Building Dedication

13/07/2024 15:07

God blessed our building dedication today. We had a good turnout, good fellowship, good time of sharing in God's Word, good teaching for the children, plenty of helpers, etc. Praise the Lord. Thank you for praying for this day.

Although our sending church pastor was unable to attend. He was able to participate by way of video. I preached the first session after sharing the testimony of how God has led our church thus far and Pastor Craig Ledbetter preached the final session. When he was finished we all came to the front and had a special prayer time as we dedicated the property to be used for God's glory.

Tomorrow is our grand opening service and we have invited our community to attend and are providing a bbq in the afternoon and an open house. Please pray that God will bless this effort and that His hand will be evident.

I will share more photos soon, but here is one I took when the video was being played.