
School Picture :)

13/02/2018 08:38

As I taught in school last week I would have liked to have gotten a picture. I assumed that it was not allowed. However, the school put a picture on their twitter feed and a nice note. I'll put a pic below. Thank you again for praying for that opportunity to minister at their school. God's help was evident.

I was able to get flyers out yesterday morning and it was cold! It was actually snowing (as it is now). I didn't have any lengthy conversations. I had one short opportunity to remind a woman who was smoking on her doorstep that Jesus died for her. (She said religion is private and that she didn't want to talk about it.) Please pray that God will awaken her heart to His love.

Visitor and good morning....

11/02/2018 13:06

It was a blessing to have an adult visitor with us this morning. He is from a village about 5 miles from us but had found our website. There was another visitor we were expecting but who was apparently unable to attend. Please pray that she will come. We had bad weather over night and it was very icy this morning.

The Lord gave us a good morning. I preached on Mark 10:32, "Who They Were." It's not a verse many people would spend time meditating on - HOWEVER, we should. It has some wonderful truths about disciples of Jesus. I enjoyed sharing it with our church.

Now, we are off to the Trust service (assisted living facility.) Thanks for your prayers for our day.

School Report

07/02/2018 15:18

I had a great time with the 2 P4 classes (3rd grade) at Lasswade Primary. The kids were so well behaved and listened intently as I shared the story of Zaccheaus and a bit about myself. Thank you very much for your prayers. This was my first opportunity to get into the schools over here and participate in their RE (religious education) class. 


05/02/2018 13:14

I put flyers out this morning and it was cold. We are going into a cold snap this week with some snow overnight tonight. I didn't speak to anyone but was able to get out around 150 flyers. I enjoyed listening to Evangelist John Goetsch.

I forgot to mention in my update this weekend that Katie is able to join me for door to door now. We have children old enough to watch the younger ones and Mac (our youngest) is old enough to leave with them. So, this past Saturday she and two kids joined me and we had two groups knocking on doors. God gave us a few very good opportunities to share the Gospel or confront unbelief with truth about God. Please pray for all of our evangelism to produce fruit.

Good attendance....

04/02/2018 13:14

Thank you for praying for our attendance. We've seen several children, teens and two adults back in the past two weeks. Our visitor from the end of last year is back in attendance with her young daughter. Please pray that God will help her to keep coming. She made a profession of faith in Jesus last Thursday as Katie and Rebekah visited her in her home.

I preached from another Old Testament passage as I preached, "God's Burden is Mine" from Malachi 1. Malachi expressed the burden that God's servants carrry as they have a desire for God's people to get right with God. Interestingly we are either burdened for God's desire to be accomplished or we are part of the burden carried by God's servants. 

Prayer requests for this week. Katie has a ladies' meeting at our home tomorrow evening. I get to speak with two P4 classes (3rd grade) on Wednesday at a local public primary school. Next Sunday is our ministry at the Trust (assisted living facility.)

Thanks for praying!


01/02/2018 09:32

Yesterday Benson and I helped Missionary Don Dillman put down vinyl plank flooring at their home in New Bridge. We were able to get a good bit accomplished and some of the more tricky things completed. Please pray for the Dillman's as they complete a big project in their home. They are getting closer to the finish line. They still need to fit a kitchen.

They now have a couple ladies attending their church services at their home. Please pray for others to be added soon.

This afternoon Katie and Rebekah are doing door to door together. Please pray for divine appointments. 

Thanks for your prayers!



Witnessing in Edinburgh....

29/01/2018 13:56

It's been a while since I've been into Edinburgh to do evangelism. It is harder this time of year as the weather is more challenging. However, it was a sunny day and God gave me some great opportunities in the couple hours I was down there.

My first opportunity was before I got on the bus. Please pray for the man I met as he has struggled with faith in God from his youth when a child (6) died. This is someone I should be able to get to know as they are local.

Just after I got off the bus I witnessed to a young medical student who is from South Korea. I spoke with him for just under ten minutes and our conversation ended as his bus arrived. 

The next conversation was immediately afterwards as I handed a leaflet to a man and his son who were sitting on a window ledge as the man smoked a cigarette and drank a beer. They were from Ireland and interestingly from the village of Lucan where my good friend Les Hill is a pastor. They knew of his church. Please pray for God to awaken Padraig (father) and Kaleb (14.) I really encouraged them to go visit the church at least one time.

The last conversation was the longest and not one I would normally take on. JW's have taken over some street corners in Edinburgh with their false teaching. I spoke with a young man who as best I can tell is very sincere. He isn't ignorant and is a teacher/leader. Please pray that God would awaken His heart to His truth. I'm sure that some of the things I shared with him had never been put to him before. The verse I thought of as I rode home on the bus is the words of our Lord where He said, "Ye believe in God, believe also in me." There is much potential for God if this man's eyes would be opened. I spoke with him about 45 minutes with an open Bible. Sadly, they have no assurance of salvation and only a weak hope that God will accept them.

George is back....

28/01/2018 13:16

A student who has graduated from Faith Mission and who is now working for them was back with us today. It was good to see George as they have been based (he and his twin brother) in Southern England. 

Ann was also back with us. Please pray for Ann as she grows in the Lord. She made a profession of faith in Jesus yesterday. Praise the Lord. She has attended our church for about a year and a half.

I preached this morning on Hosea 14, Respond to God's Love. Hosea gave a great challenge to the nation of Israel to repent. In doing so, he laid out for us the Biblical steps which bring us back into a right relationship with God.

Thank you for your prayers for our family and ministry.

Activity Update

27/01/2018 15:28

Thanks for praying for the youth activity. We had 2 teens and our 3 youth (12 and up) and had a night of racing with a projector and mario kart. An adult was also there as I shared a devotional on having the mind of Christ.

Our Thursday prayer time was also encouraging as a lady from our church and another missionary couple came. Thank you for praying for these special activities this week.


24/01/2018 14:04

Don and I were able to make it to Carrington today. It is a beautiful wee village about 10 miles away from our home/church area. It didn't take us long to post flyers through all the mailslots there. The rest of our time was spent in Gorebridge a much larger village about the same distance away. I had one conversation with a devout atheist who has come to his position by much unbelief studying the Bible. Please pray that God would awaken the heart of a man who is completely blinded by Satan. 

Please also pray that God would help a lady I met to come to faith. I encouraged her to faith in God which she no longer has. Obviously she has never tasted the saving grace of Jesus and needs His loving touch. God is able. Thanks for praying in faith for God to work in our area.

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