A dog ate my F. D. T.
For those who have been around our webpage for a while, you may remember my F. D. T. is my Flyer Distribution Tool. In Laymen's terms it is known commonly as a small plastic handled "cheese board." But to the the initiated, an F. D. T. We use these to protect us from D. O. G's or dogs. D. O. G.'s are the enemy of the flyer distributor as they lurk on the other side of people's mail slots. You may not be aware that the most dangerous type of D. O. G. are the silent ones. Their silence betrays their sinister character and secret desire to catch an unsuspecting flyer distributor. Sadly, I let my guard down today as I listened to a great sermon on hope. You would laugh if you saw the size of the D. O. G. who stole my paddle. He was about the size of my paddle. I humbly knocked with a desire to retrieve my weapon. However, the owner was not home and will probably not be suprised to see that Jr. has as a new play toy. It has probably happened before. I actually think this dog may have taken another one from me in the past.
In all seriousness, I almost forgot the above incident as later God gave me a great opportunity to share the Gospel with a woman. I had not met her before but I do know her husband. I've prayed for him many times in the past as we would often see each other walking. Please pray that God will bless the seed sown through the mail slots as well as through this divine appointment.
Thank you for your prayers.