
Glorious Resurrection Day

21/04/2019 15:46

Praise God, we had a wonderful morning as we rejoiced in the Lord's resurrection. The young people did a special reader's theatre (memorized Scripture) and sang. I enjoyed preaching a message on He Arose from Luke 24. I also enjoyed singing a trio with my two oldest. The incredible weather God gave us was perfect for the after church luncheon at our home. We'll be back here this evening for a baptismal service. 

Kay Lee is enjoying having a new friend at church who is fluent in Spanish but not in English. Please pray that these two can teach each other English and Spanish. Kay Lee has been learning Spanish for the last couple of years. So, this is a really good opportunity for both of them. There are some very good things going on in our ministry. We appreciate your prayers.

If you are praying for the needs I mentioned a couple weeks ago - the cancer treatments for a lady in our church are going better. She had her second treatment the end of this past week and she was in church this morning - Praise God. The other family I mentioned is still in need of a vehicle. Thank you for your prayers.

I have a special opportunity this week on Wednesday as I get an opportunity to preach the first service at men's camp in Ireland. It's an afternoon service and I am one of about 7 men who have the opportunity to share God's Word. Please pray for the Spirit of God to work mightily in these special days.

Glorious Resurrection Day

21/04/2019 15:46

Praise God, we had a wonderful morning as we rejoiced in the Lord's resurrection. The young people did a special reader's theatre (memorized Scripture) and sang. I enjoyed preaching a message on He Arose from Luke 24. I also enjoyed singing a trio with my two oldest. The incredible weather God gave us was perfect for the after church luncheon at our home. We'll be back here this evening for a baptismal service. 

Kay Lee is enjoying having a new friend at church who is fluent in Spanish but not in English. Please pray that these two can teach each other English and Spanish. Kay Lee has been learning Spanish for the last couple of years. So, this is a really good opportunity for both of them. There are some very good things going on in our ministry. We appreciate your prayers.

If you are praying for the needs I mentioned a couple weeks ago - the cancer treatments for a lady in our church are going better. She had her second treatment the end of this past week and she was in church this morning - Praise God. The other family I mentioned is still in need of a vehicle. Thank you for your prayers.

I have a special opportunity this week on Wednesday as I get an opportunity to preach the first service at men's camp in Ireland. It's an afternoon service and I am one of about 7 men who have the opportunity to share God's Word. Please pray for the Spirit of God to work mightily in these special days.

Biggar Outreach

17/04/2019 12:56

Pastor Dillman and I made our way out to Biggar this morning. It's a very pretty place and the drive there is beautiful. It was made even prettier by the gorgeous weather God gave us this morning. We put out several hundred flyers. I had one good opportunity to share the Gospel with Jimmy. (72). Please pray for God to graciously work in his heart. The other opportunity was not an open door as the young man was a pagan scientist. However, truth was shared which in the mercy of God could open this man's eyes.

I've been wondering lately if people are getting harder to the Gospel. I believe that there is much greater resistance to absolute truth (God's Word) and incredible resistance to creation science. The opposition party (the world) have convinced themselves that they are right and that they have put God where He can no longer impact them. Please pray for God's mercy for Scotland. We need an awakening to Truth that only God can give. Thanks for praying.

First Time visitors :)

14/04/2019 13:12

God blessed us with two first time visitors as a mum and her teenage daughter were in attendance this morning. We thank God for leading them to our church this morning. God gave us a good attendance morning which was refreshing. Please continue to pray for the family in our church that needs a vehicle. The woman who is taking treatments for cancer was able to be back yesterday (ladies' tea) and today - again - praise God. I preached this morning on, "Your Will for Jesus" from Luke 23. Pilate delivered Jesus "to their will." Interestingly men's will has not changed much from the day of the Lord Jesus Christ. God blessed our services. Thank you for praying.

This afternoon we have our ministry at the assisted living facility, The Trust. I'm going to preach on the resurrection of Jesus. Please pray for those who hear it to come to complete faith in that glorious reality. Lord willing, we'll vote tonight on taking on the Calin's. We've had to postpone this vote a couple times. Thanks for praying for God to develop our mission's program. God's good. Praise His name for what He is doing in our church!

Ladies' Afternoon Tea

13/04/2019 15:34

Thank you for your prayers for the Afternoon Tea. God gave the ladies a wonderful time together. The weather today was sunny and beautiful. There were about 30 ladies present and all enjoyed their time together. Please pray for God's blessing upon the testimonies as well as upon His Word that was shared. 

It was a cold and frosty morning....

10/04/2019 14:09

...but, I'm not complaining because our home church in Hudson, WI. is set to be hit with the blizzard today. Today I enjoyed getting out with Don Dillman putting out flyers in Livingston and it was really a beautiful sunny day despite the frosty beginning. I had one short opportunity as I handed a leaflet to a young residential construction worker. Please pray for God to make him think about Him. Sadly, he currently accepts evolution without question. I told him, "Evolution can't even answer the most simple question about life - where does life come from?" However, I pointed out that the Bible answers that question in the first verse, "In the beginning God created...."

Please pray for Katie and the ladies of our church as we get ready to host the ladies' afternoon tea on Saturday. A couple ladies in our church will be sharing their testimonies and Katie will be speaking. Last night I had a great opportunity to invite an older lady in our community to the tea. She said she will come. Katie has been praying for women from our community to come. Please pray with her about that.

Katie's sister, Kelly, and two kids were supposed to arrive tomorrow and be with us for a couple of weeks. However, she had an appendectomy on Sunday. Please pray for her recovery and for God to help them rebook their flights if it be His will. Thanks for your prayers.


09/04/2019 13:08

This morning I returned to Biggar, a village about 35 miles away, to put out Gospel flyers. We've put flyers out in this area several times before. I did some areas this morning which I had never done before. God gave me two opportunities to speak with people about the Lord. An elderly woman told me that she stopped religion in her life when her brother was killed in a car accident. I told her that if it wasn't for a car accident I would not be here. My dad lost his first family in a car accident. She was suprised to hear that dad's faith in God was strengthened not destroyed by the accident. Please pray that she would realize the difference between religion and a relationship with God by faith in Jesus.

The daffodils are beautiful just now. I snapped this picture today.

Sweet spirit in our services....

07/04/2019 13:11

God gave us a good morning. It was good to see some which we hadn't seen for a little while. I preached this morning on Joshua 24 on, "Your Stone of Testimony." Thank you for praying for our services.

There are several specific prayer requests you can carry to the Lord. I'll try to remember to update these. A family in our church needs a vehicle, please pray for God's provision. Another woman in our church has breast cancer. Her treatments have become a bit more aggressive. Please pray for her healing. Several families have unsaved family members. Please pray for their salvation.

Thank you for your active interest in our ministry. We appreciate your prayers.

Rosewell completed

02/04/2019 11:50

The Lord helped me finish Rosewell this morning. God gave me a good day out. I had one short witnessing opportunity with a man from England. He was up visiting his daughter. Plesae pray for God's blessing on the seed sown and His guidance on where to go next.

Edinburgh Evangelism

01/04/2019 13:35

It was a beautifully sunny morning and great for doing outreach in Edinburgh. God gave me several divine appointments. The first was with three construction workers who were enjoying their break. They kindly accepted the flyers and engaged in conversation. The second was with a man and woman in their 40's up visiting Scotland from England. The woman asked a good question, "How is your life any different from mine just because you believe in God?" 

The third opportunity was with a man from Poland who has been disillusioned by Catholicism. He asked me, "What do Baptist's believe?" That was a great question as well. The fourth opportunity was with a man who questioned why it was necessary for the Bible to be accepted as God's Word. I told him that men are corrupt and without a book of truth to tell us about God we would each have our own ideas. 

The fifth opportunity and the one which I believe was the best - was also the most interesting. After we had been talking for about 20 minutes a man came up and asked Joe, "Are you in _____________?" Joe said, "Yes" and allowed the man to get a selfie with him. As it turned out, Joe is an actor in a television program of the Scottish BBC. Please pray for this young man. He said at the end of our conversation, "You have made me want to go home and get my Bible out."

Please pray for God's blessing upon His Word which went out in Edinburgh this morning. Thank you for praying for God to give us divine appointments. 


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