
08/11/2017 15:31

It was another cold and frosty morning (sounds like poetry) this morning. It was fun to get back out with Missionary Don Dillman this morning over in his area on the South West Side of Edinburgh. We didn't have any good conversations with people but enjoyed fellowhsip while we put out Gospel flyers. Please pray for God to water the seed that was sown in Don's area this morning. Don did get a phone call from a believer regarding the flyer. It's encouraging just to know that the flyers aren't going unnoticed.

We are getting more settled. Yesterday afternoon I put together a bathroom cabinet, hung a heavy mirror and assembled a wooden blind for the master bedroom. Katie was able to get much put away yesterday as well. Thanks for your prayers as we continue to get settled. A friend of mine with his young son is coming this Sunday - Wednesday on a short trip to help with some projects. Please pray for them to have grace for jet lag and to be able to accomplish all that God wants us to while they are here. Thank you for your prayers!