
"Where were Adam and Eve?"

30/12/2018 13:05

That was what the six year old boy asked my wife when she said, "Cain killed Able." That is humuerous and a very good question from an inquisitive little boy. He just got saved two weeks ago. Katie has him in her children's class for 6 and under during our morning service.

God gave us a good morning despite illness. Several of us were there this morning despite colds. Some could not come because of colds. Lord willing, we will all be well soon. I enjoyed preaching a topical message this morning on sanctification, entitled "Keep the New Year Clean."  

Tomorrow night is a special service at our church as we enjoy a New Years Eve family film night. We're going to show the BJU Unusual film production, "The Printing." 

Thank you for praying for our ministry. God gave us an encouraging start to today.

Carol Sing

24/12/2018 21:50

We all enjoyed our Carol Sing this evening. We had half a dozen visitors, mostly family of our church members. God helped in every aspect of the service. I preached this evening on finding Jesus from the story of the wise men. I encouraged those who came to take a copy of John and Romans from our back table. I know that a couple of them did take a copy - praise the Lord. Thank you for praying.


Merry Christmas begins....

23/12/2018 13:12

I enjoyed preaching a message this morning from the story of the nativity in Luke 2. Specifically we looked at the question of, "Who Is this Baby?" What an incredible person was held as a babe in arms. Praise God for His great grace in giving us Jesus.

We had good attendance and a good spirit. Please expecially pray for our Carol service tomorrow night. We know that there are guests that ought to be present and look forward to sharing the evening with them. Thanks for your prayers.

Suffer the little children....

19/12/2018 10:35

I was asked a great question Sunday night by a little boy (6). His mum just got saved last month. His question was, "How does someone get saved?" He was in earnest and his mum and I sat down and talked with him about the Gospel. He understood that he was a sinner, that the punishment for sin is hell, that Jesus paid the price for his sin on Calvary, that Jesus rose from the dead. And.... he prayed and asked Jesus to come into his heart to save him. I love seeing a child accept Jesus because they do so very simply. Isn't God good to reach into a child's heart and bring them to saving faith? He came back into the room singing and my wife asked him, "Why are you so happy?" His answer, "I just got saved!"

Today I put flyers out in the village where we live. Please pray for our neighbors in this community. We love them and hope to see many of them encouraged to faith in Jesus.

I found my voice....

16/12/2018 13:07

Thank you for praying about  our colds. We are much better thank you. I wasn't able to preach on Thursday night. However, I was able to preach both services this morning. I enjoyed preaching a message in the AM service on Life Changing Faith from 1 Thes. 2:13. Praise God for the power of the Gospel! Regretably, man has robbed it of all it's power. That verse shows the key to unleashing the power of God's Word in a transformative way.

Thank you for your prayers for Kay Lee and Benson. They got back from Spain last night just before midnight. God blessed their time away and they will likely not stop speaking about this for quite a while. :) We are enjoying hearing all the stories from their time away. Tonight they are going to share a testimony in our evening service. Jack will also be sharing a testimony about how God worked on his trip to CA. He was unable to go to the Bible college. Thank you for praying for that possibility. 


13/12/2018 09:51

Yesterday I got to help out Don Dillman over in Livingston. Please pray for God's continued blessing on Almond Valley Church where the Dillmans minister. We were able to put out several hundres flyers and had one short witnessing opportunity with Jason. Please pray for God to awaken Jason's heart. After watching a documentary on genetics, he has concluded that there must be a creator. That is a great place for faith to begin!

Please also pray for the health of our family. The main need is that I would have my voice and that we won't be kept from attending church. A few of us have a cold. Thank you for your prayers!

Camp in Spain is now over. The kids will be spending a couple more days with the David Willis family before arriving back here on Saturday. As far as we know (from facebook videos etc) they are having a great time. We look forward to hearing them share everything that God has done during these days.


Christmas Flyer Progress

11/12/2018 11:32

A man in our church, Tommy, helped me put out the Christmas flyer in Loanhead this morning. I enjoy getting out with our church people doing evangelism. We had a couple divine appointment. One older lady I met promised to come to the Carol Sing saying that she will definitely be there. The other divine appointment was very significant. Please pray for God's amazing grace to work in the heart of this couple. We would love to see them come to Christ for greater reasons than their personal salvation.

We also took 1400 flyers to a large highschool which many teens in our area attend. Please pray that they will have permission to be put out. It is simply Scripture about the birth of Christ and an invite to our special services over the holidays. Thanks for praying.

First leg done....

09/12/2018 13:32

Today is our marathon Sunday. We have just gotten back home and are eating before heading out for our afternoon service. God gave us a good morning. We had a visiting theological student from the New College Edinburgh. Please pray for this young man that God would use him. We enjoyed meeting him. I preached this morning on "Never Say Quit" from Acts 18:1-11. If nobody else needed the message this morning, I did. We had a good time together around God's Word. Thanks for praying.

Evangelism update

08/12/2018 12:44

Don Dillman and I put out flyers on Wednesday in Loanhead. It was cold! Actually it was also very wet as freezing rain was falling making it a bit treachorous. We put out about 400 Christmas flyers.

My door to door partner, Jack, is in California this week getting some adjustments on his back. Jack has had some hip surgeries and his back causes him a lot of bother. Please pray that the treatment will be effective. Katie and I did door to door today. The best opportunity was with a lifetime JW who is older. Please pray for God to help her with His truth. I shared a lot with her about the deity of Jesus. He is worshipped, forgives sin, created all things, to see Him was to see God the Father, etc. 

Please pray for God's Spirit to enable us for ministry tomorrow. Tomorrow is our busy Sunday of the month with an assisted living ministry in the afternoon. Thanks for praying for us and for following along.

Christmas Flyer

03/12/2018 11:25

I was able to get out for a couple hours this morning with our new Christmas flyer. I put out around 300. Please pray for those homes that received it that God would interest them in His Word. The Christmas story from Luke two is the main text of the flyer.

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