
Putting out the new flyer....

14/06/2017 12:51

Please pray for the new flyer as we begin to put it out in our community. I put it and an invitation to HBC out this morning for a little while. We have some special prayer requests this week as well. Evangelist Jonathan Washer has a meeting with prison staff in London tomorrow morning at 10:00 (5 AM EST). Please pray for the leading of the Holy Spirit in that meeting. Also please pray with us about the parade this Friday. Benson and I have made a wee float. Our theme for HBC this summer is, "It's a Jungle Out There." Below is a pic of the float. Mac will be a lion on Friday. Please pray for no rain and for the invitations to HBC to be well received.


Harvest time

12/06/2017 16:08

The Lord gave such an incredible divine appointment today! The Lord allowed me to lead a 22 year old man to the Lord. Please pray for Fraser. He has some big decisions (because of his salvation) ahead of him. 

He is planning to cycle 30 miles to come to church on Sunday morning. Please pray for good weather. 

God gave a few other divine appointments, but I have never had a divine appointment as significant (to my eyes) as what the Lord did today. Please rejoice with us and pray for Fraser. Thank you for praying.


God gave us a good Sunday,

11/06/2017 20:14

The Lord encouraged my heart today with a lighter load. I'm already enjoying having Evangelist Washer teach our adult and teen SS. He's taking us through a study of justifcation in the book of Romans. This afternoon a English young man who is attending a nearby Bible college preached at the Trust Service. George will not be with our church for very long as he is finishing his studies. But, we really appreciate his love for the Lord and servant's heart. It was good to have 3 other of our teens plus our kids in attendance at that ministry.

I preached this morning on "Coming to Jesus" with the story of Blind Bartemaeus. I received a couple phone calls during the service from a teenager who lost his hoodie at the tournament yesterday. (I didn't answer :) but it rang through to the phone.) My phone records our services and it canceled the recording. So, unfortunately I'm not able to share that message with you.

Thank you for praying for Mac. He is doing well. Please pray for a good friend of ours who was in a bad car accident and has neck injuries. She is a faithful prayer warrior for our ministry.

Good Tournament

10/06/2017 20:01

Thank you for praying with us for the tournament today. It was obvious that people were praying. We had a low pressure system moving through with some heavy rain this morning. We played dodge ball inside for half an hour before heading outside to play football in dry weather just after 10:00am. The rain was supposed to be around until noon but we didn't have any rain after we went outside.

God brought a group of respectful young people who listened attentively to the preaching. They also had good attitudes on the pitch. We had 10 teens visiting. The rest were adults and teens with our church. We had 4 teams of 5. God also provided a referee as a US Bible college student was visiting a Bible college over here. A student who attends our church from that school invited him to help at our tournament and he did a wonderful job.

There were no injuries today on the pitch. However, Mac fell out of a swing at the tournament. He now has a cast on his leg. The x-ray showed no obvious break but he won't walk on it. So, please pray for quick healing and for grace for him as he adapts to having something on his leg that he wants off of his leg. :)

God's good. We give Him glory for what he did today. Jonathan Washer did a great job in preaching a Gospel message to the young people. One teen made a definite decision to trust Christ and confirmed that with speaking with a couple of us adults. Several other teens appeared to make decisions. Peer pressure is very tough here. Please pray that we can break through in reaching young people for Jesus.

She said yes.....

07/06/2017 08:49

18 years ago today, I asked one of the most important questions of my life and I'm very thankful that Katie agreed to marry me! God has been EXTREMELY good to us and we are very thankful for the Lord's leading in our lives.

Football flyers at area schools....

05/06/2017 16:21

We are pushing to get as many fliers out to young people as possible. We've given stacks of flyers to three highschools and they have said they will distribute them. We also stood outside of a local highschool and handed out flyers today at dismissal. God gave a wonderful divine appointment with a girl who used to attend our church with her family. It was so good to see her. Please pray that her family will come back and visit the church. Some of our groups also saw a young man who came to the tournament last year. Please pray that he will want to come again.


Good Sunday

04/06/2017 12:54

God has blessed us with incredible weather (so far) this summer. We enjoyed that good weather today. Attendance was good and there was a good spirit in the services. It was a blessing to have Jonathan Washer teach Sunday School this morning on Justification. He is going to take the adult/ teen SS hour for me which is a big help.

I preached this morning on Watchman, What of the Night? from Ezekiel 33:1-9. Thanks for praying for our ministry.

Saturday is our football tournament. Please pray for God's power and work in the hearts of those who come.

Busy times....

01/06/2017 08:08

Well, we enjoyed the slowness of the Spring knowing that we would be off and running this summer and we are into that pace. The Fellowship Meeting which we hosted went very well. Evangelist Washer shared with us how God has opened the doors for their prison ministry and preached an encouraging message on fighting and finishing for the Lord. Our family also enjoyed doing special music with their family.

Those who were able to be there went away encouraged. Thank you for praying for that day. 

Yesterday morning I put out more flyers than I have ever put out in one morning! :) But, there is a reason. I went to 8 primary (elementary) schools with our Holiday Bible Club flyer. I also went to two highschools with our Football tournament flyer. All of these flyers have our website on them which would be an open door for the Gospel. Please pray for the several thousand students and families who will take these into their homes. 

Please also pray for just the right turnout. Last year we had a lot of staff for the football tournament and not many participants. (But, it was accidentally scheduled on the Scottish Cup Final (footbal championship). This year we don't have much staff - and we could potentially have a good turnout. 


Into Edinburgh....

29/05/2017 13:45

This morning I went into Edinburgh seeking witnessing opportunities and handing out flyers. It was very difficult at first. I don't know if it was natural - Monday morning blues/ colder weather blues/ hangover blues.... But, people weren't very engaging at first. 

However, that changed when I met and 18 year old man, Kyle. Please pray for Kyle. I spoke with him for nearly an hour and a half as we sat on a park bench and I know the Lord was working in this young atheist's heart. I believe that there is a pretty good chance Brian will visit our church. Regardless of whether we ever see him again, please pray for God to break through in His life. He said, "I have been wondering, 'What's life all about?'" He also said, "You are almost convincing me." He was thoughtful and when a point was proven he accepted the point.

Afterwards I spoke with Duggy who is a recovering alcoholic. He had been an alcoholic for 31 years. I was able to show him the Gospel and encourage him to trust Christ. I believe he was very close to making a decision to trust the Lord. Please pray that He will do so. He had purposely sat down near where I was speaking with two boys. He had heard the conversation while walking past to buy a coffee. He returned with his coffee and sat nearby.

Please pray for Katie as she and two other ladies are working just now preparing for our fellowship meeting tomorrow. Please also pray for Evangelist Jonathan Washer as He opens God's Word with us tomorrow.

God's good. We're seeing His hand at work. Thank you for praying.

A GOOD morning.

28/05/2017 13:08

Everyone was able to be in church this morning and that was a blessing. God gave us a good spirit in the services and liberty in the teaching and preaching. We finished the last lesson for our leadership training. So, I now have the sermon audio, handouts and notes as a resource for anyone who wants to pariticpate in our ministry.

I preached this message on a sobering question asked by a disciple of Jesus, "Lord, are there few that be saved?" Please pray for those who hear it to be moved to either get saved or get involved in evangelism. Jesus answered with One Instruction To Be Saved and talked about the reality of the "many" who are on their way to Hell. Our children also sang this morning and did a fabulous job praising the Lord. Thank you for praying for our service.

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