
10/12/2017 13:04

This morning feels like I'm back in Wisconsin. Our temperatures this morning were in the upper teens fahrenheit. That is very cold for here. Unfortunately (in my thinking) we don't have snow - only frost. 

God gave us a good morning. It was good to have the large family back who have been ill. Our regular attendees were present with one teen visitor who was over at a friend's house. 

I preached this morning on the coming of Christ which is so very relevant with what has taken place regarding Jerusalem. If only  unbelievers would read the Bible and realize that what God said is coming to pass before their very eyes. I preached on, Look Up, Jesus is Coming from Isaiah 11-12. God gave us a good morning and we're looking forward to our afternoon ministry at the Trust. I'm preaching on the first coming of Chirst in that service. 

Thank you for praying for our ministry. God's good and faithful. We appreciate your prayers.