Great opportunity....
04/06/2018 14:20After being at the library in Edinburgh this morning I handed out some gospel flyers. The Lord gave me an opportunity with a Deliveroo driver who was waiting for his next delivery. He got the call while we were speaking but spoke with me for several minutes beforehand.
The next opportunity was very good. A 25 year old young lady stopped and spoke with me for about 25 minutes. Please pray for her to come into God's kingdom. She was taking in the truth with understanding.
Thank you for praying for divine appointments for us.
Getting God's Grant
03/06/2018 12:52That was the title of my message this morning. Unfortunately when you use your phone to record audio you have occasional glitches. One of those occurred this morning resulting in no audio. I'm disappointed but "all things work together for good" and "rejoice evermore" come to mind. :) I put the notes online - link - if the title interests you. God has something wonderful He stands ready to give to those who would receive that for which Paul prayed.
We are entering a very busy season of ministry.
8 June, Eddie arrives to help us with our Football Tournament
9 June, teen 5-a-side Football Tournament
10 June, Pastor Stephen Nix preaches all day including our Trust Service (assisted living facility)
16 June, our church is in a parade.
23 June, our church has a booth set up at our Community Chidlren's Fair - Gala Day
Thank you for your prayers for these ministries.
Holly is here!
30/05/2018 13:09My cousin, Holly, arrived today to do her college internship. She is a missions major at BJU. We're excited to have her with us for the next two and a half months. She'll be a big help through our annual busy season.
Don and I were able to get out and do flyers near our minsitry today in the village of Bonnyrigg. God gave us a wonderful divine appointment at the beginning of the day with a woman who used to attend our church with 5 of her children. She has moved over to this nearby village but we haven't seen her in over 3 years. Please pray that God would work out a way for her to get back to church. God was good to bring us accross one another's path today.
We put out around 400 flyers through mail slots. Please pray for lasting fruit from our labours.
Advertising the football tournament....
29/05/2018 13:32Please pray that God will bring just the right young people out for our football tournament on 9 June. I went to the three area highschools today and gave them bricks of flyers to make available to their students. Some of the schools hand them out individually and others put the flyers in places where the young people can grab them.
Next friday (the day before the tournament) we will be near the schools when they let out to remind students and to invite them individually. We are going to miss having the Washer family with us this year. Evangelist Jonathan Washer has helped run our tournament for the last two years. Please pray for God to bless their ministry ( as they travel to many prisons sharing the Gospel at their sports tournaments.
A former semi-pro footballer, Eddie, will be coming to help us run the tournament this year as our referee. Eddie got saved a few years ago and has a vibrant walk with the Lord. He is a member at a very good friend of mine's, Les Hill's, church in Lucan, Ireland. Please pray for Eddie as he shares his testimony and for myself as I preach. Thank you for your prayers for these Gospel ministry opportunities.
Thanks for praying for the Ladies' Afternoon Tea
27/05/2018 20:12God blessed the ladies' afternoon tea yesterday. Thank you for your part in intercession. The attendance was good. The program went well. The food was good. (Or so I hear as I wasn't there....) So, we're thankful to the Lord for His evident blessing on the day.
God gave us some encouragement tonight as a couple of our missing neighborhood children were back in attendance. Please pray that the kids will all start coming again.
I preached this morning a message from Esther 4 entitled, "Why Don't You Fast?" Jesus said, "When ye fast...." not "if ye fast." We are living in a tough day but God has given us a weapon with which to fight. "This kind goeth not forth but by prayer and fasting." God spoke to my heart and I'm reminded that I have another area in my life that needs God's gracious development. Thanks for praying for our ministry.
Busy day tomorrow....
25/05/2018 22:55Please pray for the Ladies' Afternoon Tea which is taking place tomorrow from 12:00 - 3:00. Tanya came over to help Katie make loads of goodies this afternoon and evening. Katie puts a lot of work into this ministry. She plans it, prepares for it and this year she is also speaking. She has also organized a small handbell choir. There are two other churches who will be bringing ladies. Please pray that God would be honored and that the Tea would go very well.
God gave us a good youth activity this evening. We didn't have a large group - but there was a great spirit and we had a good time. I preached on Caleb and wholly following the LORD.
Outreach in Bonnyrigg....
22/05/2018 14:07The weather for the past few weeks has been gorgeous. Today it was cloudy, low fifties and breezy. I enjoyed listening to Leonard Ravenhill preach as I did flyers. Despite the weather, God gave me three really good Gospel opportunities. Each conversation was about 20 minutes and in each case the person thanked me for my time. Only God can arrest our hearts to make us think about Him and it was wonderful to see. Thank you for your part in praying for these conversations to take place.
Just happy to be in church....
20/05/2018 14:36The start to this week was a little rough for me as I got a sudden stomache bug last night. Thankfully, we had guests from the States visiting our church today and he was able to do SS for me. I felt good this morning and God enabled as I preached the AM service. The message I preached from Romans 12:1-2 was entitled, "A Sacrifice Acceptable - or Not?" We may think God accepts our sacrifice and we may want Him to do so. But, to be a sacrifice which God accepts it must be what Paul described in those two verses. It was a good reminder to myself and I trust to our congregation.
We enjoyed having two young people from Australia spend two nights with us this week. The young man joined myself and Don as we put out flyers in Bonnyrigg. God gave me one really good divine appointment with a young father. Please pray that this man will read the John and Romans which I gave him.
Callum (a teen in our church) joined Mac and I as we did door to door on Saturday. Katie was unable to go yesterday as she and our two oldest participated in a community craft fair. It was a good opportunity for them to be involved in our local community.
Thank you for your prayers. God has definitely helped us today.
Keep praying for your neighbours....
14/05/2018 14:12God gave me an incredible divine appointment today. I had been studying at a library in Edinburgh before heading out to put out flyers. The first woman I spoke to said, "No thank you, I don't live here." She was an older woman who was standing beside me as we prepared to cross the road.
I told her that it was about God and she kindly took it. We then began a discussion of the Reformation as researching that was one reason for her visit from Ireland. God gave us a good wee chat as we walked about two blocks together. Before we parted I said, "Where in Ireland do you live?" She said about so many miles South of Dublin. I said, "I've got friends in Brey and Archlow." She said, "I live about ten minutes from Brey." I said there is a good Baptist church there pastored by a friend of mine, "Dan Pero." She said, "What did you say?" and looked very startled. I said, "Dan and Sharon Pero." She said, "They are my neighbors and live within walking distance of my home in the country." I said, "Wow, I guess we really should believe in God!" She said, "That is a miracle!" and insisted that I write a wee note to Dan and Sharon on another flyer. Please pray for Mrs. Coffee to get saved. God put her on my path today on purpose. Thank you for praying for divine appointments.
I had a great witnessing opportunity with a Frenchman who was a nominal Catholic. After going through the Gospel with him, I left him with a copy of John and Romans. I had another good opportunity with Thomas, who may visit my church. God gave us a good discussion of "Biblical Theology" instead of human reasoning. I was able to share the Gospel with him as well. I had one other extended opportunity with an older man from London. He insisted I would never convert him but I tried anyway. :) We talked for about ten minutes and I left him saying that I would pray that God would somehow awaken him to faith. Thank you for praying! Our God is AWESOME!
Cool visitor....
13/05/2018 13:15All visitors are "cool" but it was really special to have a man visit today from South Africa. His pastor and I were in the same youth group and are very good friends. Please pray for this young family as they have just relocated to Scotland. At present they live on the other side of the country. (We live in a very narrow part of Scotland - they live about 45 miles away.) However, by public tranpsort it took him 3 hours to get to church this morning.
I preached this morning on "Live Saving Spiritual Posture" from Numbers 26:41-50. It is Moses and Aaron standing in the gap for the Israelites who rebelled against God.
Now, we are eating and heading to "The Trust" (assisted living facility) for an afternoon service. Thank you for your prayers for this busy ministry Sunday.