
Outreach this week....

06/07/2017 13:22

The Lord has given us a good week. On Monday my family helped me put out the HBC flyer through the village of Auchendinny. We met a 7 year old who we hope will come. We also had a lady email about registration. So, Lord willing, both of those contacts will come to HBC. It was fun putting out flyers as a family. 

Yesterday, Jonathan, George and I went an hour away into the Scottish Borders near where Fraser lives. He wasn't home (he was actually up in Loanhead) but we had good ministry opportunities. The fellowship was great and we put out a good number of flyers. We had a couple small divine appointments as well.

Please pray for George. He is off on his evangelistic travels now as a representative of Faith Mission. We'll probably see him next in September.

This next week is our first week of HBC. Please pray for the Spirit of God to bring children and families along. Please also pray for every Bible lesson and Gospel opportunity. We're going to have a half hour prayer time each day. Please pray for God's special blessing upon those times.

The Hikin family is also moving next week. So, they have a particularly busy week as they get their things packed and unpacked. I'm sure they would appreciate your prayers for their move. (They aren't moving away from the church.) It is a move within our area.

First time visitor....

02/07/2017 12:54

The Lord has given us consistent first time visitors. Thursday night we had the relative of some of our teens and it was her first time. We had another teen back and two other visitors. It was an unusual night and we give God glory for it. Today we had a first time teen visitor who has attended a youth activity but not a church service. She also has family in our church. Please pray for her salvation.

God gave us a good morning. Brother Washer taught in SS on the reckoning that is correct regarding the death of the "old man." It was good and helpful. I preached this morning from Isaiah 55:6-13 on Seeking and FINDING God. Please pray for the Spirit of God to wrestle with those who need to get saved and to stir up the hearts of believers to walk with God. It was a good morning.

Thank you for your prayers for our ministry!

Rain, rain, has come to stay....

29/06/2017 16:12

The rain all day today and Tuesday, makes me even more thankful for the weather we had for our outdoor events. It has limited my evangelism a little bit but, has also allowed me to get some extra things done.

One of those extra things was a discipleship time with the young lady who got saved this past weekend. Katie and I enjoyed spending an hour with her and introducing her to some truths from God's Word. Lord willing, we will see her in church tonight. Please also pray for some friends of hers that she hopes will join her in church at some point. Thanks for praying.

Georgia Boys Choir

26/06/2017 21:07

Our family enjoyed a special treat today as the Georgia Boys Choir sang at St. Giles Cathedral in Edinburgh. A man who works at Bob Jones is traveling with them and it was fun to speak with him as well. They were incredible! 

Afterwards I did evanglism in Edinburgh. People seemed especially hard today. However, I had a good open conversation with George who is an older man. I was able to share the Gospel with him and encourage him to accept Christ. Mel, was a middle aged woman, who is a Quaker. I found out that Quakerism is basically paganistic in belief of a power but no authoritative word (unless you chose to believe that.) Please pray that God will opens Mel's heart. I didn't hide the truth from her.

The last opportunity was the most fun and seemed to impact the hearts of those I was speaking to. It began with a conversation with three teen boys from Argentina on a park bench. It ended with a group of 15 teen boys from Argentina (their group was touring Edinburgh). 4 of them heard a full Gospel presentation and it was evident in their eyes that their hearts were open and understanding the truth. It ended with me sharing my testimony of salvation with all fifteen of them.  Please pray for their salvation.

Thank you for praying with us for divine appointments. God gave some really good opportunities to share the Truth today.


***** BIG PRAISE - the 14 year old who got saved on Saturday was in church Sunday night. We have planned discipleship. Please keep her in your prayers.

A good morning....

25/06/2017 12:43

The Lord gave us a good morning with very good attendance. We didn't see Fraser in church yet, but I had communication from him this morning. Please pray for him as he grows in the Lord. He has started discipleship.

I preached this morning a message contrasting a question of Judas - "What will you give me and I will deliver him unto you?" with a question of Saul of Tarsus - "Lord, what wilt thou have me to do?" I hope that it benefited the hearers, but I know that God used it in my own heart.

Please pray for our service this evening. Perhaps some of those who we'd hoped to see this morning will be there this evening. Thank you for praying.

Fruitful ministry at Gala Day.

24/06/2017 18:23

God gave us fruitful ministry today as we participated in the Gala Day *Community Childern's fair. It was incredibly windy - but the Lord keps us dry. We have made a mental note to pray about the wind and the rain next year. It was mostly cloudy but when the sun came out it warmed right up.

We were able to hand out a lot of literature and spoke with many people. Several of these we have shared the Gospel with in the past. The Lord gave another incredible divine appointment to Katie as she was able to lead a 14 year old girl to Christ. They spoke for well over an hour. Please pray for this young lady. She had been reading her sister's Bible because she was seeking God. Praise God!

Tomorrow is an important Sunday. Please pray that some of these we met today would visit with us tomorrow. Thank you for your important part in our ministry! (The photo's don't begin to show how many people were there as they were take towards the beginning and end of the day!)




Met up with Fraser....

21/06/2017 13:59

Two Bible college guys (Twin giants - George and Harry), myself and Jonathan Washer went down into the Borders today and met up with Fraser. He lives almost an hour from us. We had a great chat and gave him some discipleship materials. Lord willing, he will take bus to church this next Sunday. Thank you for praying for him.

We also put out Gospel flyers for about an hour in a nearby village. The Lord gave us just the right weather. It rained while we were in the coffee shop and stopped by the time we were ready to head out.

Please pray for George as he prepares to preach at the youth activity on Friday. He preached the Trust service this month and did a great job. Please also pray for a special prayer time we have planned for this coming Sunday. Thank you for praying!

Edinburgh evangelism....

19/06/2017 13:54

I enjoyed getting out to do evangelism in Edinburgh this morning. The Lord gave three good witnessing opportunities. The best was with Connor who is a chef at a very nice hotel in Edinburgh. He said that he is open minded and the conversation leads me to believe that he truly is. Please pray for God to open his eyes and that he will read the John and Romans which I gave to him.

I also witnessed to a man from London. He said the attack at the Mosque last night is very near where he stays. He is an atheist but the Lord gave me a good platform to present the Gospel to him. Please pray as well that he will seek the Lord. ("Slim" is his name.)

While I was doing evangelism, Emily Washer and Katie went to a play park with the kids to let them play while they worked on planning HBC. They had a productive morning. Thank you for praying for our upcoming special ministries.


Happy Father's Day!

18/06/2017 15:07

Happy Father's DayI The Lord gave us a good Father's day this morning. We enjoyed good attendance and good attention given to God's Word. Frazer didn't make it this morning but I know he intended to be here. We enjoyed having my mom's first cousin and his wife with us this morning. We were both rejoicing in the heritage God has given to our family. It was fun to catch up with them.

I preached this morning on Job 1:5, "Be a Godly Father." Job had a wonderful sanctifying influence on his family. He was aware of his responsability as the spiritual head of his home. God give us more men like Job! 

As we head into this week, please pray for the children's fair on Saturday. We have a testimony of letting people know that we are praying for good weather. Please pray with us that God would both bless the weather and the spiritual impact of that day. Our HBC has born significant fruit for our ministry. We'll be handing out flyers and inviting children to attend. This year we have two separate weeks of HBC in different locations. We appreciate your prayers as we get ready and get the word out. Thanks for praying for our services today.

Parade!!!!! :)

16/06/2017 22:39

God gave us great weather (no rain and blue sky above us) for the parade and all went very well. Thank you for praying for this fun event! We were able to give out a lot of invitations to our Holiday Bible Club and we got third place (competition) for large walking group. A friend of mine is a professional photographer and took the photo below for us. (A couple of people from our group missed this photo opportunity.) God answered prayer tonight!


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