Back in the saddle....
09/05/2018 16:27Thank you for your prayers for this cold to go away. I got a great nights sleep and felt well enough today to run this morning and to get out and do flyers with Don Dillman. I had canceled with him yesterday assuming I wouldn't be better. So, I very much appreciate your prayers.
God gave us two good divine appointments today. Please pray for the 82 year old man who was religious but who did not have a Bible reason for why he thought he would go to Heaven. God kept him engaged in the conversation. At the end of our talk he said he appreciated the chat. I put a John and Romans through his mail slot. Please pray that he will read it and come to saving faith. The other man was not religious but listened politely but less desirously. God's truth can penetrate his heart and it is our prayer that it would. Thanks for praying for these open doors for the Gospel.
Beautiful weather!
08/05/2018 11:53As I left to put out flyers this morning, I remembered the times this past winter where weather like this seemed like a dream. It's hard to imagine a warm sunny breeze and wearing short sleeves when you are seeing snow flakes. It is wonderful to experience it. God's given us incredible weather the last several days and it has been refreshing. I didn't put flyers out for very long as I have a bit of a cold. Hopefully that will soon pass and I can get back into a more active routine again.
Yesterday, the Lord helped me write a new flyer. I sent it off to print this morning. I've been struck recently by the simple thought, "The answer to unbelief is faith." I said that to a man last week who was a staunch unbeliever. He question my sanity and wondered if I had been brainwashed. :) If he would only change his mind, he could know the reality of the Truth of God. Until then, he will never get past, "In the beginning God created...."
Please pray that God will use this flyer to bring people to saving faith in our Lord. Thanks for praying for our family and our church ministry.
Wow - summer has arrived!
06/05/2018 13:10It is a stunning day here today. Praise God for the refreshing sunshine, very little breeze and beautiful picturesque clouds over sheep dotted countryside. Wow - God's creation is refreshing today.
We had refreshing services as well. In the morning service I preached a prosperity Gospel message (Biblical prosperity Gospel). My message was, "Living the Christian Good Life" and my text was 1 Thessalonians 5:15-22. It is a series of simple truths that Paul gave that can dynamically change our lives. God gave us a good service. Thank you for praying with us and for us!
"The pub is my church."
01/05/2018 16:32I'm not suprised by this statement. I'm just struck by how true it is. His god beats him, robs him, makes him sick to his stomach, seeks to wreck his family and relationships and he still bows down and serves him. I told him that I lived accross from a pub and saw how vile it is and told him God could deliver him. I know you're not suprised to find out that he doesn't want deliverance. I prayed as I walked away that God would awaken him to the folly of his position.
In more refreshing news, the Lord gave me a great opportunity today to share the Gospel. Please pray for this man as he seemed open to the truth. He agreed with some of the insights into the Word of God. I also had a good opportunity last night. I appreciate your prayers for divine appointments.
Sunday Morning
29/04/2018 13:01The day started a bit cold and cloudy, but it is a gorgeous sunny day and warmish now. I don't know if we started cloudy this morning spiritually, but I do feel like God gave us a sun shining service. It was refreshing to be with one another this morning gathered around the Word of Truth. Two of our American guests were back today as they conclude their holiday in Scotland. It was a blessing to have them there.
I preaching this morning an incredible message. (said tongue in cheek) I preached on, "He Saved Us, That's Incredible!" We examined some of the many incredible realities of salvation from Titus 3:4-8. I don't know that I've ever as carefully considered what God did when He saved me.
Thank you for praying for our ministry. Please continue to pray for God to build His church in Loanhead.
Free Baptist Church, Facebook
24/04/2018 09:24Our facebook page for the church is now findable on google. If you would like to visit the page, please click here.
Please pray for wisdom as we seek to advertise our ministry. We want to be as physically visible as possible. We don't have a 24/7 location and so our church signs are only out on Thurday nights and Sundays.
Please also pray that people will read the Gospel literature and visit the church webpage. We also have a sermon audio account which has around 200 sermons on it. Please pray that people will listen in and that visitors will attend. Thanks for praying for our outreach. I'm leaving in a few minutes to put flyers out in the nearby village of Bonnyrigg.
American Visitor Day
22/04/2018 13:04It was very interesting to have a father and son from South Carolina as well as a man and his wife from Oklahoma with us today. Their visits were unrelated but they both were an encouragement to our church. It was great to have them there. A little girl from our S.S. said as we were starting, "Have you counted how many people are here!" Even she noticed that the attendance was good today. Praise the Lord.
I enjoyed finishing our study of Jude with a message to "Stay the Course." At the end of Jude he changes his focus from the false teachers to those who are standing for the Holy faith.
God gave me a wonderful divine appointment on Thursday and I thought about my recent request for your prayers in that regard. God definitely put an opportunity to witness before me. We also enjoyed knocking on doors in Loanhead on Saturday. Please pray that God will do an awesome work in our community and bring people to humble acceptance of His Son, Jesus Christ. People are generally very friendly but need to desire the Truth of God's Word. Thanks for praying.
Out with Don in his area....
18/04/2018 14:58This morning it was my turn to head over Don's way to help him put out literature. We try to get out together every Wednesday rotating each week to one another's area. Please pray for one agnostic young man we met while putting out Gospel flyers. We didn't get to speak with him long at all as he was headed to college. I would have loved to have had an open discussion. We didn't have any other divine appointments this morning. Please pray for God to give these. It is often apparent that although someone doesn't believe in God, the Person (in whom they do not believe) has in His great grace given them patience to stop and listen to His Word. Thanks for your prayers!
Catching up....
16/04/2018 13:14We had a good final day of our family conference. Unfortunately the mic was not turned on and we were unable to record it. The messages were a blessing and we appreciate Pastor O'Gorman taking the time to minister to our church.
We had an additional blessing this weekend as Pastor Scott Jones, his wife, Robyn, and his sister, Terry, were visiting with us on Sunday. We enjoyed Robyn's ministry in music and Pastor Jones' message in our A.M. service on the church. I preached again on Sunday night from the book of Jude.
Please pray for Mark Hikin who attends our church with his family. His health has been poor this past year often hindering them from attending. Please pray that his health will not prevent them from being in attendance.
I began putting out flyers this morning in a nearby village of Bonnyrigg. God gave me two divine appointments with construction workers. I spoke with one for about five minutes and another for ten minutes as they waited for their co-workers to arrive.
I also started a Free Baptist Church, Loanhead - Facebook page. Please pray for me as I get this up and running. I don't think it is findable yet but should be within a few days.
After a very busy couple of weeks, we are enjoying getting back into a bit slower paced week. Thank you for your prayers.
Day 2 of family conference
12/04/2018 09:52We had a good night again last night as Pastor O'Gorman preached on Ephesians 5 and 6 on "Raising a Godly Seed." We've enjoyed having one of our young girls fathers in attendance each evening. Please pray for those who have not yet been in attendance that they will be there this evening. We invited several people yesterday. Thank you for your prayers.