
Snowing again....

21/01/2018 12:58

We have just returned from church and now there is a wonderful snowshower coming down. Unfortunately, for those of us who love snow, this signals the end of this cold snap. A warmer low pressure system is pushing through but the moisture is hitting our cold air and giving us one last fun event. Our most snowy month I think is Marh - so there is hope for more in the future. There has been several inches of snow on the ground all week.

Our morning went very well and it was our faithful "church family" group. Please pray for our attendance as we have some who have recently stopped coming. I preached a message entitled "Preaching Your Funeral" this morning as the message I preached was a funeral message which ended with the passage, John 14:1-6. Please pray that the living will lay it to heart. I know that there are some who need to put their trust in the Lord. Please pray that God will use the Sermon Audio as well to speak to hearts.

This week we have two special events. We have a revival prayer time for missionary friends in our area on Thursday morning. We also have a youth activity on Friday. We'd appreciate your prayers for both. Thank you!

Weather report :)

18/01/2018 12:24

Don and I were able to get out yesterday. However, we weren't able to go where we attempted to go at first because the roads were drifted and impassable. (Sounds adventurous....) Where we turned around there was a police car with a woman in the back who had taken her car down a hill and through a fence. We ended up doing flyers in Bilston, a village very close to our church location.

Please pray for Don and Chris. Don has hurt his back and at the same time Chris has hurt her neck. In other better news, God has brought an elderly woman visitor to their church plant in New Bridge.

The kids have enjoyed sledging (sledding) again and have enjoyed the 3-4 inches of snow that came down this week. It's been an enjoyable winter as we have gotten two significant snowstorms thus far.

Thanks for your prayers.

snow, Snow, SNOW, SNOW!!!!

16/01/2018 08:51

Snow is much more unusual in Scotland than in Wisconsin and Michigan where we grew up. It is always refreshing to have any snow. This morning we have about an inch on the ground and the snow showers are to continue throughout the day. I walked this morning between snow showers and what is already on the ground and trees is lovely. Isn't God an awesome decorator of His creation?!!

I appreciate your prayers for the funeral tomorrow. The family have decided because it is a larger funeral than they expected to have the Parish Minister lead the funeral. Please continue to pray that God's Spirit would work in the hearts of all those present. There will be believers and unbelievers present.

Below are some pics from my morning walk.

North Middleton

15/01/2018 13:14
It is a beautiful sunny day (right now) but it is one of those every kind of weather days. When I ran this morning it was thick clouds. It was beautiful sunshine on my way to North middleton coming through the clouds. Quick moving rains showers (thankfully light) went through while I was doing flyers. I took a picture of a rainbow (below) and tonight we are going to get snow and hail which will continue for the next couple of days. :) I'm just thankful I was able to get out as they are saying after the snow we are going to get winds up to 70 mph. (We had high winds last night as well.)

It is a beautiful sunny day (right now) but it is one of those every kind of weather days. When I ran this morning it was thick clouds. It was beautiful sunshine on my way to North middleton coming through the clouds. Quick moving rains showers (thankfully light) went through while I was doing flyers. I took a picture of a rainbow (below) and tonight we are going to get snow and hail which will continue for the next couple of days. :) I'm just thankful I was able to get out as they are saying after the snow we are going to get winds up to 70 mph. (We had high winds last night as well.)


God gave me a great opportunity to speak with Keith. Please pray that God will do a great work in this man's heart to bring him to faith. He believes in God but does not believe the record that God has given in His Word. He was very kind and I really enjoyed chatting with him.

God gave me a great opportunity to speak with Keith. Please pray that God will do a great work in this man's heart to bring him to faith. He believes in God but does not believe the record that God has given in His Word. He was very kind and I really enjoyed chatting with him.

Our busy Sunday....

14/01/2018 12:58

Today  is our busiest Sunday of the month as we have the Trust Service this afternoon. Sadly, 3 who regularly attended our meetings have passed away in the last 3 months. I'm preaching a funeral of Wednesday for a believer who passed away last week. Please pray for the residents to clearly accept Jesus Christ as their personal Saviour. I'll be preaching today on the husbandman who hired laborers for his vineyard.

Our chuch services this morning went very well. I preached part 2 of the message begun last week - What Do You Know from Psalm 19. I've used this text in my evangelism this week. Most recently I shared some parts of that passage with a man to whom I was witnessing. Please pray for his salvation.

The most important prayer request this week is the funeral ministry on Wednesday. I'd very much appreciate your prayers for that opportunity to help this family. Thanks for praying.

Door to door with Nelson

13/01/2018 12:29

God gave Nelson and I three good visits as we knocked on doors this morning. The best was with a 76 year old woman with whom Nelson (7) when asked shared his testimony (briefly.) Please pray that God would awaken this woman to true faith in Jesus Christ. We also met a young lady who although Catholic said she prayed to accept Christ when she was 8. The other lady indicated that she was open to visiting our church and is new to the area. Please pray for lasting fruit and for God to give us solid contacts within our community.


10/01/2018 11:46

This morning I headed off to North Middleton and came accross another vilage, of which I was unaware, on my way there. Temple is just a wee village that has history with the Knights Templar who had their headquarters there in the 12th century.

God gave me two divine appointments both with older men. The first man had lived in Watertown, Wisconsin (home of Maranatha Baptist Bible College) for several years as his children were growing up. Interestingly, I would have lived just 15 miles from him in Lake Mills at that time. We had a short but good chat.

The second opportunity was the best. This man was a bioligist (I assume retired) and his daughter and son in law attend a good evangelical church. His son in law is from Kansas. God gave me wisdom and guided us in a light hearted conversation discussing proofs of creation as well as briefly considering prophecy. I love sharing the Gospel with someone who has family members who are no doubt praying for them. The daughter and son in law arrived just as our conversation was concluding and I was able to briefly meet them.

I read on the town notice board that an evangelical church plant was starting in the town hall. Please pray for God to awaken that community.

Roslin finished....

08/01/2018 13:55

Roslin takes three different outings to complete. I believe there is around a 1,000 mailslots there. I had two outings to Roslyn the end of December and had the last one this morning. It was 18 degrees this morning when I ran and it wasn't any warmer as I got started doing flyers. I had to laugh as I went past the golf course by our home and there were golfbags on the course. (I didn't see the golfers and hope no one had frozen to death.... reminds of the rough golf game joke - "Horible day golfing, Harry died on the course. Had to hit the ball and drag Harry.")

God gave me a fantastic opportunity to share the Gospel with a 15 year old paperboy. Please pray that this young man's eyes will be opened to eternal truth.

I'd appreciate your prayers that our faith would be strong in anticipation of what God is doing and what God will do this year. I heard a great message this morning by John Goetsch on Stephen, a man who was Full (faith, the Holy Spirit, power). It was great challenge on being empty of other things to be full of God's things. We appreciate your prayers very much.

First Sunday of 2018

07/01/2018 13:20

It has been an eventful week at the Shore household. Two children went down with a flu type bug and mom got Tonsilitus! I'm sure that many of you had similar experiences over the holidays. Thankfully everybody from our family was in church today for the first time in a week and a half.

God gave us a good Sunday. In adult SS we watched a video by Ken Ham. In the morning service I preached a message from Psalm 19, What Do You Know? David gave 3 simple foundational truths regarding man's relationship with God. 

I'm looking forward to getting back into the routine of ministry this week. God gave us a good holiday despite the illnesses and we were also able to get some good work completed on the house. I'll put a picture of the freshly painted living room below. Thank you for your prayers for our ministry and family. God is good to answer your prayers!


We are still here.... despite the wind...

31/12/2017 13:07

I'm sorry for the radio silence. God gave us a great Christmas Carol Sing service. The attendance was good, about 30, and there was a great spirit. The kids did a fabulous job with their songs and their short recitation of Scripture. 

We had a wonderful family Christmas despite a bit of the sickness bug that seems to be a regular part of a family Christmas. (That is what I remember growing up.) We are mostly better. Mac has had it the worst. Katie stayed home with him this morning but hopes to take him this evening.

We have very windy weather here today. I'm not sure what the highest gusts have been, but I'll put a screenshot from my weather app below for your amusement. God gave us a great morning. I preached on Grace Giving from 2 Corinthians 8. Tonight we are showing the film, "Sheffey." Please pray that many will come out and here the Gospel through this film. Many have been invited. Thanks for your prayers and HAPPY NEW YEAR!

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