
The weekend

11/02/2024 15:46

The Lord gave some good opportunities as we did door to door yesterday. We're looking forward to a planned follow up visit this coming Tuesday. Please pray for grace to minister God's good news.

We knew that today was going to be a special day and it was. Pastor Sandy Edgar and his wife, Marina, were visiting our services this  morning. Sandy got saved about 30 years ago in Edinburgh. He shared a bit of his testimony at the beginning of his message this morning. He preached on, Be of Good Cheer.

God also allowed us to have visitors today as a couple came for their first time. It's a joy to have so many passing through and we trust some will be led of God to join with our church famliy.

The building works are coming along. The baptistry now just need to be fiberglassed and painted. We need to prepare our floors for carpet tiles, do some painting and we'll be ready to have the carpet installed.

Thank you for praying for all that is happening. Your prayers are MUCH appreciated.


evangelism and church missions

07/02/2024 13:25

Our church faith promise went well and we were able to take on another missionary, Fauso D'Amelio, for partial support. We aren't far off from being able to do full support and I hope further commitments may come in. Regardless, this is wonderful news as our church missionary program can move forward. Fausto is an Italian national church planter. He and his wife, Maria Pia, just had a baby boy, Samuel. We're excited about this young family who started their church this past September.

In outreach news, our weather has been bad recently. Is this a surprise? No, this is Scotland. :) It's been SUPER windy and rainy for quite some time. It was a blessing to have dry weather yesterday which allowed me to go down street preaching. Because the wind was still significant, I found a new place to preach which was a bit more sheltered. Please continue to pray for the power of God upon this ministry. I always feel my weakness and my need for God's enablement. (Here is a link to the video - on our church sermon audio page.)

Today, is a beautiful day. Pastor Dillman joined me in our area to put leaflets out in the village of Roslin. Please pray for God to do a great work in that village. We already have one from that village in our congregation. We saw another person their profess faith in Christ. And, we recently had a visitor come from there after receiving the same flyer.

In church building news; the baptistry is taking shape, A pastor contacted me yesterday about helping with a project. It was encouraging to sense his interest in what God is doing here. The electrical was put into the stage. A builder in England is praying about bringing a few guys from his church up to renovate our church toilets. (Bathrooms) He is also willing to supply much of the materials. Tomorrow, I am speaking with a believer in England who helps churches free of charge to get their technology set up. So, these are busy days and much wisdom is needed. Thank your for praying.

PS: The baptistry is one where the person being baptised is seated. The minister stands outside the pool in this case to the right.Our weather has been bad.

Today, is a beautiful day. Pastor Dillman joined me in our area to put leaflets out in the village of Roslin. Please pray for God to do a great work in that village. We already have one from that village in our congregation. We saw another person their profess faith in Christ. And, we recently had a visitor come from there after receiving the same flyer.

In church building news; the baptistry is taking shape, A pastor contacted me yesterday about helping with a project. It was encouraging to sense his interest in what God is doing here. The electrical was put into the stage. A builder in England is praying about bringing a few guys from his church up to renovate our church toilets. (Bathrooms) He is also willing to supply much of the materials. Tomorrow, I am speaking with a believer in England who helps churches free of charge to get their technology set up. So, these are busy days and much wisdom is needed. Thank your for praying.

PS: The baptistry is one where the person being baptised is seated. The minister stands outside the pool in this case to the right.


Encouraging Sunday

04/02/2024 15:13

The Lord has given us an encouraging first part of our Lord's day. We had really good attendance this morning and had a family of three from our village visit with us. What a blessing!

I preached this morning on, "Worthy of Discipleship" from Luke 9:23. I will now conclude that series for a few weeks. Then I'm going to continue the, "Thou art worthy" series by preaching once a month as I seek to keep our 2024 church theme in front of our people.

There is a lot going on with our building works and we continue to appreciate your prayers. Please pray for God's continued guidance and grace. We're thinking about the next projects and have a mission team possibly coming in March. We also have another men's group who may want to help as well. Much wisdom is needed.

This next Sunday a friend of our's is going to be visiting the church and preaching for us. His name is Sandy Edgar. He and his wife, Marina, will be visiting Sandy's mum as they help her move house. Sandy is a Scot who now is a missionary pastor in Canada.

Thank you for praying for God's work at Southside Free Baptist Church.

wow - that was a quick trip!

31/01/2024 21:08

We had a whirlwind trip this week to London to get our passports renewed. Normally, we could drive 10 miles from our home to the consulate. But, they decided to renovate the building and it was not going to open again until April. Kay Lee and John's wedding is in May, so.... waiting wasn't an option.

We enjoyed the trip. On Monday we drove 6 hours to Boston, England. Amanda Baker, a good friend of our's, hosted us (and our dog) at her house. We left there yesterday morning at 4:00 AM (without the dog) to drive into the heart of London. The renewal process went well and we were finished there before 10:00 AM. So, on the way back to Amanda's, we had a walk about Caimbridge and enjoyed seeing the beautiful college properties.

While with Amanda, we also had fellowship time with her co-workers, Joshua and Melissa Booth and their cute son, Logan. That was an extra blessing.

We added 1.5 hours to our trip back home today and went to a chair manufacturer to consider chairs for our sanctuary. This manufacturer was on the top of my list (compiled last week) and I realised that their location was nearly on our way. We found 3 good possibilities and think we know the one we'd like to get if God green lights this for us. Please pray for wisdom and God's provision as needed.

We made it home today in good time for our service this evening. We're very thankful for God's protection on our travels. In 20 hours of travel, we had about 4-5 hours where the windscreen wipers were off. Today we also had very high winds and a wind warning in effect. God's good. Thank you for your prayers - even when you may not fully know our plans for our week.

(pictures - notice the tower bridge in the background of the pic. We drove into the heart of London to go to the US embassy.)




The week in review...

28/01/2024 13:12

It was an interesting week. Scotland had two names storms hit it. That meant that the weather on Monday and Tuesday was not great.... at all. We had several trees down by us.  The extra time allowed some necessary research on some ideas for the completion of our sanctuary. We also did some minor works on the property. Katie painted some trim and I took care of a small demolition project for our sound room.

The research had to do with our carpet, chairs, pulpit, and a sanctuary front wall design which we believe will look great when completed. The pulpit is being purchased today down in New Castle. It is an antique. The man collecting it for us is going to refinish it and make some modifications. This will save us about half of the cost (or more) of a new wood pulpit.

We have a trip to England scheduled this week to renew passports. We were able to arrange to meet a chair distributor on the trip and consider God's best for long term capacity seating for our sanctuary.

Wednesday I was able to get out with Pastor Don Dillman to do evangelism in his location. God gave me an opportunity to share the Gospel with a man as we handed out tracts at a local mall. Yesterday, our youngest two boys went with Katie and I to Hatton, Scotland. Pastor Danny Olmstead hit the milestone of 70 years and his wife, Su, had a birthday party for him. It was a great day and we enjoyed the fellowship and fun.

This morning I continued our series, "Thou Art Worthy" with a message from Haggai 1 on, "Worthy of Our Investment." Our attendance was down considerably, but we are thankful for what God did in our hearts. Please pray for God to continue to build His church as He has promised.


The angel's are singing again!

21/01/2024 20:00

Rejoice with the angels, another soul entered God's kingdom tonight - Praise the Lord!

God's goodness...

21/01/2024 13:18

God has shown His goodness to us in several ways this past week. He allowed significant progress to be made in the sanctuary. The stage is now built with the exception of the baptistry. On the family side, God allowed our family to get a new cooker (stove) and have it installed. It will be a great asset to my wife's ministry. (She often uses her cooking for the Lord with baked goods or meals.) We obtained a beautiful antique communion table for our church. And so, we give thanks to God for His many goodnessess.

To update you on the prayer request for my father: Dad continues in hospital having been transferred to a geriatric memory ward. Please pray for grace as this continues to be a very difficult situation. We need God to provide a long term care solution. Thank you for your prayers.

This morning I continued my series on our church theme for 2024, "Thou Art Worthy, O Lord." My message from Romans 12:1-2 was, "Worthy of Us." We're thankful for each one that was present.

Tonight we have a named storm (Storm Isha) rolling through with weather warnings starting at 6pm this evening. We could have winds up to 80mph in exposed areas and coastlines. So, that should make our service that much more interesting. :)

Thank you for your prayers. We're working hard at building God's church (people and property), but our efforts are in vain without God's rich blessings. Thank you for your part in obtaining His grace and mercy for our area and ministry. 


Prayer update

16/01/2024 09:02

Please continue to pray for my father who has been in the hospital for the past two weeks. Dad has been diagnosed with alzheimers for the past 5 years. His decline has been gradual, but two weeks ago he had rapid decline. Our family needs to make some tough decisions regarding dad's care. Would you please pray for wisdom or healing according to God's will? Please especially pray for my mom to have strength as her sleep has been very limited due to his condition. My brother spent a week with them and currently my sister is there. Thank you for taking this need to the Lord.

14 January, 2024

14/01/2024 14:44

We enjoyed getting back to knocking on doors yesterday. We had some good conversations as we continue to meet some people in the neighbourhood of our church property.

This morning was well attended. It was good to have a visiting family from Canada with us. Our theme for the year is, "Thou art worthy, O Lord." I'm preaching a series of messages on that theme. This week, I preached from Daniel 6 on, "Worthy of Worship." Daniel's faithfulness to meet with the Lord is a great example of the kind of worship of which God is worthy. One of the famous Bible stories is a result of his obedience, (Daniel and the Lion's Den.) 

Lord willing, work is going to continue moving forward on the property this week. The plan is to have the platform built towards the end of this week. Please pray with us for wisdom as we continue to make decisions about building works and completion. Please pray specifically that God will give us wisdom about sanctuary chairs, a pulpit, and a piano. We went to a piano shop yesterday and have gotten some ideas of what we believe God would have us do.

It's fun showing our guests the property when they visit. We have heard many different people say, "God hasn't given the church this great building without a plan to fill it (with people.)" We wholeheartedly agree! We appreciate your prayers for God's work in building that aspect of our church. We love our church family and are thankful for each person God adds to our assembly. 

Praises and update

10/01/2024 21:37

The Lord has given us a good week of ministry. Yesterday, I and another minister (Don Dillman) headed to Blair Atholl to meet 3 other ministers for a day of prayer. I would guess that we have been meeting now for about 5 years with greater frequency (bi-monthly now) and these are very special days. Everyone of us would testify that they are not only good but necessary. We are seeking God work in answer to our prayers.

Today I met up with Don again to do ministry by his church. A man contacted him yesterday who has many needs in his life. We had a great chat with him and this man would like to come visit Don's church. Please pray that God will help meet his physical and spiritual needs.

Tonight a lady visited our church who recieved a flyer last week. I believe she will come again. Please pray for her as well that God would help us be a blessing to her. Our study on the Life of David this evening was on David consulting with his heart and departing into enemy territory. (1 Samuel 27)

My dad is not doing well. He is really out of it. Thankfully he started sleeping on and off yesterday morning at 5:00 AM. He had been awake for almost 3 days. It is still very difficult and much wisdom is needed. He remains in hospital. Thank you for your continued prayers.

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