Busy, busy....
This has been a busy week as our family is getting ready for a week long holiday (vacation.) Please pray for Pastor Dillman as he will be filling pulpit for me on Sunday PM and Thursday PM next week. Chris Dillman will also be teaching Katie's Kids Club on Thursday night.
Don and I have enjoyed some fellowship time this past week. The Dillmans are just back from a trip to the States. Don and I headed up to Blair Athol on Tuesday for a day of prayer with another missionary, Danny Olmstead. There are three other men who would normally have joined us, but they each were unable to attend. (moving, baby in hospital, funeral....) God blessed the time the three of us were able to spend in prayer.
Yesterday, Don and I got out in the morning to do flyers in his community of Livingston. It was cold! We didn't have any divine appointments but we left the Gospel in a couple hundred homes. Please pray for God to bless our evangelism efforts.
This week I'm trying to get ready for two Sundays and I am thankful for your prayers for our preaching and teaching ministry. There has been a great spirit in our church. Please pray that it continues and that our church grows together with the Lord from strength to strength.