
Facebook update

12/03/2024 20:25

Our church keeps a facebook page primarily for a public testimony in our local community. We do enjoy the greetings from our friends all around the world as well. The handle on facebook is "freebaptistlothian." Here is a link.

Here is my update from tonight - Platform backdrop is finished once the paint dries. It looks better in person, so if you are in the area, feel free to visit our church. Also, one of the pics has a sample of the carpet which will be installed in the next couple of weeks. These are exciting days and we are grateful for God's grace and guidance.

Platform Background

11/03/2024 20:44

Some of you may have wondered what we meant by wall decoration. We put panels behind the platform today. These still need to be primed and painted. A cross is also going on the wall near the peak. We postponed the carepet for a couple more weeks as we needed breathing space to finish the work. A friend's church is coming next week to help us out - PRAISE THE LORD! Please continue to pray for God's blessings upon our work.


Happy Mother's Day

10/03/2024 13:10

Today is mother's day in Scotland. Katie found some nice flowering gifts for the ladies of our church. Some flowers went home with the husbands and grandads as well to be given to the women in their lives.

I preached a message this morning from Jude 20-25 entitled, "Be Like Yer Mum." It was an insightful study for me and I have a better understanding of Biblical compassion having shared it. I trust God used it in the lives of our church family as well.

We got news on Katie's knee this week. It wasn't what we wanted but the news is in line with what we were expecting. She has torn her ACL and several other ligaments. Please pray for wisdom as she meets with physio therapists on Tuesday. She's getting around, but has to learn how to do it safely as her knee is unstable. Thankfully the swelling is going away. Thank you for praying for her.

God provided platform chairs for us yesterday. We purchased two chairs which we found on a used website. We'll also start working on putting the design trim onto the front wall of the sanctuary this week. We didn't do much on the church project this past week, as our family has been very busy working the last three days on our hedge. Cutting back a hedge seems like it would not be much work. However, those who know our house and know our hedge, know otherwise. This included a chainsaw and a lot of cut branches. Thankfully, the branches have all been consumed in the fire pit and a large pile of ashes is all that remains. We thank the Lord for weather, strength and grace to get it done.


Breathing space...

05/03/2024 15:13

The Lord allowed us to delay the carpet installation and piano delivery for a few weeks. This is a blessing as we have more time to get finishing work completed. There is no reason to paint after we install, IF we can do so before. We also have a group coming from Nolansville, TN (Pastor Waddle's church) on the week of the 18th. This really helps us as we can get much more accomplished without being concerned about new carpets.

Thanks for praying for our works. It's amazing how many decisions need to be made. Tim, the sound guys from England, came up Sunday afternoon. He made it in time for our evening service and stayed until Monday. He's incredibly helpful and we are putting a plan together for audio and video. Please pray for wisdom when to move forward and for God's provision according to His will. 

I was able to get out street preaching yesterday morning. Today I put out Gospel flyers in our local area.

Katie's injury update: She saw a sports doctor yesterday about her knee injury. He suspects a torn ACL. She is having an MRI just now and we'll update you. Please pray for the swelling to go down. Our hope is that it can heal without surgery.

The Lord was a carpenter....

03/03/2024 13:08

Well, the Lord was a carpenter and so he understands physical work to make something beautiful. We have put in a lot of hours this week on the property. It's fun to see our church family take their weekly walk into the back of the church to see the sanctuary progress. That isn't the only thing that is fun. We have a new family attending and a newlly saved young man. That's tremendous and we say,"Thank you Lord!"

I preached this morning on our series, "Thou art worthy, O Lord." This morning was, "Worthy of Faithful Followers" from John 21. Jesus met his men at the Sea of Galilee and gave them their individual orders of "Follow Me."

Tonight, the sound engineer from England will be up for our evening service... hopefully, he'll make it on time. He has a long drive ahead of him after departing just now after their morning service. Please pray for wisdom as we make decisions on sound equipment and set up.

Katie is getting around much better and the swelling is going down after her fall just over a week ago. Thank you for praying. She feels like she has been demoted as she stays off ladders and sits on the floor to paint the trim. :) All of our family has been working hard on the project. I'm thankful that God has given us a good work crew in that way.

Lord willing, we will be putting up the front wall decoration and doing trim in the hallway and creche (nursery) this week. Your continued prayers for the building project are much appreciated.

PS. The pics just show the trim painted, walls filled/sanded and painted, door painted, etc. Before and afters would probably help you identify our progress.

life is going fast here.

28/02/2024 21:17

This has been a good week, but we blinked and now it is Wednesday. I was able to street preach on Monday. The weather was beautiful and I couldn't keep from getting out even though we had much building works to do. We worked there on Monday and Tuesday. The screeding of the floor on Tuesday went really well. It's already looking great as you'll see below. 

Today I enjoyed helping Pastor Don Dillman in his neck of the woods. Please pray for Ahmed to visit Don's church. He and I had a good Gospel chat today. Our service tonight was refreshing. We are doing a "Life of David study." Tonight we saw the love of David as he lamented the death of King Saul and Jonathan. We had several children and adults out for our midweek service. These are exciting days for our church and we are enjoying making decisions together. Tonight we informally "voted" on the chair stain colour. The decision was mid oak. Thank you for praying for the many decisions which we are making. 

Your continued prayers for the building works is much appreciated. The carpet (mid brown colour) is scheduled to be installed on 12/13 March. Please pray that we can finish the spaces before the carpet is laid. We are on track, but Katie's fall doesn't help us as she is a good painter. Her leg is a bit better today, but your continued prayers are appreciated.

God's good. We are seeing His hand in answer to your prayers.

Have you got trouble?

25/02/2024 13:19

The topic of my message this morning was appropriate after my wife missed the bottom rung on the ladder yesterday while painting at church. We had a trip to minor injuries and thankfully, nothing is broken. Please pray for her knee to heal up and that we'll have wisdom if she did any lasting damage. She had surgery on this knee over 20 years ago to repari a torn ACL. We're just thankful she wasn't more severely injured as concrete isn't very forgiving.

Our text for the messsage was Psalm 33 and it's a great text for trouble as David frankly says, "I am in trouble." David didn't let his trouble push him away from God, but in His trouble He ran to God. We had good attendance this morning despite not having a family present. We had a return visiting teen and the newly saved man was out. Praise the Lord, we're thankful for the work He is doing in our church family. Tonight we are going to have a cake fellowship as we celebrate God's goodness in allowing us to buy this property on 23 February last year. We're also giving a thank offering to our church building fund. It's been neat to see God provide and it's good for our church to participate in the investment into this property.

Building works are going very well. Please pray as we try to finish up some things before the carpet is laid on March 11/12th. We're working hard on it. I think I put in about 30 hours this past week and my family and others were there much of that time as well. Please pray for motivation, strength and wisdom. On Tuesday/Wednesday of this week, the sanctuary floor is being screeded. We will be helping with that to try and keep costs down.

Thank you for praying. As you can see from the above, God's hand has been evident and we praise Him for His grace.

Interesting week....

22/02/2024 20:28

This has not been a normal week. But, it has been a good week. We are in the final stretch on our sanctuary remodel and felt the need to put in some extra time. So, Monday was a church work day. We're trying to get finishing work done before the carpet is laid in two weeks time. Please pray for wisdom on where to focus our energies. A hallway carpet was torn out. Filler was put on walls and then sanded after it dried. The foyer of the sanctuary is almost finished with paint work. God's been good to bless our efforts at moving forward.

Tuesday I flew to Ireland to spend time in prayer with Pastor Les Hill. We enjoyed having another pastor, Declan Flanigan, join us for prayer in the afternoon. God gave me a great witnessing opportunity with an Irish Catholic man on the return flight.

Today, I had one of the greatest joys a minister can have. I was contacted by a 24 year old young man who had emailed me last year after receiving a Gospel flyer. God has been working in his heart. Today he wanted to meet up and he accepted Christ as His Saviour. Praise God for the power of the Gospel. Glory to God for what He has done in this young man's heart. Please pray for him as he grows in the Lord. We got more work done on the church today as we scraped rubbery substances off the concrete in preparation for screeding.

Your prayers avail much. We feel like we are in the thick of it at times, but God is faithful and keeps showing His mighty hand. Thank you for standing with us for the glorious cause of the Gospel.


building and church progress

18/02/2024 13:25

God is helping us to progress on our building and is also progressing our church. On the church front, we have a man taking up and new responsability weekly at church. This is a wonderful blessing. We also had a family revisit this past Wednesday night. That was encouraging. We've also had a steady stream of visitors this year. Door to door went really well and we hope to see some whom we meet out for a service in the near future. We'll see what God does there.

We are currently filling, sanding and painting at church. We made some good progress this past week and hope to be able to keep the momentum going. Please pray for wisdom as I schedule the carpeting for approx. 3 weeks from now. After that, we'll take delivery of our piano and be close to finishing the sanctuary. Please also pray for wisdom as to when God wants us to order our church chairs. I have to nail down some unknowns before we make that decision.

God gave us a great day. We had very good attednance without any visitors. We enjoyed a good time in the Word of God as we looked at Ecclesiology in Sunday School and studied Acts 12 in the morning service. My message from that text (Peter's deliverance from prison) was on, "When God Answers Prayer." Praise God for the power of corporate prayer. Sadly, those prayer meetings could be the least attended meetings in our churches. I wonder if we know what we are missing?

Lord wiling, internet will be installed at our church tomorrow. Later this year, we hope to be back to livestreaming some of our church services. We've been unable to do this for the past 2 years. Please pray for wisdoom as a sound engineer helps us plan our sound system and technology. Thank you for your prayers which avail much!

better weather

13/02/2024 13:07

The weather was good yesterday morning and I was able to get down street preaching. Princess St. in Edinburgh stays pretty busy even in the off season. It was a good outing.

We had a storm last night and even had some, "Thunder snow." It's warm during the day, but was cold enough to have some heavy snow showers that melted away. There was one good crack of thunder.

Today is a very pretty day. I put out Gospel flyers for about 2 hours. I had one conversation with a young father who had 3 boys with him. Please pray that they will visit our church. I told them we could collect them with our minibus as their village is very close to our church location.


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