
The flyer is here.

14/05/2017 13:00

The flyer arrived very quickly and got in on Friday. So, Lord willing, we will begin to put this flyer out in our area soon. We had a church flyer distribution scheduled in Edinburgh for Saturday but cancelled because of the weather. We've rescheduled for this Saturday, weather permitting.

The leadership class in SS is going well. We finished lesson three of a four part series today as we looked at the responsabilities of leadership. 

This morning I preached on the flawed canvases that the master can use as we looked at Mark 10, "God used them, He'll use you." God doesn't need a fancy canvas, just a clean one. Mark 10 shows us a number of flaws of the disciples and yet God had a great plan for their lives. 

Now, we are getting ready to head to the Trust for an afternoon service there. God has given us a good day. Thank you for praying.

New flyer off to printer....

10/05/2017 12:55

Thank you for praying for me as I wrote a new flyer. The Lord helped me get it done and off to print. I-ve Got PEACE, do you- page 1.pdf (2234500)I-ve Got PEACE, do you- page 2.pdf (534575) I've put links to the pdf here if you'd like to see the new flyer. It will be printed on heavy glossy paper similar to a postcard.

Today Don Dillman and I put out flyers in Newtongrange. Got gave a great divine appointment with Richard. We spoke for half an hour as he had just finished cleaning up after mowing the lawn. He said as I left, "Thanks for a great conversation." God can open His heart. Please pray that He will do so.

Flyers in North Middleton

08/05/2017 12:03

This morning I went to a village about fifteen minutes away from Loanhead and put out flyers. It's not a big village and I finished putting flyers out in about an hour. Please pray that they will be read and that they will impact the heart of those who received them. I thought of an idea for a new flyer while I listened to Evangelist Morris Gleiser this morning. Please pray for me as I write a new flyer. The Lord knows what will best impact men's hearts. I need to write one in the very near future. I also need to prepare flyers for our football outreach in June and our 2 HBC's in July.

A "normal" Sunday.

07/05/2017 13:01

God gave us a good normal Sunday today. I'm not sure what normal means, but in this case, I can't think of anything unusual tha that happened today. The kids did a great job helping us get set up. We had a good church prayer time before the SS. We enjoyed week two of our leadership training in Sunday School. I am doing four weeks of lessons for those who desire to be active in our children's ministry. Each week we have  a handout. I'm recording them as well for future workers. Evangelist Jonathan Washer will be taking the adult/teen SS after I finish these lessons. They arrive in 9 days.

I preached this morning on, "God's Library." You may only think of the Bible when you think about God's books. However, I preached on the Bible and four other books which are in God's library. Tonight we continue our study of John looking at the blessings of being a child of God from John 14. We're also going to observe the Lord's Supper. Thank you for praying for our day. It's been a good "normal" Sunday.

A divine appointment with a believer.

03/05/2017 10:23

The Lord allowed us to meet a man, Jonathan, yesterday who is born again. His family is just moving up from England to Scotland. He got saved when he was 12 at a Baptist church in Singapore. He said that they will try to visit the church in a couple of weeks. They are still trying to sell their home in England. Please pray that it will sell.

We know that they may never visit the church. However, it is refreshing to meet someone who is saved. Please pray for Jesus to build His church in Loanhead. "I will build my church." I was struck recently in studying John 14 that Jesus says, "Whatsoever ye shall ask in my name THAT WILL I DO."  He says it that same way a couple of times. His disciples knew him personally and were given assurance by Him of His promises.

Talking to people in Edinburgh

01/05/2017 13:00

It was a very nice morning to head into Edinburgh and seek one on one opportunities to share the Gospel. The Lord gave me a handful of opportunities. One good opportunity was with Jimmy who moved to Scotland from England to get a fresh start on life. He has a friend who is born again and has seen a great change in her life. We spoke for about 15 minutes.

One of the best opportunities was with a college age young man from Brazil. Lucas has left Brazil because of the political upheaval currently taking place. He was sitting in front of a shop sipping a drink and reading poetry. He is studying literature and enjoys writing. He had an incredible ability to listen and allowed me to fully introduce him to the Gospel.

Please pray for both of these men to read the Gospel of John and Romans that I left with them. Please also pray for a middle aged woman who is an atheist. I spoke with her for over 20 minutes and told her, "I'm trying hard because I really don't want you to go to Hell." Please pray that God will awaken her heart to the absolute truth of His existence.

God's good. Please pray for His continued intervention in our work and ministry. We need Holy Ghost power here. Thank you for your prayers.

visitor back

30/04/2017 13:51

It was joy to have our visitor from last Sunday back with us today. We had a good morning. I preached this morning a continuation from the message last week on Joel 2:12-13.

Benson was my door to door partner yesterday. I told him as we knocked on doors, "I feel like I am a part of the community when I know 3 of the people who answered their doors this morning." We love Loanhead and are thankful for the many friends He has given us here.

One of the things that we are still praying about as a church is a permanent location for our ministry. We are very thankful for where we meet. It is a great location. Those who manage the property have been very gracious to our ministry. We'll be happy to be in this location as long as God intends. However, in the long term goals of church planting, there is an awareness that we need a permanent church home. We also realize that we could do more if we had a building 24/7. So, please continue to pray for God's guidance and provision in that regard.

Outreach in South Queensferry

26/04/2017 13:59

This morning Don Dillman and I put flyers out for their church in a village not far from where they live. I had one really good opportunity to speak with a man. Jamie, has dreadlocks and ear plugs. He was dressed in his work clothes as he and some other guys were clearing tree branches from properties. He said that he has never read the Bible. God opened up the conversation and we spoke for 15 minutes even though his co-workers occasionally teased him during that time. I believe Jamie is teachable and somewhat receptive. Please pray that Jamie's interest would be peaked by God and that he would read the John and Romans I gave to him. Please also pray for Don to get new contacts and for the Gospel seed sown to bear much fruit. Thank you for your prayers for these outreach opportunities.

Flyers in Edinburgh

25/04/2017 14:35

I've been putting out flyers on the outskirts of Edinburgh again. I did this area about two years ago. It is cold (occasional flurries) but it wasn't too uncomfortable. I was out for about two hours and put out a couple hundred flyers. I didn't witness to anyone this morning. I did however have the opportunity to encourage someone *whom many of you have often prayed for - to obey the Gospel and ask Jesus into his heart. Please pray that he will make that definited decision to trust Christ.

I forgot to mention that the Lord gave me a great divine appointment in Ireland with two teenage girls. They were sober and thanked me for the conversation. Please pray that God will awaken their hearts as well.

I've recently preached about the Great White Throne Judgment - and the judgment of the sheep and goats. I can't imagine how we'll feel if there are people present at these judgments who were within our ability to reach with the Gospel - and we didn't do anything about it. Please pray that we'll be faithful messengers of God's good news.

Back from camp refreshed....

23/04/2017 12:57

The Lord gave us a great time away at camp. I feel as if we were gone for one really long good day as it is all a blur. We left Thursday morning just before 6:00 AM and got back last night after 9:00 PM. We had good weather, good health, good fellowship, good food, - so praise the Lord for His many blessings. Tonight in our evening service we are going to share some testimonies of what God did in our hearts the last few days.

We had a first time visitor today. We have had an adult visitor (different ones) for each of the last three Sunday mornings. If you have been praying specifically about that - thank you. God is at work - please keep praying. I anticipate at least two of them continuing to come and I hope we'll see the third again.

I preached this morning on "Truth to Turn us to God" from Joel 2:12-13. Joel gives a great outline of what God means when he tells us to repent. There was a good spirit in the service even though it was a straight forward message from that passage. We need some heavy hitting truth to get us where God wants us to be. I'd appreciate your prayers for my preaching that God will help me to speak as He wants me to speak. Thank you for praying with us for God's blessing. God is good. (Below is a picture from our devotion time yesterday morning. In the background is a monastery near the property where we had men's camp.) Please pray for Bernard (on right) and violet. Their fifty one year old daughter died of a heart attack a few weeks ago. They have demonstrated the great grace of God but I'm sure they would appreciate your prayers.

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