D-day, B-day...

06/06/2024 11:34

Mac is growing up and hit double digits today! Obviously, his birthday is on D-day. It's amazing that Katie and I no longer have children in single digits. This has not been the case for the past 21 years. Wow - yep, I guess we are getting old. We are so thankful for the children God has given to us. 

Benson is currently flying out West to AZ to be a counselor at the Bill Rice Ranch - West Branch. Please pray for grace for him as he settles into that summer ministry. 

John and Kay Lee Owenby are settling into ministry in Virginia Beach. John is the new youth pastor and Kay Lee is going to be working in church publications. God has provided a great place for them to live as they settle into the area.

It was a blessing to do evangelism with Don Dillman yesterday as he came my way. We put out literature about 2 miles from our church. God gave two opportunities to speak with people about the Lord. 

We really enjoyed being back with our church family last night. On Wednesday nights the adults and teens are studying the life of David. We were in 2 Samuel 3 last night where Abner is meeting with David and is then killed by Joab. We had a really good Bible study and the attendance was good for a Wed. PM. Thanks for your prayers as we get back into church ministry in Scotland.