A good Sunday in the thick of it. :)

20/11/2022 13:22

Sometimes in ministry, you feel like you are in the "thick of it." Despite that feeling at times recently, God gave us a great Sunday morning. We didn't set attendance records or have any visitors, but it was trully good to be in the house of the Lord. God met with us and encouraged our hearts.

My message this morning is one of the great texts on prayer. Jeremiah 33:3, Call unto me and I WILL ANSWER THEE and SHEW THEE, GREAT AND MIGHTY THINGS, which thou knowest not. We looked at every word this morning and God strengthened our faith.

My points were call me, hear me, watch me, recieve from me and believe me. If we believe Jeremiah 33:3, we are spending real time in prayer. Thank you for your part in helping us receive from God in answer to your prayers.