday and today the sun was shining. Pastor Dillman and I put out around 4-5 hundred flyers today. Please pray for the power of the Gospel to penetrate hearts. I had some short opportunities to speak with people as well.
Yesterday was a day of prayer with 5 other men up at Blair Atholl. God blessed us with a good prayer time despite an hour delay in arriving because of the closure of a motorway due to a fire.
Tonight we studied the story in the Word of God of Amnon raping his sister, Tamar as we continued our study of the Life of David. We had a good Bible study and God blessed us with good midweek attendance. Thank you for praying for our evangelism and church ministries.