
"Views from the Pews"

23/08/2017 11:33

The Lord has given me the opportunity to contribute an article for a column in our local newspaper once or twice a year. The article which I wrote came out today. Please pray that God will use it to peak people's curiosity to read the Bible. I'll attach a photo of the article below and if I remember, will link the online article next week when it become available.

Please continue to pray with us for a permanent location for our church. God's given us a great temporary location which has been a huge blessing to our ministry. But, one of our long term goals is to find God's provision for a permanent home for our church. We had a meeting with an individual today regarding that desire. Nothing may come from this discussion but it may lead to an open door. There is a great possiblity just now - so, please pray.

The Lord gave me a good divine appointment yesterday as I took my boys fishing. Please pray for Harris. He is a chinese student studying in England. He was on holiday up in Scotland with a friend of his. We had a great chat about God and Budha (Idolatry). He asked some really good questions. I told him that idolatry "worships something that you have made. If you have made it, then you are greater than it. As a Christian, I worship the God who made me." He is also strongly bound to his religion because of ancestry. I told him that his ancestors whether in Heaven or Hell would want him more than anything to know the Creator. I said, "The best way to honor your ancestors would be to get to know God." Please pray that God will open His eyes. I'll put a picture below of Parker with a fish he caught yesterday and a fun rainbow picture from a few days ago.

God's good. We know that He has a perfect plan for us daily and for the future of Free Baptist Church. Thanks for praying!

Flyers in Loanhead

21/08/2017 11:39

It's been so busy this summer that I have yet to put my "new" Gospel flyer out through our area. This morning I put it out for a couple of hours as I listened to a couple messages by Evangelist John Goetsch on my phone. The Lord gave me two divine appointments. One was with a Catholic and the other with a Muslim.  The weather was beautiful. This afternoon that will briefly change as the remnants from Hurricane Gert pass through our area. It will just be a bit of rain.

This Friday we have a youth activity and would appreciate your prayers for that event. We've enjoyed our monthly get together as we play games, eat and have a challenge from the Word of God. Thank you for your prayers.

"The Day in Which We Live"

20/08/2017 12:56

I preached a message today and helped me this week as it identifies the false religion of our day. I preached from Jeremiah 23, on "The Day in Which We Live." The false religion he identified was idolatrous, sexually perverse, humanistic, denied judgment and was not of God. It is absolutely the false teaching we are still fighting against today. God gave us a good morning and we were encouraged to have a young woman visit who is looking for a good church. Please pray that God will continue to do the great work that it is evident He is doing in her life. We also enjoyed having Amanda Baker sing this morning. Amanda just arrived in England a couple months ago to assist in a ministry in Peterburgh.

God's good. We're thankful to Him for His grace and help today. Thank you for your prayers.

health update :)

18/08/2017 17:18

Thanks for praying for the kids. We've turned the corner, it seems on the illness. Mac has really perked up today. He's been on an antibiotic for all of yesterday and today. Kay Lee seems to be doing better as well.

We're enjoying having Amanda Baker with us for a few days. She's a friend of ours who is also with BWM. She just finished deputation and arrived in England this year.

Our Bible study and kids club went well last night. Kay Lee was able to stay home and watch Mac. Thanks for your prayers.

Flyers with Don

16/08/2017 14:07

Don and I put out flyers in my area today. We were able to get a good bit done and the rain held off until just as we finished. I shared the Gospel with a man whom I've witnessed to before. He is 50 years my senior and is 90. He made some definite statements regarding his need to visit our church and the need to think about eternity. I told him about the thief on the cross sharing that it was never too late to believe on Jesus. Please pray for Jimmy.

We'd appreciate your continued prayers for the health of our family. Mac is pretty ill. We're going to take him in to the Dr. again this afternoon. He's been running a significant fever since Sunday night. Also, Kay Lee (14) had an x-ray yesterday which showed that she has pnemonia. Thank you for praying.

Into Edinburgh

15/08/2017 14:18

It is festival season in Edinburgh which means that the population of the city (500,000) doubles for a coulple of weeks. It is crazy down there to say the least. I went in this morning to do evangelism and to seek one on one opportunities to present the Gospel. I was there for over two hours and the majority of the time was speaking to one of three young men.

I spoke with Stewart (atheist/ unchurched) for close to twenty minutes as he was on a break from his work at a bank. He said as we started to chat, "I don't speak about religion." It didn't hurt our conversation and God gave me a great opportunity to peek his curiousity in the things of God's Word. I left him with a John and Romans.

I then spoke with Michael (construction workers who grew up Catholic) for 15 minutes on his break. It was only his break ending that ended our conversation. He was very interested in the truth I was sharing. He shook my hand and spoke of how he enjoyed using his break in that way. He also told me the times of day when he is normally in that park on his break. I may see him again.

The last opportunity was the toughest and the longest. Paula is a guy from Italy who is here for a few weeks. He has come to faith in God but is a strong evolutionist and is studying medicine. We went through a lot of Scripture. He is an ideal example of Romans 1, "Professing themselves to be wise they became fools." That is where our conversation ended as he did what God's Word says he would do and defended wicked lifestyles. He shook my hand and told me that he really liked me and was thankful for our conversation. I spoke with him for about an hour and 20 minutes.

Only God can open hearts like these. Please pray for God's power to touch these lives for His glory.

My parents and aunt are safely back home. Thank you for praying for them.

Family Sunday

14/08/2017 13:41

Thank you for praying for our family Sunday. It was a great success and I anticipate this becoming an annual follow up to our HBC. We had 7 visitors who came specifically for that Sunday. God gave us very good attendance and there was a very sweet spirit. I enjoyed singing a duet with  my mum and then having my dad preach the morning service. After lunch we played some games and then I preached a 15 minute message on being a part of the family of God. 

My dad, son and I ran up to the Trust (assisted living facility) immediately afterwards for a 2:00 service there. Dad preached on John 3:15-17 at the Trust. We had good attendance (10 plus us) and a good spirit in that service as well.

Thank you for praying for that special service. Please continue to pray for our health. Two of my kids were in to the Dr.'s today. Kay Lee had a x-ray to see if she has pnemonia. We won't know on that until later but they have put her on another antibiotic. Mac has been given a vaporizer (asthma type) to help his cough. We'll make it - but would appreciate your prayers as well. A single missionary is scheduled to be with us this Thursday through the weekend. 

My family that were visiting are on their way back to the States just now. We had a really good time. It's a blessing to have Christian family. Thanks for praying for our time with them.

Great Thursday

11/08/2017 17:16

We had great attendance by our children last night as we had 5 children attend for their first Thursday night. 3 of those were there for their first time at any service. Please pray for Katie as she ministers to the children on Thursday nights and Sundays.

We're still enjoying having my family here and look forward to ministering with them this Sunday as we host a family Sunday. We've encouraged families to attend and know that some are making plans to come. Meanwhile, our family and others have struggled with a very bad cold the last couple of weeks. Please pray that everyone will be well and able to attend. Thank you for praying.

Back from Holiday

06/08/2017 08:38

The Lord gave us a wonderful time away as a family in the Yorkshire Dales in North West England. The place we stayed was an old english barn which was converted into a residence. God gave us just the right place to really get away. 

I have uploaded the message from last week on, "Keeping Comany with Christ." I continued that message this week as I preached part 2 of Keeping Company with Christ from Proverbs 8.

Our attendance was down as the Hikins, Lilliana and Inis were away. We also had illness keep a couple others away. The Lord was gracious to meet with us and we had a good morning. Tonight we are going to have a communion service. It will be a different  structure of service as we will look at pictures from Israel while reading the story of the death of Christ and singing hymns. I'm looking forward to what God will do in our hearts this evening. Thank you for your prayers for our ministry. (Below are some pics from our family time. You'll notice some interesting driving in Northern England.)

Day 5 and Sunday

31/07/2017 07:28

God gave us a great finish to a great week. We had 3 first time visitors on Friday. One of those came to the Thursday film night the night before. It was his first time ever to our church. We were praying that someone would come with whom we had not had contact before. Also, two of our HBC kids were there on Sunday. Their other brother would have been there but he was ill. Next week, their teenage sister has said that she will come. Please pray for their family.

We have so appreciated having the Washer family with us. Sadly... :) yesterday was their last Sunday. We are going to miss them. Please pray for their safety and for God's great blessing upon their family for their ministry here in Scotland.

It was a joy to have my dad preach last night. We are getting away as a family today on a short vacation. In two weeks we have a family service planned. It seems that we could have a number of family members attend. Please pray for God's special blessing on that day.

I was unable to upload my message to sermon audio as my computer is in at the shop. (I'm using Katie's computer to update.) I preached yesterday on "Keeping Comany with Christ" from Proverbs 8, the personification of wisdom. God gave us a really good day.

Thank you for your part in our ministry this past week. God has done great things for us whereof we are glad. 32 children in total came this past week.

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