
House stuff....

13/09/2017 14:49

Thank you for your prayers as we prepare to close on the house and then move. God's hand has been very evident in everything and we look forward to sharing the story of God's provision.

I put out flyers this past Monday but rain and house papwerwork have taken up other time. Please pray for wisdom how to use our time in the coming days. God has provided preaching help during this time. An evangelist friend, who has now taken a church pastorate, and his family will be with us next Thursday. We found out they were going to be over here just in the last few days. Please pray that the Jim Walker family will be a blessing. They are musically gifted and will be sharing that ministry on that night.

George Clayson, a college student, will be preaching in the PM service on 1 October. Evangelist Andy Gleiser will be preaching all of 8 October and a week of meetings. So, God's timing is perfect in that regard as well. Brother Gleiser, his wife and co-worker are also excited to help us redecorate the home before moving into it. Praise the Lord for good friends who are willing to give a helping hand and who are excited to see God's provision! Thank you for your participation in prayer for all of these ministry opportunities and home prayer requests! Very much appreciated!

Still here.....

11/09/2017 08:43

We had a busy but very good weekend. Friends of our's from Alabama, Russel and Phyllis Dethridge, were here visiting this weekend as they do a whirlwind tour of the UK/ Ireland. There visiting several different ministries. It was fun to catch up with them and for Katie to get to know them. I had enjoyed getting to know them on my trip to Israel in January.

The Trust service yesterday was very well attended. Please pray for those dear people to get saved. It is always evident that God is working there. We had very good services yesterday. I preached in the morning service on, "The Revival We Need" from Isaiah 41. I forgot to hit the record button and so I don't have audio from that service. 

Russ took some pictures of the home we are purchasing and the area nearby. I think you'll enjoy seeing what God has provided. Please continue to pray for the paperwork that needs to be completed before the closing on 29 September. (It is the left side of the shot below. Most homes here are attached on one side or both. So, this is called a semi-detached house.)

Offer Accepted!!!!!

09/09/2017 09:37

Our house offer was accepted and we are rejoicing in the Lord. God has so clearly led in the process. Please pray for His continued grace as we close on 29 September. We are amazed at God's goodness! Below are a couple pictures. It is 3 miles/ ten minutes from our church location in a neighboring community.



Outreach this week....

06/09/2017 13:14

God gave Katie a good ladies' meeting on Monday night with 4 ladies able to attend. One other lady would have been there if she had been well. I was also able to get out on Monday to do flyers by myself. Today I went out and did flyers with Don Dillman. I had one specific short divine appointment this morning with a man whom we led to the Lord several years ago. It was just a quick encounter after not having seen him for a long time. But, it was specific because Mark Hikin and I prayed for him last night.

We're still working on getting an offer accepted on the house. Please continue to pray and we'll keep you posted.

Good attendance and good services....

03/09/2017 12:47

It was a joy to have most people back in church today although one lady was still unable to be there due to illness. The young lady who began visiting two weeks ago is going to keep coming we believe. 

We had a good morning service. I enjoyed preaching on the Bible, "What You Hold In Your Hand" from Peter's declaration about God's Word in I Peter 1:16-21.

Tomorrow we believe we will know about our house. We have put in an offer and are waiting to hear back from the owners. Thank you for praying about that. We've seen God's hand throughout this process and are looking to Him for His will.

outreach update

31/08/2017 10:38

I enjoyed getting out with Don Dillman yesterday and putting out flyers in his area. We were down below the Forth Road Bridge on a Historic day as the Queensferry Crossing Bridge opened to replace the Forth Road Bridge. My family is looking forward to going accross the new bridge which is the tallest bridge in Britain and also broke a guiness world record.

We didn't have any significant divine appointments but we had some good fellowship. I'm glad to be getting back into the normal outreach routine after a busy summer.

I forgot to mention that the young lady who visited 2 Sundays ago was back this past Sunday night. She is making plans to be here this evening as well. So, that is a blessing. Please pray that our church can help her in her walk with the Lord.

God's good. There has been much accomplished this week regarding our desire to purchase a home. Lord willing, we will know within this next week what will take place. Thank you for praying.

Flyers in our area....

29/08/2017 14:41

I was able to get several hundred flyers into people's homes this morning as I went door to door in our community. I was out for about 3 hours. God gave me two divine appointments. Please pray for the high school young man I met. He is a strong atheist but is interested in talking about "religion." I'm thankful that the Spirit of God can open hearts because there is no way a man left to himself could ever come to Jesus. "No man can come unto me accept the Father which hath sent me draw him." "The natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness unto him. Neither can he know them because they are spiritually discerned." That was all very evident in our conversation. However, I'm thankful for a young man who is willing to listen.

The other man is going through a tough time just now. Please pray for God's grace for his family and that God would make himself known during this trial.

Edinburgh evangelism....

28/08/2017 12:01

I went into Edinburgh this morning to hand out flyers and seek one on one witnessing opportunities. It was a tough morning. This is the end of the Festival season and people have been handed leaflets nonstop for the last several weeks. So, that is is a factor. It is back to work after the weekend, I imagine that is a factor as well. I did have some opportunities to speak to people about the Lord.

I spoke with Daniel for about 10 minutes as we walked together. He then stopped to listen to what I was sharing. I spoke with Tam for probably 20 minutes. He is 51 and drugs and drink have wrecked his life. I was able to share the Gospel with him but sadly his eyesight is so bad from his sin that he can't read anymore. Another man was from the North of Ireland. He was catholic but does not accept the Bible as the authority and can not believe there is such a thing as absolute truth. I spoke with two young men from London as well.

I think what stood out to me this morning is how much men want to judge God instead of letting God judge them. They reject God if He is the God of the Bible because they deem him worthy of their judgment. It is troubling at times to view men's rebellious hearts and to see how hard they are against God. Please pray for God's Word to break through that in God's mercy we'll see some of these saved. Thanks for praying for these divine appointments. 

Where two or three....

27/08/2017 12:38

We had several more than two or three in church today, but not by a whole lot more than that. God gave us a good morning despite lower than normal attendance. It was great to have Lilliana and Inis back with us after nearly a month away in Portugal. We had another man back visiting with us this morning as well. Illness has really affect our attendance the last two months. Please pray for everyone to be well.

I preached this morning a message from I John on "The 'Ifs" in Our Walk With God." John challenges us to walk with God but has some bad "ifs" and good "ifs" in the text. We had a good service.

The youth activity on Friday was a lot of fun. We made paper airplanes and made a landing target for them. There were different points depending on where you landed. The kids had a great time. Thanks for praying.

Update on prayer requests....

24/08/2017 13:00

Thank you for praying about this building. It is a closed door. We are actually thankful that we didn't have to wait too long until finding out. So, until the next opportunity comes along, thank you for praying with us about the need for a permanent home for Free Baptist Church - in God's timing.

We have another interesting prayer request. lt has been our desire since selling our home in Michigan nearly 12 years ago to buy a home in Scotland. A property in which we are greatly interested is available. If God allowed us to get it, you will get to hear a very neat story. However, we don't want our will and love our current residence. So, we'd appreciate your prayers in that regard. Please pray for wisdom about a mortgage and wisdom if we should make an offer.

With all the other excitement, I almost forgot to mention that God gave me a great divine appointment today. Please pray for Alan. He said he would listen to the message I preached this past Sunday. He installed some "smart meters" for our gas and electric utilities. We had a great discussion as he was packing up to leave.

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