
Faithful attendance today....

02/12/2018 13:19

Praise the Lord for our good attendance today. We didn't have any visitors but all of our regular church members were there. We are enjoying seeing some church growth and are very thankful for what God is doing. It was a special blessing to have Melanae Clark sing and share her testimony with our church family. Also, the Christmas Tea was well attended and there was a great spirit in their time to gether. Thank you for praying.

I preached this morning from the phrase in I Corinthians 11:24 on "He Brake it... Broken for you." God is good. We thank Him for what He did in our hearts this morning.

Christmas Flyer 2018

29/11/2018 13:23

I'm very thankful that God has provided a means to get literature printed very nicely AND inexpensively. I prepared this flyer on Monday and have already received it. (5,000) Please pray that God will use this flyer to encourage people to open up His Word with their families. I hope some people will save this flyer and read it aloud with their family on Christmas Day. Included is also an invitation to our special holiday services.

Tomorrow is the Christmas Tea at our home. Thank you for praying for that ministry opportunity.

A good friend has come....

27/11/2018 13:42

We are very pleased to have our former pastor's wife, Melanae, with us for a week. This is expecially great for Katie. Melanae arrived this morning and is excited to get to see where God has put us. She will be speaking at Katie's Ladies' Christmas Tea this Friday. Please pray for a good turnout. Many ladies have been invited.

I was able to get out doing flyers this morning in West Linton. Please pray for Craig. He doesn't have time to go to church he said. I challenged him to listen to the message I preached this past Sunday. That excuse was in our text and I hope he takes the time to listen in. His kids need a dad who is saved and investing in their eternal life.

I did evangelism from my computer yesterday as I prepared our church Christmas Flyer with Luke 2 on it. I ordered 5,000. On the back is an invitation to our church Carol Sing Service and our New Years Eve Family Film Night. Please pray for our church as we get these out.

God gave me a divine appointment this morning as I had to go to Cosco. As I waited for the doors to open I spoke with the man next to me. He hopes to come to the Carol Sing Service. His wife is Catholic.  He is Presbyterian. I told him to compromise with her and come to a Baptist church. I have no reason to doubt his intent to come on Christmas Eve. I hope to see him there. Thanks for praying for that special event.

A good morning because God is good....

25/11/2018 13:05

It's always good to get to the house of God to join together around the word of God. This morning was no exception. Several whom we hoped to be there were not. God knows our desire for their attendance and yet He is doing a great work despite their lack of attendance. One family did text me to let me know of their inability to attend and to promise to see us next week. Do pray that they will come.

I preached this morning on, "Attend God's Great Supper" from Luke 14:12-24. Praise God that all things are now ready and that we can come and can encourage others to attend. What a privilige in both regards.

Thank you for your prayers for our ministry!


Thanksgiving week update

24/11/2018 16:43

We have a lot to be thankful for this week. We had a wonderful Thanks Giving service with many participants singing, playing instruments, sharing a testimony and a hymn history. The highlight of the evening was a woman coming forward to be saved. Praise the Lord! We are so thankful for God's goodness. We also enjoyed having a fellow missionary with us this week as Amanda Baker was here for a few days. It was great to catch up with her. She assists a ministry in Peterburgh, England.

Tommy and I did outreach this week putting flyers out one morning in West Linton. That village is nearly completed. The Lord also gave an opportunity to share the Gospel with an 86 year old woman who had recently lost her husband of 68 years. Please pray that she understand the Gospel. She said she would read the flyer on the bus. 

Jack and I also did some door to door today and had a few good short conversations. Please pray for Jack as he is heading to California for some medical needs. Lord willing, he will visit West Coast Baptist Bible College while he is there. It's a great opportunity for a young man from the UK to see what God is doing in other places. Please pray for God's leading in his life. 

Thank you for praying. God is working in answer to your prayers.

God gave us a very special morning.

18/11/2018 13:37

Praise God - He gave us a very special morning - praise His name. The man who was saved brought his wonderful family with him to church. Please pray for them as they have their hands full with three children one and younger. :) They have a set of twins. They are all beautiful boys. 

I preached this morning on being Guardians of God's Holiness from 1 Chronicles 15. If you would like to listen in, we welcome you do do so by clicking the previous link. You can also access the audio on our church webpage or facebook page. 

We covet your prayers and are very thankful for those God has raised up to intercede for His work in this area. May God bless you all in your walk with Him!


Salvation and outreach

17/11/2018 12:09

I shared with our church on Thursday night that the opposition against our outreach had been significant this past week. I mentioned that Satan often resists just before God has a great opportunity. I had a great opportunity yesterday morning to lead a friend of mine to the Lord. Please pray that he will come to church. We have yet to see another man who put his trust in Jesus come to church. Please pray that he will come as well.

Our door to door went very well this morning. One lady was tearful and I asked if she had just lost someone. She said that she had and Katie and I had a sweet time of prayer with her. Please pray for her to accept the Gospel and know the sweetness of assurance of salvation. She's a Catholic.

Praise God for His power over the enemy and for His ability to reach our community with His gracious love. Thank you for praying.

West Linton

14/11/2018 11:18

I was back in West Linton yesterday putting out our Gospel flyer. I was reminded that men's hearts seem to be getting even harder against God. It hardly seems possible, but it does at times seem that way. I had a man accost me yesterday as I passed back up his street. He said, "Are you the one putting THIS (not his words) through my mail slot?" (Note: I had just had a man yell at me for putting a flyer through his mail slot - he didn't really care what kind of a flyer it was. That was just a block and a few doors away from this one.) I was kind to him but had to say at one point, "If you touch me I will call the police." He was bumping me with his belly and pushing against me. I had another man blaspheme Jesus. Praise God I had one good conversation with a man who is open. Please pray that this dear older man will find God's gift of everlasting life.

This flyer in particular seems to be hitting a nerve and I say, "Praise God." Our church received hate mail from this flyer this past week threating us with turning us into the police if any more flyers were received. Interestingly the person didn't include their name or address. Please pray that God will graciously awaken men's hearts with His truth. Their hatred is for Him. Praise God He loves them still and they can get saved if they will take His loving offer.

Satan is attacking our outreach and again I say, "Praise God." We had a man scream at one of our door to door teams this past week for leaving his gate open as they came to knock on his door. He didn't scream at himself for letting his dog out of the door and thereby out of his gate. Again, pray for this dear man who needs Jesus. Our team apologized but he was also rightly rebuked for speaking as he did towards women. Please pray that God will awaken his heart and that God will give us GREAT FRUIT where Satan is opposing the Gospel.

On an encouraging note - God encouraged me yesterday as I walked up to a home and happened to look over at the home I had just left - someone was walking back into the kitchen obviously reading the flyer. (That is what it is all about - amen?)


Door to door and Sunday AM

11/11/2018 12:55

The Lord blessed our Saturday door to door with some good opportunities to encourage people to attend and to share the Gospel. We appreciate your prayers for our outreach.

I enjoyed preaching a Kingdom Parable this morning as I preached on the parable of the ten virgins. My message was, "God's Wedding Announcement" from Matthew 25:1-13. The Lord gave us a good service. Thank you for your prayers.

This afternoon is our ministry at the assisted living facility in Loanhead, The Trust. I'd appreciate your prayers as I preach on The Word of Life from the text, "Man doth not live by bread alone...." in Deuteronomy.

God's hand is evident in our church and we are very thankful for your intercession. Thank you for standing with us as we stand for God.

"How great is that darkness"

07/11/2018 11:55

If the light that is in thee be darkness.... Sadly our world can't see the truth staring them in the face. I'm reminded of this as I get out with the Gospel. I put flyers out today in a village, West Linton, which is just over 10 miles from our church. I've put flyers through there several times before. It will take me a few days to finish but I got a good start today.

It was a misty morning but I had one divine appointment with a young lady whom I spoke with for about 10 minutes. Please pray that she takes to heart the truth of God's Word. I gave her my new small flyer which should convict her as it echoes her statements about her goodness. She had not looked at them yet as she just put them through her mail slot in her door.

I had to meditate on some verses after that conversation. "My Word shall not return void." I also had to remember what we had read in our family devotions about not wanting fire to come down from Heaven but keeping a desire for men to get saved. ("Shall we call down fire from Heaven....") Please pray for God to water the seed that was sown and to protect it from being snatched away by the wicked bird.

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