Back out doing flyers....
17/04/2017 10:40It was good to get my satchel back on and get out with Gospel flyers. I didn't speak with anyone but had a bit of refreshment as I listened to Evangelist Morris Gleiser. The weather was perfect and I put out probably 150-200 flyers through mail slots. This is a short week for me as my boys, myself, Pastor Don Dillman and Bernard Foy head near Cork, Ireland for men's camp. We'd appreciate your prayers for safety as we travel and for God to do a great work in our hearts.
Happy Resurrection Day!
16/04/2017 15:50We enjoyed celebrating the resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ. The Lord gave us a great attendance day which was a wonderful encouragement. We had a luncheon today after our morning services and then had an afternoon service. I shared several pictures from my trip to Israel with Scripture reading and hymns. It was a lot of fun. I also enjoyed preaching on "The Resurrected Lord Jesus" as we went with Him down the Emmaus Road.
God's good. Please pray for His finished work in the hearts of those who attended this morning.
Excited about some open doors.
13/04/2017 11:24The Lord has opened some doors for new ministry for our church beginning this summer. We needed a new location for our football tournament and the Lord helped us find a facility in a neighboring community of Auchendinny. We talked with the person in charge of organizing events at the Glencourse Centre and were able to schedule a five-a-side football tournament for 10 June. We were also able to schedule a Holiday Bible Club for the week of 10-14 July. (We will also have our HBC in Loanhead.)
We have been praying for several months about other areas nearby where we could do ministry. So, it is very exciting to see the Lord opening the door. Now that we have a plan, please pray for God to bring out the people to whom we can minister. Thanks for praying.
A different kind of busy....
12/04/2017 08:39Last week and this week are a different kind of evangelism busy-ness for us. Last week we put a lot of effort into the ladies' afternoon tea. This week we are getting ready for a special Easter Sunday as we have a lunch after the morning service and an afternoon service. I'm planning to share some of the pictures from my trip to Israel in the afternoon service. Please pray for families from our community to attend our Easter services. Please also pray for the Dillman's ministry as they have just printed a new church evangelism flyer and are preparing to put that out. I am also helping them set up their church website today and would appreciate your prayers for God to use that tool to draw people to their church plant.
Please pray ahead for God's power for men's camp in Ireland next week, 20-22 April. Myself, 4 of my boys, Bernard Foy and Don Dillman are traveling to Southern Ireland to attend. Last year God really worked in the hearts of the men and it is our desire to meet with Him again. Thank you for praying.
First Time Visitor
09/04/2017 12:57God gave us a first time visitor today who said that he will be back. He is the father of one of our faithful girls. It was a blessing to have him there. The Lord gave us a good morning. I preached this morning on "The Man God Chose" to take up the dead body of our Lord, Joseph of Arimathea. I enjoyed discovering more about Joseph than I knew before. There was a good Spirit in the service. The children also sang this morning and did a wonderful job for the Lord. You can hear them at the beginning of our sermon audio.
Now we are getting ready to head to the Trust Service (assisted living facility) at 2:00. God's good - thanks for praying.
Ladies meeting went very well!
08/04/2017 20:42I thought about putting as the title "Praising God for my wife" as she had so much to do with putting this great event together. I'm very thankful for the wonderful wife God has given me and was reminded of how special she is as she hosted this event. I want to brag on my kids as well as the oldest two worked very hard to serve everyone. Lilliana also put in a lot of hours baking and cooking with Katie the last several days. Her help was much appreciated.
The Lord gave us 35 ladies in attendance today. 24 were from 3 other area churches. Shellie Smith, a fellow missionary, shared her testimony and Katie gave the devotional. They had games, prizes, tea, scones, soup, assorted other goodies, fun and fellowship. It was a beautiful weather day as well which was nice. So, thank you for praying. God gave a great time to all who attended.
Here are some pics from the day. The four youngest kids went hiking with Don Dillman, Bella (dog) and myself. We also enjoyed our outing.
Breaking the "radio silence...."
06/04/2017 19:34Dear All,
I apologize for not updating this past week. However, I have a pretty good excuse as my computer has been in the shop from last Friday and I got it back this afternoon. I'm very thankful to have "my arm" back. It's funny how missing a normal part of your life really warps your week. My car was also gone this week which made life interesting. I also got that back this afternoon. So, onward, forward....
The ladies' meeting plans are coming on nicely. Please pray for God to do a great work on Saturday.
We have had several divine appointments this past week. Thank you for praying for those. I'll try to keep you better updated this next week as God opens those doors.
I preached this past Sunday on "Keeping Your Life from Ruin" from Ezekiel 18:30-32 and God gave us a good Sunday. Thanks for praying.
Helping Don in South Queensferry
29/03/2017 13:30Don and I enjoyed a good morning out doing flyers. We had one divine appointment with a man named John. I tried not to take much of his time as he was working on bagging up some work materials. However, he stopped and leaned against the truck and was engaged in our brief conversation. I gave him a John and Romans. Please pray that he will read it and think about the Gospel which I was able to share with him.
Rosewell is done.
28/03/2017 13:10I finished putting out flyers in Rosewell this morning. The Lord gave me two encouraging conversations. The first was with a man who is about 70 years old. God directed our conversation and I found out that he is good friends with a man who attends our church. God put that together as He allowed me to find out that information. I had a great opportunity to speak to HIm about the Gospel. I left a copy of John and Romans with him.
I also spoke with a man about the importance of truth. He spoke about respecting other people's beliefs. I said to him, "Let me put it to you this way. If your children thought it was ok for your grandchildren to play in the road, would you say anything?" He said, "I would share with them why they shouldn't do that, but ultimately it is up to them." I told him, "That is what I do as a minister." He gave me a great compliment as we parted by saying, "There is substance in what you say." Please pray that the substance of God's Word would open His eyes and that, God helping me, there would always be substance in my evangelism. God certainly guided in those conversations today.
Back into Edinburgh
27/03/2017 13:44I went back into Edinburgh this morning. The high pressure has remained in control of our weather and it was another very nice morning. Because of that I thougth it would be good to seek opportunities to witness in Edinburgh.
The Lord gave me 4 very good divine appointments this morning. The first was with a 17 year old Scot from about 20 miles away. She is an atheist - but I hope she will be someone who was an atheist. She thanked me for our conversation which lasted over 20 minutes.
The second one was with a man who is my age and was on holiday from Ireland. He was hard. He thinks that God exists but doesn't care about knowing him or about Heaven and Hell. Please pray that God will awaken his heart. I told him that I was doing my best to get him interested in something that was vitally important.
The third was with a couple on Holiday from Italy. I explained the differences between what God's Word teaches and what Catholicism teaches. They were engaged in the conversation but had to leave for an appointment.
The last was with a young man who attends a Baptist church in Dumfermline. Sadly, he is trusting in his goodness. However, I had a great opportunity to share with Him from the Bible why good people don't go to Heaven. (There is no such thing.) He also thanked me for the conversation.
Thanks for praying for these divine appointments. It was encouraging to have so many opportunities to engage people in conversations about the Lord. I also handed out a good number of Gospel flyers.