Today is the vote (referendum) on whether Britain will remain in the European Union or come out (British Exit ='s Brexit). The polls have been very close. So, we shall see what is decided.
I enjoyed doing Flyers with Missionary Don Dillman yesterday. We were in a wealthy area. If you don't believe me, you should have seen the red Ferrari in the driveway of one of the houses. We didn't have any divine appointments but we were able to put out a good number of flyers.
The night before God gave me a very interesting chat with a man who is a tv writer and producer. I really enjoyed talking to him.
I forgot to mention that last Saturday night I had a great talk with 6 young people. They said they were going to come to church last Sunday but did not. Two of these have previously attended our church. Two others came to the football outreach. Please pray that these kids will have the courage to come.
I was able to get my painting finished for the Gala Day. It is about 8-9 feet tall and has cut outs for faces. We're looking forward to a great day on Saturday.