
Ladies Meeting in Ireland

02/11/2017 09:40

Please pray for Katie and two other ladies as they attend a ladies meeting in Ireland. They went to this two years ago and had a wonderful time away. Please pray expecially for Missionary Sharon Pero who organizes this event each year. They begin this evening and go through Saturday morning.


A refreshing Sunday....

29/10/2017 12:58

We had faithful attendance this morning and God gave us a good service. I enjoyed preaching on the Feeding of the 5,000 from John 6:1-14. Jesus revealed in that passage two hinderances to our faith; reasoning and sight.

Tonight I'm going to do a Bible study I prepared to share at a Christian colllege. It is a lesson on what impacts our strength as a believer.  Reviewing my notes for this has been a blessing and I'm looking forward to reviewing this with our church. Thanks for praying.

Below are pictures from the pastor's fellowship and the youth activity this week.



Back online! :)

26/10/2017 14:45

Wow, what a time we've been having with moving! We have been going none stop every day and God has been giving us lots of grace. We had a fabulous Sunday with the Flanders. The Pastor's Fellowship was also a rich blessing. Thank you for praying for those special days.

We moved into this house last Wednesday. About 15 minutes ago the phone technician got us back up online and we are able to update you. Kay Lee's room is finished. We stripped wall paper and took out the carpet. I put a screw through the pipes for the boiler system (another story with a happy ending after I thought I really messed things up.) We put in a laminate floor which looks lovely. And we painted her room. I also assembled a loft bed with book shelves that I had made for her for her birthday.

Now, we are painting the master bedroom and getting it ready for the furniture to be moved in. Once that happens on Monday we will be close to being moved into the house. Thanks for praying for the move. It has been a big project but God has made it go very well. 

I’ll post some pictures soon.

The First Day of a New Week

15/10/2017 12:56

The Lord gave us a good morning as we got together on the first day of the week. The Gleiser's and Sarah were with us again this morning as they fly out of Edinburgh tomorrow morning. Brother Gleiser is preaching this afternoon at a church in Dunbar. We'll be heading that way shortly. He preached 9 times this past week, so it was my turn. I preached this morning on 2 Kings 4:1-7 which is the story of the widow woman and Elisha's miracle of the mulitiplication of the oil. There is a precious picture in that passage of our need for an oupouring of God's Spirit.

Please pray for the Gleiser's flights to go well and then please begin praying for our next speaker. Dr. Rick Flanders and his wife, Tonia, will be arriving here next Saturday. He will be preaching all services next Sunday, a Tuesday's fellowship meeting and our Thursday night service. God must know we need some good preaching because He has certainly blessed us with His servants this month. Thank you for praying for what God is doing at Free Baptist Church.

Life got busy....

14/10/2017 16:23

We have just had a wonderful week of meetings with the Gleisers and Sarah. There is so much to be thankful for as the week has come to a close. God gave us a very sweet spirit in every service. The Word of God was powerfully preached every night. There was good attention given to the Word of God. Attendance of our church was very strong. The offering that was given to God's servants was generous. Thank you for praying for these meetings!

Tomorrow I am back in the pulpit here and the Gleisers have an afternoon meeting in Dunbar. They then fly out on Monday morning. Please pray for God's great blessing upon them.

An extra blessing was the Brynn and Sarah painted our boys new room at the house we bought. They even bought the paint for the room. :) We have not yet moved over there and the Gleisers and Sarah have stayed at that property. Please pray for our family as we move to the property this following week.

God has been acceptionally good to us this past week of ministry. We praise Him for the many blessings that He gave. (Below are a couple pictures from touring with our guests.)


Wish you were here....

10/10/2017 21:40

The Lord gave us a very good service tonight and we thank Him for His enablement and help. Pastor Gleiser preached tonight on some very bold words of the Lord Jesus from John 14:6. If you want to hear a very clear presentation of God's way of salvation, you can listen in to what was shared this evening.

It's been a very unusual day. Please pray for an unspoken prayer request for a member of our church. We are doing our best to help them with a very important need. Also, later this afternoon as we were just half a mile from home (after showing our guests some sights) we were the first ones on the scene of a pretty serious car accident. A car was on it's side with two elderly woman in the front seats. The Lord allowed us to help them as we waited for emergency vehicles to arrive. Please pray for these ladies that God would comfort them this evening. Praise the Lord both seem to be well.

God's been very good to us this week. Thank you for participating with us in prayer.

Wonderful Start!

08/10/2017 13:02

The Lord gave us a wonderful start to our week of meetings. The attendance was very strong and there was a sweet spirit in our church this morning. This afternoon we are heading to the Trust for an afternoon service. We appreciate your prayers for the meetings. Evangelist Andy Gleiser preached this morning on Acts 16, "There is Hope, Because There is Jesus." It would be a great message to send a link to your unsaved friends. It will encourage you as a believer as well. We are excited about what God is going to do this week.

The Gleiser's are here....

07/10/2017 09:40

We've enjoyed having the Gleisers and Sarah with us for a couple of days. They arrived early Wednesday morning. We enjoyed taking Evangelist Gleiser with us and missionary Don Dillman on our annual trip to the Dunhill Links Golf Championship. Those who are golfers will sufer a bit of "golf envy" when hearing that we spent a lovely day yesterday at Carnoustie. And, the boys got many autorgraphs from the likes of, Padraig Harrington, Rory Mcllroy, Graham McDowwel... :) I'll put some pictures below from the tournament. God blessed us with great weather and a really fun day out with the boys.

Far more importantly we are excited about the meetings with Brother Gleiser which begin tomorrow. We're going to spend some time promoting those meetings today. Please pray for a deep interest in attending in the hearts of those in our community and our church contacts. Thank you for praying for this important week.

Busy, busy....

04/10/2017 20:56

We are very excited to have our guests arriving in the morning (Evangelist Andy and Brynn Gleiser and their co-worker, Sarah.) They will be staying at our new home. We've moved enough things over there the last few days to make it feel comfortable for them during their stay. We've been cleaning, moving things and have even begun working on two of the rooms removing wall paper.

The Lord has also given us some good opportunities to promote the meetings. George Clayson (college student) helped yesterday as we knocked on doors and invited people to the meetings. Missionary Don Dillman and I did the same thing for a couple hours this morning. People were generally very friendly and I would hope that some of these we met will attend. Please pray that God would give them the courage and interest to come.

We found out tonight that we have a new pet. A cute little hedgehog was making his way around our front garden when we were leaving. My kids were very excited as they have been wanting to see a hedgehog.


01/10/2017 13:06

The Lord gave us a good morning and we enjoyed having several guests with us. We had two children come for their first time. They were over visiting their cousins and came to church with them. We also enjoyed having a family visit who are actively serving the Lord in a local Bible college.

I preached this morning on the passage on worry from the Sermon on the Mount; Matthew 6:24-34, "I Don't Care, Because God Does" I was preaching something which the Lord has really challenged me with during this past 2 weeks. God's good. Thank you for your prayers.

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