Autumn Colours

14/11/2021 14:45

The colours right now in our area are lovely. We are enjoying a beautiful autumn. 

God gave us an enjoyable morning in church. We started a new study for our adult teen Sunday School. We went to 1 Samuel and are doing a study of the life of David. The message this morning was from Deuteronomy 10 as God again wrote his law in tablets of stone. We looked at respecting God and His law. Interestingly all of the blessing of life hinges on our submission to God and his law. God's law is for our good and God's desire for us to respect Him and HIs law is for our good. 

God gave Katie and I some good conversations and witnessing opportunities yesterday as we knocked on doors. Thank you for praying for divine appointments.

We appreciate your continued prayers for God to give the increase in his timing. We continue to sow in faith. Thank you for praying for our ministry.