
Photo's and back to work....

24/01/2017 08:21

I was able to put flyers out in Roslin yesterday for a couple of hours. It was very cold but warm enough to get some work done.

I also uploaded some pictures to the webpage from the Israel trip. If you look under the photo page or click on this link you can see them. I hope to label them as well in the near future.

Good to be home.

22/01/2017 12:59

The Lord gave us a good Sunday. I didn't show pictures this morning but will share some of those with our folks tonight. I preached this morning on, "The Lord's Lesson on Prayer" from Luke 11:1-13.

We'd appreciate your prayers for our youth activity this Friday. God has given us a new teenager who faithfully attends our church. Lord willing, this will be her first youth activity. We hope her brother will attend as well. He's come to one church service.

Thank you for praying for our ministry.

Back from Israel....

20/01/2017 15:28

I got back from Israel around 11:00 Scotland time today. I flew through the night and am thankful for the Lord's help getting sleep along the way. It's hard to know where to start in sharing any of our experiences over there. I can't imagine a better schedule, better weather, better group, etc. It was a very precious trip and I appreciate all of your prayers. The devotional at Engedi went very well. Thank you for praying specifically for that.

Soon, I will be sending out a prayer letter and uploading many photo's from my trip. I want to say a public thank you to Craig Hartman (Shalom Ministries) and Dr. Steadman (Baptist World Mission) for organizing this trip. I can't imagine how much though and work went into making this a great experience for all.

I'll put a couple pics below. Many more will be posted in the near future. Thank you for putting up with the "radio silence" in my absence.

Leaving for Israel....

08/01/2017 12:50

We enjoyed having Don and Chris Dillman with us today. Don is preaching all the service today as I get ready to leave for Israel. I fly out later this afternoon. God gave us a great morning. We have gained some attendees since our carol sing service and hope that they continue to come. It's been a blessing having them there. Don gave us a good challenge this morning from Genesis 22, Abraham's sacrifice (in principle) of his son, Isaac.

Please pray for Katie and the kids in my absence. They are also jumping back into school this week. This is my first trip to Israel and I'm excited about the opportunity. God opened this door for me. Please pray for great benefit spiritually from my time over there. Please also pray for me next Monday as I get to share a 15-20 minute message with our tour group in Engedi. I'm going to preach on Jonathan, the Engedi Encourager.


Happy New Year

01/01/2017 20:49

We enjoyed the first day of the week, of the month and of the year. We had a 10:30 service this morning and then came over to our home for a baptismal service. Lilliana, a lady who was recently saved, and Nelson, our 6 year old were baptized. I'll put some pictures below.

I'm also putting a link to my father's testimony which he shared in Lasalle Peru, IL today. My dad was in a very bad car accident in the early 1970's. He was 26 years old, married with 3 little boys. God took his family that day and dad had severe injuries. Dad has always used this testimony (though very difficult) to show God's almighty grace. If you have time to listen, I know it will be a blessing to those who hear it.

God gave us a very special evening.

24/12/2016 20:22

God did something special tonight and gave us the highest attendance service that we've ever had. We had 50 people in attendance this evening. The children did a wonderful job with their songs and everyone enjoyed singing the carols. I preached on reasons why people don't receive God's gift. Please pray for eternal fruit in the hearts of those who heard that message this evening. Thank you for praying for this special night of ministry. God's blessing was evident not just in the numbers but also in the spirit of the service.

Below is a picture from our ministry at The Trust yesterday and our carol service this evening. Tomorrow we have a service at 10:30 and then we are going to enjoy a family Christmas. Have a very Merry Christmas. Thank you for your prayers.

Getting ready for our Carol Service

22/12/2016 10:45

This has been a fun week and ministry begins tonight as we have a special fun church service. We are going to set up our 10 foot tall Christmas tree this evening and decorate the hall for our carol service on Saturday. Tomorrow at 2:00 in the afternoon we have our carol sing at THE TRUST (assisted living facility). Saturday is our Church Carol Sing Service at 6:00. Sunday, Christmas Day, we are having a 10:30 service.

We have prepared the power point for the carol service, made Christmas cookies (Katie and Kay Lee) and will soon be pre-recording the Chrismas carols onto the piano. 

Thank you for the many Christmas gifts, cards and greetings. We are very thankful for your support of our famiy and ministry!

Christmas is coming....

18/12/2016 12:42

We are excited to be into this ministry week. The Lord gave us a good morning as I preached on the Christmas Story, Luke 2, on "You Can Trust God When...." 

This week is a good busy ministry week. Thursday night (our midweek service) we are going to set up our ten foot tall Christmas tree, decorate, have a special prayer time for the carol service and let the children's choir get one more practice. Friday is a special carol sing service at The Trust (Assisted living facility.) Saturday at 6 is our Carol Sing Service. Sunday we are doing a 10:30 Christmas Day Service. We are excited about this special season of ministry. Thank you for your prayers.

Divine Appointment

14/12/2016 13:52

Don and I did flyers today in a village near where they are going to start a church. Please pray that God would give them some conacts through these flyers. God gave them a contact the first day that they put out flyers. She has met with them a few times. Please pray for them as they seek to get started with their new work.

I had a divine appointment after returning. I met a man from Northern Ireland who lives a couple hours from here on the other side of Scotland. Northern Ireland probably has more real believers than anywhere else in the UK. He said that his mom and dad would say that they are born again. He is not. Please pray that God will awaken Andy's heart and bring him to faith in Him. He thanked me for the conversation. I anticipate hearing from him if he ever does take Jesus as His Saviour. He said that he often comes to this side of the country because of his work. 

Thank you for praying for divine appointments!

Stateside Visitor

11/12/2016 12:55

It was good to have a young woman from the States visit our church this morning. She is from Florida and had heard of our ministry somehow. We're enjoying her company today.

This is our busy Sunday. This afternoon is the Trust Service. I'm going to preach the same message I preached in our church this morning, "How to Find the King" from Matthew 2. This is the passage that shares the journey of the wisemen from the East to Jerusalem and then to Bethlehem. We had a good service.

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