Catch up, update
God gave us a good, but busy week. A guest flew in from Ireland and was with us from Sunday night through Wednesday morning. Monday was street preaching. Tuesday and Wednesday were literature distribution days. All of Loanhead has nearly received the new flyers. This is around 3500 homes. Pastor Dillman helped me on Wednesday.
Friday was our youth activity. We had two teens not make it due to illness. But, we enjoyed a great time with those who made it; playing a game called, "Five Crowns," eating pizza, and having a challenge from God's Word on the feeding of the 5,000.
God blessed us with two adulte visitors this morning. It was fun to meet them. Our attendance was good despite having many unable to attend due to illness. Please pray for our church to get well soon as it is affecting us significantly just now.
I preached on our theme, "Crucified with Him" unto His Lordship from Romans 6, the latter half of the chapter. I have really enjoyed this study and believe it has greatly benefited our church.
This week is normal, except for a planned flight to Ireland on Thursday for a day of prayer with some other ministers. Would you please pray that God will meet with us in power? My good friend, Les Hill, has invited other friends of ours to be in attendance. There should be 5-6 of us. Thanks for praying!