Family Conference and camp update....
11/04/2018 11:39We had a good start to our family conference last night. We appreciate Pastor O'Gorman taking the time out of his busy ministry schedule to come over here and assist us. He preached a good message last night on, "The Enemy We Face" from Ephesians 6. It was good to be reminded of the identity of the home wrecker. We appreciate your prayers for the two remaining nights.
Camp update: Camp was a blessing. Tommy, Bernard, Don Dillman, myself and my 4 oldest boys, Benson, Logan, Parker and Nelson spent three nights in Ireland this past week at a men's camp near Cork. Pastor Ledbetter and his people do a great job in running this camp. The preaching and fellowship were very encouraging. We studied the life of Hezekiah. This was expecially practical for the twenty men from New Hope Residential Centre. Layton Kelly heads up this ministry and is the one missionary our church supports.
It was a blessing to hear Bernard and Tommy share testimonies on Sunday night. We also enjoyed having George Clayson (24 years old) preach on Sunday night. We have some older teens who are unsaved. We spent some extra time in prayer during the invitation for their salvation. Please pray with us for God to awaken their hearts - even this week. God's good. Thanks for your participation in our ministry.
We are back....
08/04/2018 13:12Thank you for praying for men's camp. I'll try to do a more comprehensive update tomorrow. But, God was very good and we had a great time physically and spiritually. Today is our busy Sunday as we have our afternoon service at the Trust. God gave us good attendance and good attention to His Word today. I preached a message this morning that is going to be part of a series teaching against false teachers. So, this was part one of Earnestly Contend for the Faith from the book of Jude.
George Clayson, a young man who attended our ministry while in a nearby Bible college, is working now for Faith Mission. He is going to be preaching this evening. Please pray for God's enablement for Him and that our hearts will be tender to obey God.
Tuesday - Thursday is our Family Conference with David O'Gorman. God has blessed us with the opportunity to have him come. We are praying for revival. Please pray with us that God will do His incredible work in our hearts, in our families and in our church and community. Thanks for your prayers.
Happy Resurrection Sunday
01/04/2018 14:09Yesterday morning we enjoyed doing door to door through some of Loanhead inviting people to attend our Easter Service and luncheon as well as our family meetings next week. God gave us two really good divine appointments. One with the father of children who have attended our church and one with a teenage young man. Please pray for the Spirit of God to break open the hearts of people within our community.
God gave us a good Resurrection Sunday morning. We had the parents and gran of one lady who attends our church as well as the parents of a couple of our teens in attendance. It was great to have them there with a good turnout of our regular attendees. I preached (unsuprisingly) on the resurrection from Paul's testimony before King Agrippa in Acts 26:22-28. "Why should it be thought a strange thing with you that God should raise the dead?"
There are some great opportunities for ministry this week and we would appreciate your prayers. The first is tomorrow as Katie hosts her monthly ladies' meeting at our home. The second is Wednesday - Saturday as my four boys, myself and three other men attend a men's camp in Ireland. Please pray for safety in our travels as well as God's power to work in the heart of the men at camp. We're looking forward to being revived by God's Word and good fellowship. Thanks for your prayers.
28/03/2018 14:17..., a village near us, is where we put flyers out today. Don and I were out for about two hours and God gave us two opportunities to share the Gospel. The first was with a younger man who appears open but is living life without God. He's busy with work but agreed with me that his soul is more important than his occupation. Please pray that he will seek after God.
The second was with a man who was holding a great illustration in his hand. He had a bottle of T-cut (used for removing scratches/marks from an automobile) and was seeking to repair a rub on his car. We spoke eventually about the stain of sin which can only be removed by the blood of Christ. I'm not sure that he was very interested althought I hope that was just an appearance. He was kind to listen and converse.
Our busy schedule begins next week as the boys and I will travel with some other men to a men's camp in Ireland. The Sunday following George will be back with us to preach in the evening service. The following week we will have a family conference (Tues - Thurs) and Pastor David O'Gorman will be the speaker. We have a visiting pastor with us the following Sunday and he will be speaking in the AM service.
This summer we have the special blessing of having my cousin, Holly, come over to do her missionary internship. She is a missions major at Bob Jones University. We're looking forward to having her here pariticipating in our ministry. Please pray for God's blessing as she get's ready to come. Thanks for praying with us!
Into Edinburgh
26/03/2018 13:52It was a sunny calm morning which makes for a good opportunity to do evangelism in Edinburgh. So, I parked at the park and ride and hopped on a bus into the city this morning. My first two witnessing opportunities weren't easy but I hope they were profitable. The first was with a man who does not believe in the "God of the Bible" but that there is a power.... I had read in my Bible this morning in Isaiah, "I am God and there is none else...." The second was with a woman with a similar view of one God and all gods therefore are the same one God. I tried to point her to the authority of the Word of God.
The next opportunity was with a Frenchman who seemed tender at times during our conversation and told me at the conclusion, "It was a pleasure." We spoke for about 20 minutes and he had a good grasp of English and was receptive to the truth which I was sharing with him. Please pray for Christof to get saved.
The last opportunity was unexpected as I caught the eye of a young man who was manning an ice cream booth. I backed up and offered him a flyer. Icecream wasn't a hot seller this morning and we talked for about 40 minutes. Please pray for this young man as he said at the end, "I am intrigued." I told him that God was able to bring him to faith. He began the conversation as an atheist but said he would read the John and Romans I left with him. I do hope he will come to faith and have prayed for him already.
Please pray for fruit from our labors - whether we realize it this side of eternity or not. God was good to give opportunities today as well as giving us a good day weatherwise to get out with the Gospel.
Happy first day of the week!
25/03/2018 12:48God gave us a good morning. I preached this morning on Fear Not from Isaiah 43. Unfortunately the audio recording didn't turn out. It was also a joy to sing with my children this morning and to see Mac do well sitting by himself while we sang. Thank you for praying for our day.
8 years ago today....
24/03/2018 12:23....we arrived in Scotland. God has given us a beautiful day today similar to the day we arrived 8 years ago. It's hard to believe that it has been that long and in other ways it's hard to believe it has ONLY been that long. We claimed when we arrived the verse that says, "I will plant them in this land assuredly with my whole heart and my whole soul." God has certainly done that good work for us. We are very much established as a church ministry and as a family within our local community. Isn't God good?
We knocked on doors this morning. God gave a great opportunity to speak with a man in his upper 20's for about 20 minutes. Please pray for God to guard the seed that was sown in his heart. God's hand was evident in our conversation. Thank you for your faithful prayers these past 8 years. Please pray for God to give us an incredible 9th year of ministry in Scotland.
We are back home... again....
21/03/2018 07:40Kay Lee, Benson and I did a whirwind trip up North on Monday and Tuesday to attend a pastor's fellowship near Elgin in Fochabers. Missionary Don Clough hosted it and his new co-worker, Josh Hamilton, preached. We also enjoyed staying with Danny and Su Olmstead who have a mininstry in Hatton. God blessed us with beautiful traveling weather and safety. Today I am heading to Missionary Don Dillman's to do some outreach.
Would you believe snow...?
18/03/2018 12:59Well - it's back. We got a few inches of snow overnight and it has been very snowy today. Thankfully our church folks were faithful despite the roads being bad in places. (I'll put a picture below.)
God gave us a good morning. I preached this morning on a wonderful phrase found in God's Word, "But God...." Those two words make all the difference in eternity to mankind. My message was titled, "If It Wasn't For God...." Here is also a link to last weeks message which I couldn't upload - The Crown Jewels of Womanhood.
Lord willing, this snow too shall pass. We are all ready for spring to sprung and the grass to get growing again. Thanks for your prayers for our ministry today!
Great Week Away
17/03/2018 13:12Wow - ten days without an update. I think that is a record. I would have updated last Sunday but the internet was down and we were leaving on holiday. We had a good Sunday morning as it was British Mother's Day. Afterwards we helped Rebekah get ready to show a Christian film at the Trust. We then stopped by the house to load up, update webpage (which didn't happen) and head for a self catering cottage just South of Dumfries.
Our holiday was very fun. Every night the boys were out on the deck with a torch *flashlight, to watch the many badgers that cruised through the Chalets. We saw badgers every night including when we were walking in the dark. :)
Special thanks to the Dillmans for filling in for us last Sunday PM and Thursday PM. Their help on Sunday gave us an extra day away. God's good. We are refreshed and ready to get back at it. Thanks for your prayers for our ministry and family.