Busy, busy....
June is a crazy month for us. We have added to the craziness by adding a birthday for Mac. We have the normal father's day. But, then we also have our anniversary (17th) and Benson's birthday (20th). So, it is just one celebration after another.
I put out flyers on Monday morning and enjoyed listening to Brother Rand Hummell. He's got some good messages on the family and guarding ourselves from the dark side of the internet.
Many people in the community have shown kindness to us with the birth of Mac. It's great living in a small community. We're excited about participating in the Children's Gala Day celebration on the 28th. Alec and I have nearly finished our painting project. I'm really excited about it and look forward to sharing some photo's with you.
Katie was running a low fever again yesterday. Please keep praying for her health. Thanks for your prayers.