
Outreach with Pastor Dillman

04/07/2018 21:38

Don and I were able to put out flyers for a couple of hours this morning. The area we were in was very hard. I don't know why. It was a beautiful day but people were not very friendly. Please pray for God's Word to open some of the hearts in that community.

We enjoyed having a bbq and campfire tonight with the Dillmans. The 4th of July is one holiday that is often neglected by us here. It was fun to enjoy some good fellowship and the beautiful evening.

The Sunday night outreach went well. God gave us a fun time and we had a couple divine appointments. A lady texted me this evening and let me know that her daughter would be able to come to 3 of our HBC days next week in Auchendinny. Benson, Kay Lee and Holly helped me put out more flyers in Auchendinny and Loanhead yesterday. Thank you for praying for our outreach.

A good morning....

01/07/2018 13:04

We are enjoying a good Lord's day. This morning we began in our teen/adult SS class a study of the book of Romans. We are excited about this book study.  I preached a message this morning on Praising God from Psalm 100. We are going to have a prayer and praise service this evening, Lord's Supper, door to door in Auchendinny inviting kids to HBC (9-13 July), and afterwards enjoy a campfire at our home with icecream fellowship. If you want to come, just let us know and we will have a banana split for you. :)

Thank you for praying for our ministry. God gave us a very good morning - Praise His Name!

Wow - the weather is glorious!

24/06/2018 12:51

We have had better than average weather this year in Scotland. This week to come is going to be a very summer like week as we will be in he low 70's. This is hot here as our normal day averages in the low 60's and often we are in the upper 50's. Praise the Lord for refreshing weather!

God blessed our day today. I had the joy of listening to a 13 year old tell me that she had gotten saved. I went through the Gospel with her on Thursday. She said that she wants to be baptized. Please pray that God will guard her as a new young believer. 

I preached this morning on "Prayer that Makes a Difference" from James 5. God has given us a great weapon to wield for Him. I'll ask you what I asked our church this morning, "Are you making a difference in prayer?"

We've seen God answer prayer this past week. I started the message sharing a story of something lost that God helped us find this week. He also kept the weather for all three of our outdoor events this week. He gave grace to make those ministries fun and not burdensome. He helped us accomplish everything else we needed to do despite a heavier workload. Thank you for your part in lifting those burdens in prayer. 

Great Gala Day!

23/06/2018 19:29

Thank you for praying with us for the weather for the Gala (children's fair) Day in Loanhead. It was a spectacular weather day. God allowed us to have many great conversations and loads of people enjoying our children's activities. We have an archery shooting gallery (suction cup - but extremely good quality), badge (button) making, and this year only - rides in the ark! In the photo below our tent and tables are in the centre and we are wearing blue church shirts. I'll put some other pictures below as well. It's hard to get an idea from the pic of the size of the event. On the right side of the picture is a whole fair with many rides which you can't see.

Many people said that they had gotten our Holiday Bible Club information previously. One lady said she got it in the parade while several children said they got them at school. Pastor Dillman helped me take the flyers to 10 primary (elementary) schools in our area. Please pray for fruit eternally from our ministry today. God gave us a great group of helper from our church and everything could not have gone better. Praise the Lord!

Flyers in Loanhead and assorted other news....

19/06/2018 13:41

It was a great blessing again to have 4 of us (Kay Lee, Holly, Benson and myself) putting out literature (Gospel flyer and HBC invite) into houses in Loanhead. With four of us it goes very quickly. God gave two great opportunities to share the great news about Jesus death and resurrection. 

The other, far less wonderful news, is that Duchess got third at the dog show in Loanhead last night.... for waggiest tail. Unfortunately that was her only prize category - but we'll take it! This is all part of the Gala week in Loanhead. They have different fun things going on all week ending in the Gala Day on Saturday. Please continue to pray for good weather. We've had a drier than normal spring but we are still praying about the weather. By the way, last week Thursday (day before the parade) we had rain and 50-70 mph gusts of wind. We were very thankful for the weather God gave us for the parade. 

I'm glad God is faithful....

17/06/2018 13:02

Aren't you glad that God is faithful? In the scope of life and ministry that truth means more than anything. His promises are absolutely true. His ministry to us is completely consistent. Praise God! I'm thankful for that today.

God gave us a good ministry today. We had our faithful group out to church. It was good to have a couple of the teens with us this morning who normally are away on Sunday mornings. The teen girl from our football tournament hasn't missed anything, including the parade. It was great to have here there again. That may change, but we're thankful right now for her faithful attendance.

I preached this morning on the need to be a "Giant Slayer for God" from 1 Samuel 17. What if no one had been sent by God to the battle who would stand up for God? May God help us to be that person.

Happy Father's Day to all the fathers out there. I'm thankful for my earthly dad and my father-in-law today. God's blessed our family. I'm also thankful for my children and for being able to be a dad. God's good!

Parade finished!

16/06/2018 08:52

Thank you for praying for the parade. Everything was ready on time and we had a good group to help put out flyers. Below I'll put some pics of our group. Katie, Holly and Kay Lee made the animal costumes.

Although rain was threatening it didn't rain. Praise God. Now, we need you to continue to pray for the weather on the 23rd as that is our community children's fair (Gala Day). We will have a tent set up with some children's activities. 


Flyers in Loanhead....

12/06/2018 13:20

It was great to get out in Loanhead today. Benson, Kay Lee, Holly and myself put out several hundred flyers in about an hour and a half. Please pray as the new evangelism flyer goes out as well as the invitations to our Holiday Bible Club. 

God has helped us get much accomplished for the parade. Katie and the girls have been working on costumes. I got to build the ark. I kept waiting and hoping for one of my neighbor's to ask me what I was doing so that I could say, "Building the ark." :) Mac will be the only occupant to be pulled in it during the parade. Please continue to pray with us for God's blessing with good weather as well as for the flyers that we'll be handing out.

Thank you Pastor and Mrs. Nix

10/06/2018 21:46

We enjoyed having Stephen and Leah Nix with us today from North Carolina. Pastor Nix has preached for us two other times and we always enjoy having them with us. It was great to hear the messages God had put on his heart for today and to have him help us during our busy season. God could not have brought them to help us at a better time. The Trust service went very well this afternoon and the folks there were also blessed by Pastor Nix' ministry.

It was great to have one of our teenage girls from yesterday join us for all 4 services today. Please pray for this young lady. She is planning on coming this Thursday night. Please pray that this desire will continue.

God is so very good. Thank you for praying for our ministry.

Great tournament :)

09/06/2018 19:39

God gave us a wonderful day today. The weather was exceptional. The attendance was good. God blessed the spirit of the day. The Lord gave great liberty to Eddy as he shared his testimony and to myself as I preached. The highlights of the day was having a whole family join us for the lunch and preaching time and having two teen girls come on their own. One teen girl is going to church with us tomorrow (that's the plan) - Praise God! Thank you for praying with us for God's blessing on our day. His hand was evident. (Below is Eddy sharing his testimony, the winning side and player of the tournament, and then all the teens and kids who came.)

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