
Outreach with Tommy

05/11/2018 13:21

A man in our church went out with me this morning to finish putting flyers through the village of Roslin. It's nice to have that time of fellowship as well as ministry. I had one divine appointment with a man who has never lied. :) Please pray for God to open His eyes to His truth.

Interestingly, yesterday morning my wife realized that we had people in church from Penicuick, Auchendinny, Bilston, Loanhead, Bonnyrigg (all nearby villages) accept for the nearby village of Roslin. She mentioned it that afternoon and that night an older man visited our church. His jacket said, "Roslin bowling club." (For those who are picturing ten pen bowling, the bowling club is lawn bowling.) It was just a reminder that God has the ability to reach out to any village. Please pray that these mining villages on the southern side of Edinburgh would turn to Jesus.

Please also pray for our monthly ladies' meeting which is tonight. Katie shares a Bible study at our home and the ladies enjoy a cup of tea together.

Sunday AM

04/11/2018 13:29

Praise God, we had a good morning! In general there was good attendance. It was also good to have our visiting family happy to be back with us. Please pray for our church as we grow that God would help further establish Free Baptist Church in Loanhead.

I preached this morning on "The Believer's Threefold Inheritance" of Victory, Vindication and Virtue from Isaiah 54:17.

Thank you for your prayers for us and our ministry. God has graciously helped us in answer to your prayers.

New flyers....

01/11/2018 13:32

I've been able to get out twice this week to put out flyers in a village which has about 1,000 homes. I need one more day to finish the village with this flyer. In total we've probably put around a dozen Gospel flyers through this village. It is only a mile from Loanhead.

The Lord gave me one short divine appointment for which I thank Him. Otherwise, it has been pretty quiet this week. 

I've finally found time to work on some new literature for our church. I've prepared two new flyers to hand people. They are similar in size and feel to a football/ baseball card. Please pray that God will use these tools to open hearts to the Gospel. Thank you for your prayers. (I screenshot them on my phone and will put the pictures below.)




Praise God - they came!

28/10/2018 13:06

God gave us a very good morning and encouraged our hearts with fruit from our labours. A family whom we met doing door to door were in church this morning. Praise God. It was wonderful to have them with us. Another woman who had visited our church several years ago was also back in church this morning.

I preached this morning on "Seeing God as He Is" from Micah 7:18-20. The Lord gave us a very good service.

This afternoon I get to preach for a sister church in Livingston. I'd appreciate your prayers for that service as well. Thank you for your active part and investment in Free Baptist Church.

Door to Door

27/10/2018 16:04

God gave us a beautiful morning to get out and do door to door. We've just had a cold snap (in fact we just drove through our first snow shower) but it was very sunny this morning. An exciting thing this morning was having two adults plus myself and Katie out doing door to door. We have normally taken our children with us. Lord willing, in the near future, we will add the kids again to have several groups out doing door to door.

The Lord also gave us some wonderful divine appointments this morning. Lord willing, we will see some of those with whom we spoke come to church tomorrow. We had a special visitor with us on Thursday night as the spouse of one of our church members attended. It was great to have him in church. Thank you for your interest and prayers for FBC in Loanhead.

Edinburgh Outreach with Jack

24/10/2018 11:30

God blessed the outreach with Jack today. Please pray for this young man. It is fun to be with a new believer who is excited about sharing their faith in Jesus. We did evangelism in front of the building where Jack works. He said, "Now everyone will know that I'm a believer." Please pray for fruit from our labour. We had several good conversations. 

Evangelism is interesting these days. Most people have earbuds in their ears, looking at their phone in one hand and smoking the cigarette held in their other hand. It is also amazing how hard hearted men have become. Some were open, but many older people were very anti-God. May God graciously awaken these hard hearts! Thanks for your prayers.

The Dillmans are on the plane heading home and just texted a picture of a new born baby. Thanks for your prayers for them.


23/10/2018 12:16

We've been listening to a howling wind for the last 24 hours. We've had gusts in the 40's. That made life interesting as I did flyers this morning. The only casualty was my hat blowing off but thankfully coming to rest not too far away. I had one brief opportunity to speak with a man who stepped out on his porch with a coffee. He was briefly blown sideways. :) Please pray for God's blessing on His Word as it went out this morning. Lord willing, tomorrow morning Jack and I are going to do some evangelism in Edinburgh.

Glad to be back, but thankful for our time away.

21/10/2018 13:12

God blessed our family with a holiday in Wales this past week. It was great to be refreshed and to see God's amazing creation. The Lord provided a large portion of the cost of this trip through the kindness of some friends of ours. So - it was a gift from God which we really enjoyed and thank the Lord for His provision.

God gave us a good morning. I re-preached a message God put on my heart many years ago. I preached on Ezekiels vision of the Valley of Dry Bone in Ezekiel 37. We need to look around, look up and preach as Ezekiel did. I can't imagine a deader autience or a more life giving message! Please pray for life for the dead here in Scotland. 

As far as ministry goes, we are into a normal schedule. We have a youth activity on Friday as we always do on the 4th Friday of the month. Please pray for God to do a good work in the heart of our teens. Please pray as well for my  ministry next Sunday afternoon at Almond Valley Baptist Church. The Dillmans will be back in the States to meet their new grandbaby. I know they'd appreciate your prayers for their travels as well.

Children of Light

14/10/2018 13:03

God gave us a good morning. We have a lot of children in our ministry. Please pray for grace for them to be good without parental supervision. They were a bit squirrely today. We're glad they are there but want them to be there in obedience. 

My message this morning from Ephesians 5:1-21 was Walk as Children of Light

I just realized that I had not updated the page this week. It was mostly a study week as our family is getting a brief holiday this next week. Pastor Dillman and I did get out over in his area to put out Gospel flyers. We didn't have any notable conversations but enjoyed the fellowship of working together. We also joined his church for a prayer breakfast yesterday morning which was enjoyed by those who attended. Thank you for your prayers for Free Baptist Church and our family. They are much appreciated!

Wonderful Wedding

07/10/2018 13:19

God gave us a a wonderful wedding yesterday. Thank you for praying for Jamie and Rebekah's wedding. God blessed in every detail. Praise His Name. (I'll put a couple photo's below.)

The Lord gave us a good morning as well. It was good to have some former church attendees with us for a visit as they were up visiting from England. 

I preached this morning on Ezekiel 14, That They May Be My People. Separation is not juat a NT teaching as the OT is full of good passages like this one. God didn't want part of His people's heart. He wanted all of their heart. 

Tonight we are going to have a special communion service. We are going to obsere the Lord's table with pictures from Israel, Scripture reading and hymn singing. We do this occassionaly and it is a good focus upon the death of our Lord. 

We very much appreciate your prayers. Thank you for your part in this very special weekend of ministry.

Below: My bride and the bride, Rebekah, who was a wonderful part of our church. We'll miss her at our services. However, we are so very thankful that God has given her a Godly husband.

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