Two days and counting....
27/09/2017 15:04Lord willing, we should have the keys to our home on Friday. Everything has to this point gone incredibly well - thank you for praying. Having two homes this next month will be a blessing for housing our extra guests. Our guests have also indicated that they are willing helpers to paint and prepare the new home. :)
God gave Don Dillman and I a good time of fellowship this morning as we put out flyers over in New Bridge. Please pray for God to help them get some new contacts for their ministry. Please also pray for Don's father this week as he has a surgery. I know he'd appreicate your prayers.
Getting Ready for Evangelistic Meetings
25/09/2017 20:28We have a fun schedule ahead of us and we've already been blessed with special speakers. But, coming next, is George Clayson this Sunday PM. George is a young man from England who has a big heart for the Lord. We wish he was up here with us all the time but he is already busy in ministry.
Then, the 8-13 of October we have Evangelistic Meetings with Andy Gleiser. His wife, Brynn, and co-worker, Sarah, will be with us. I sent a flyer out to print today. It will be the size and feel of a baseball card. Please pray with us for God's Spirit to do a deep work in everyone's heart.
Pastor Dillman
24/09/2017 12:40Our church is blessed today to have Pastor Don Dillman preaching in all of our services. He taught on personal devotion to God in SS and abiding in Christ in the morning service. Tonight he is going to preach on a minor prophet. The attendance was good and the spirit in the service was great. God very evidently blessed the preaching of His word. We had a young college student from Finland visiting with us this morning.
I'll upload Don's message on Abiding in Christ. It will be a blessing to you if you have an opportunity to listen to it.
Walker Family Ministry
22/09/2017 18:33The Lord gave us a wonderful time with the Walker family. They did three songs and then ministered by teaching the children and Pastor Walker preached to the teens and adults. It was a blessing to have a lady come out to her third service this year. Her children regularly attend. It was also good to have a British college student, George, back with us. He is such a blessing. He preached to the teens tonight at our youth activity. Thank you for your prayers for our ministry.
More flyers....
20/09/2017 13:38Please pray that the flyers that went out this morning will speak to the hearts of those who received them. It's very sad to think how many people don't have God's peace. This flyer is entitled, "I've got peace. Do you?" I put flyers out for a couple of hours and enjoyed listening to Dr. Rick Flanders preach on a great revival passage in God's Word. We need revival. Please pray....
Out and about....
18/09/2017 12:20I was able to get out this morning to put flyers out in our community. We're finally into a little period of settled weather. We've had lots of passing showers every day for the last several weeks. It was an interesting day as I saw most of our church kids with some of their family members. The children are off school today as it is their September weekend when they get Friday and Monday off. I was able to remind them about our special service with the Walker family this Thursday. It was a blessing to me as I walked to listen to Dr. Richard Flanders preach by way of Sermon Audio. He is preaching at our church next month. I'm looking forward to all the special speakers God has coming to our church in the next month.
I had one divine appointment with a lady (30's) who said she had never gone to church. I went out of my way to take her a flyer and she kindly accepted it. Please pray for God to awaken her heart.
Getting ready to be busy....
17/09/2017 12:53The Lord gave us a good Sunday with good attendance despite a large family being away on holiday. We had two children who visited for the first time today. I preached this morning on Samuel's Call from 1 Samuel 3. Samuel was chosen by God but it was not without scrutiny. He was a young man prepared for God to use.
We have a busy calendar coming. Thursday we have the Jim Walker family with us. Friday is a youth activity. Saturday is a men's prayer breakfast at another church. The calendar keeps going - but we'd appreciate your prayers for the events of this week. Thank you for praying.
14/09/2017 13:33I was able to get out in lovely weather later this morning to put out flyers in our community. Please pray for those who read these flyers. I'm convinced they will generate a lot of conversation and thought. God's Word doesn't return void. Part of my convincement is a 15 minute phone call I just had from someone who received it. Please pray that God will meet the needs in this person's life. God led in our conversation and opened the door for the Gospel.
We'd appreciate your prayers for our midweek service this evening. The adult/teen class is in our 5th lesson on the book of Genesis. We're not doing a verse by verse study, but are looking at the stories found in this book. We're studying God's judgment upon man's sin this evening. Please also pray for Katie's class. She does a great job working with a wide range of ages. We'd love to see some of these children trust Christ.
House stuff....
13/09/2017 14:49Thank you for your prayers as we prepare to close on the house and then move. God's hand has been very evident in everything and we look forward to sharing the story of God's provision.
I put out flyers this past Monday but rain and house papwerwork have taken up other time. Please pray for wisdom how to use our time in the coming days. God has provided preaching help during this time. An evangelist friend, who has now taken a church pastorate, and his family will be with us next Thursday. We found out they were going to be over here just in the last few days. Please pray that the Jim Walker family will be a blessing. They are musically gifted and will be sharing that ministry on that night.
George Clayson, a college student, will be preaching in the PM service on 1 October. Evangelist Andy Gleiser will be preaching all of 8 October and a week of meetings. So, God's timing is perfect in that regard as well. Brother Gleiser, his wife and co-worker are also excited to help us redecorate the home before moving into it. Praise the Lord for good friends who are willing to give a helping hand and who are excited to see God's provision! Thank you for your participation in prayer for all of these ministry opportunities and home prayer requests! Very much appreciated!
Still here.....
11/09/2017 08:43We had a busy but very good weekend. Friends of our's from Alabama, Russel and Phyllis Dethridge, were here visiting this weekend as they do a whirlwind tour of the UK/ Ireland. There visiting several different ministries. It was fun to catch up with them and for Katie to get to know them. I had enjoyed getting to know them on my trip to Israel in January.
The Trust service yesterday was very well attended. Please pray for those dear people to get saved. It is always evident that God is working there. We had very good services yesterday. I preached in the morning service on, "The Revival We Need" from Isaiah 41. I forgot to hit the record button and so I don't have audio from that service.
Russ took some pictures of the home we are purchasing and the area nearby. I think you'll enjoy seeing what God has provided. Please continue to pray for the paperwork that needs to be completed before the closing on 29 September. (It is the left side of the shot below. Most homes here are attached on one side or both. So, this is called a semi-detached house.)