Amazing weather. :)
I'll try not to be a weatherman. But, we are having stunning weather. We haven't had weather like this in about 7 months. And we didn't get weather this nice for most of our summer. How hot is it? It is in the mid 50's but sunny and calm. It is perfect!
Yesterday Nelson turned 6 years old. Thank you for the many cards remembering his birthday. We enjoyed a fun family day and took him to Edinburgh Castle. We had a wonderful time. Someday my kids will realize that not every child in the world gets to go to a castle on their birthday.
We are having some good ministry opportunities. I had divine appointments yesterday and today. I put flyers out today in a village just a half mile from our church meeting hall. I'm reminded that "We wrestle not against flesh and blood...." I think often times we are naive as believers and don't understand that our adversary is very real and very much in control in this world. I could share stories with you from the past few days that would make you think we ministered in the jungles of Africa where the Enemy is more overt. But, without sharing the particulars, please pray for the power of God to defeat the Wicked One in our community. "Greater is He that is in us than he that is in the world!" Amen and Amen. Thanks for praying.