Gnawed Dog Bones....
27/02/2017 11:49I enjoyed getting out with flyers this morning in West Linton. I have one more trip out there and the village will be finished. After a week of very unsettled weather it was nice to have calm sunshine which made the temperature comfortable. I spoke briefly with a few people and put out a couple hundred flyers.
One man entered his home with a large dog (Rhodecian Ridgeback). After I put a flyer into his mailslot I heard the dogs barking. I continued on and he came out of his house with bones (freshly killed) about 1 and a half feet long and thick. I asked if that was the last person that put a flyer through his mail slot. He laughed and said it was. (I'm not entirely sure he was joking. :))
Please pray for God's blessing on the seed that was sown this morning.
Have you ever had distractions in church?
26/02/2017 13:43
22/02/2017 14:37I ran this morning with a lean one way and a lean the other way on the way back (kidding just a little) as I battled 40 mph gusts. It's going to get worse before it gets better. Tonight the 4th named storm of the season is hitting bringing snow (more of a rarity for our elevation) and high winds. We'll see what we get.
I had a service appointment for our car this morning on the other side of Edinburgh. So, I put out flyers over there for a couple of hours. I had one divine appointment which I hope was productive. It was a difficult conversation with someone who said over and over again about their scientific view, "I believe...." He had strong faith but in the wrong source. He got upset at the end of the conversation because I was pointing out the difference between theory and fact. He stated millions and millions of years as fact etc. I've already been praying that God would awaken his heart. Thank you for praying for our evangelism.
We'd appreciate your prayers for our youth activity on Friday. We are going to play dodge ball. I'm going to preach on Hebrews 12 - lay aside weight....etc.
Divine appointment
21/02/2017 13:05The Lord gave me a wonderful divine appointment today with a man in a village about 20 miles from her. Richard spoke with me for about 40 minutes. It was a very good conversation as I listened to him and he listened to me. I believe God is working in this man's heart. Please pray that God would bring him to faith.
Please also pray for the flyers that were put out. You never know how God is going to work in the hearts of those who receive them. I met a man today to whom I had handed a flyer last week. A good conversation didn't come of it, but he did acknowledge reading the flyer. Please pray that God will work in the hearts of those who take the time to read what was given to them.
Thank you for praying for us. We very much appreciate your prayers.
The Man Who WAS Lost
19/02/2017 12:45I enjoyed preaching a Gospel message about a lost man this morning whom Jesus found. I preached on Zacchaeus from Luke 19. It is a great passage to remember that we need to be aware of divine appointments that we take them when God gives them. Men like Zacchaeus are depending upon us to be in tune with God's Spirit and aware of the souls of those about us.
The Lord gave Parker and I two really good divine appointments yesterday as we knocked on doors. I was suprised to have one lady say, "I don't go to church. But, I'm a born again Christian." She had gone to hear a Pentecostal woman preacher 13 years ago and had accepted the Lord at that time. She still watches this woman (whom you'll likely guess) on television. Please pray that God would encourage her to visit our church.
We had a good morning with a bit lower attendance. Thank you for praying for Free Baptist Church. Tonight after our Bible study on John, we have our annual general meeting. Please pray for God's blessing on our meeting and that we would make some good decisions for the Lord.
Holiday Bible Club
16/02/2017 15:11The Lord gave us a fun ministry day with our Holiday Bible Club. The kid's really enjoy this one day event. We had 14 children and 7 teens plus a few adults. Katie told a missionary story from the life of a Scot who went to Thailand as a missionary. The kids enjoyed their craft, pizza and wacking away at a pinata! Thanks for praying for this ministry.
Yesterday I helped Don Dillman put flyers out for their church plant in New Bridge. The Lord gave us one opportunity to speak with a man for several minutes. He was agnostic and I hope that we shared enough with him to wet his appetite to pick up a Bible and find God.
Happy Valentine's Day!
14/02/2017 12:54Today I got out to share the love of God in a village about 15 miles away. I was able to put out quite a few flyers in a couple of hours but didn't have any divine appointments. Every opportunity to speak with someone was a closed door. As I got in my car afterwards, I thought that walking for two hours and not having any conversations was unfortunate. But, I hadn't done much to try to get the Gospel to this village in comparison with the walk of Jesus to the cross. It is very sad that his huge effort to save mankind meets the same resistance as our feeble efforts.
I spoke with one man who told me that he didn't have time for it. He was an unbeliever who blamed the problems of the world on religion. (I hear this a lot.) I said to him as I was leaving, "I'm reading a book called, 'A Cloud of Witnesses' right now about Scots who died for their faith and this generation won't even take the time to read a Bible."
Please pray for open doors for the Gospel and that God would bless the seed that was sown today. I trust somebody in that village today had a divine appointment with the Lord as they read the flyer. Thanks for praying.
Trust Service - this afternoon
12/02/2017 12:40Our house is busy as we get ready to go to the Trust (assisted living facility) for a service this afternoon. We're looking forward to that ministry. We missed it last month as I was away in Israel. We have 4 teens at our home for lunch. Counting our two oldest, we'll have 6 total and that is a good turnout to go to this ministry. We usually have about a dozen residents join us.
We had a good normal morning. I preached on a lengthy passage, Matthew 23, on "Don't Sin Like a Pharisee." The microphone stopped working about half way through and so I don't have sermon audio this morning.
This Thursday we have a special one day Holiday Bible Club and would appreciate your prayers for that opportunity. Thank you for praying.
Outreach this week....
08/02/2017 13:12I had two great witnessing opportunities on Monday as I took bus into Edinburgh to hand out flyers. It was cold and I didn't know what kind of lengthy opportunities I would get. The first conversation was with a lady who doesn't think you have to go to church to pray. She believes in God and prays. The Lord gave us a good short discussion as I asked her, "But how do you get rid of your sin." I was able to share the Gospel with her.
The second opportunity was really good. A young college student from Lithuania, Thomas,was visitng a friend in Edinburgh. Thomas attends a University in England. He believes in God and evolution. I spoke with Thomas for thirty minutes and he thanked me for the conversation. I really believe the Lord was working in this young man's heart. Please pray for God to open his eyes.
Today, Don and I did flyers in some nearby villages. We finished the village of Pathhead and did another small village nearby. It was good fellowship. Please pray for the Dillmans as they are beginning a new work in Newbridge. God has already brought some folks there way but it is never easy to get going. Please pray for God to keep their wee group together and to add to it.
Unchanging God
05/02/2017 12:46I enjoyed preaching this morning on Psalm 85. The Psalmist looks in the past at what God has done to get on his knees in the present and pray for what God would do in the future. We had very good attendance in SS and church. It was also a joy to hear our children sing this morning.
Yesterday Benson was my partner as we knocked on doors. We had a few good opportunities to invite people to our church and share the Gospel.
Tomorrow is our monthly ladies' meeting. Please pray for Katie as she ministers to our ladies. Thank you for praying.