
Outreach in Liberton

15/05/2019 12:34

The Lord gave Don and I some good outreach opportunities as we put flyers out on the South side of Edinburgh in Liberton. Please pray for Peter's salvation. God is working in his heart. He has a New Testament that he has been reading. We enjoyed looking at the Gospel together for about 20 minutes.

Please also pray for two 17 year old young men (separate opportunities) to whom we spake. I gave them each a copy of John and Romans.

My children painted the train yesterday and it is looking really good. We've got some ideas for using this for additional Gospel outreach. Please pray that God will bless these endeavours. Thank you for your prayers. 

PS. We still need to add text to the train. We hope to work on that this afternoon.



The Good News train is coming

14/05/2019 08:27

We are going to do a train theme Holiday Bible Club this summer. So, that means we need a train engine for our parade. Benson and Kay Lee helped yesterday as we built the Good News Express and primed it. It is now ready to be painted. We'll be using this in a parade and Gala Day (children's fair) next month as well as in our HBC in August. Last week 10,000 HBC flyers were printed. I'll drop off around 5,000 at area schools. The rest will be handed out in the parade and on the Gala Day. We also printed 5,000 children's ministry flyers to hand out. Please pray with us for good weather for the parade and Gala Day. (The Ark from last year has been transformed into a train.)

A beautiful morning inside and outside

12/05/2019 13:17

God gave us refreshing weather today and we were refreshed in our hearts as well. God blessed us with good attendance despite some being unable to be in attendance due to illness. I enjoyed preaching on parenting this morning as I continued a series I began last week of "Getting behind God in battle to get the victory." We've looked at three battles thus far with Evangelism and Righteousness considered last week. Please pray for our families to win this parenting battle. It is very important for their, their families, their church and our community.

Please pray ahead for our Stronger Family Seminar which begins next week on Friday, 24 May. Dr. and Mrs. Bud Steadman will be with us for those meeting as Dr. Steadman preaches to our families. 

This afternoon is our trust service. We are going to look at  Song of Solomon 2:1-4 as I preach on the love of Jesus. 

The ladies' meeting went well this past week. Katie got techie and used a video connection to include some ladies who live about an hour away. It went really well. Thank you for your prayers for our ministries.

Thank you for your prayers regarding the family who needed a car. They got one and were able to be in church today. Praise the Lord. Please continue to pray for Karen's cancer treatments. She has her last one this coming Thursday.

Church Outreach in Edinburgh

11/05/2019 16:54

We enjoyed a beautiful morning handing out literature in Edinburgh. All told, we handed out over 1,000 flyers with a group of 10 of us. Everyone who participated really enjoyed the outing. So, it was a blessing to us and we pray a blessing to those who received the Gospel. God gave me one really good divine appointment with a young man. He is from our home area and recognized me as I handed him the flyer. I had prayed with him and a group of children about three years ago after he told me his soldier uncle had been shot. God raised up his uncle though the bullet had clipped an artery. God is obviously working on this young man and our encounter was not by accident. Please pray for his salvation.


Biggar Blessing

07/05/2019 14:11

I was in the village of Biggar again this morning and God gave me the privilege of leading a 60 year old man to the Lord. I shared the Gospel with him at his door for half an hour before going into his living room and leading him in a prayer of salvation. I apologised for slowing his day down and he said, “This is more important.” Lord willing, we’ll see him come visit the church although we are 40 minutes from that village.

We have prayed for years that God would allow us to start a church in that village. Perhaps this is the firstfruits of that future ministry. Please pray with us for God to plant Biggar Free Baptist Church in His time. (Yes, I like the name as well.)

I had one other short opportunity which I believe was effectual. Please pray for God to awaken that elderly man's heart as well.

I hope you are having a great week. God just gave me the opportunity this morning to lead a 60 year old man, Collin, to the Lord. I shared the Gospel with him at his door for half an hour before going into his living room and leading him in a prayer of salvation. I apologised for slowing his day down and he said, “This is more important.” Lord willing, we’ll see him come visit the church although we are 40 minutes from that village.

Wonderful morning for my wife to turn ____________

05/05/2019 13:25

I want to deviate from my normal posts just for a second and say, HAPPY 40TH BIRTHDAY KATIE!!!!!!! I'm so thankful for the companion of my youth. God has blessed me richly and I thank God for His great goodness. 

God gave us a wonderful morning. We had a visiting minister, (Pastor Simeon Hudson) his wife and their friend this morning. They are serving the Lord in Argentina but are from the USA. (North Carolina) 

There are many ways in which we are watching God work in our ministry. Thank you for praying for Karen's cancer treatments. She has one left and is feeling pretty good after this last one. Praise God. Please pray that God will use these treatments to heal her of the cancer. Lord willing, the family without a vehicle will be able to acquire one this week. Meanwhile, another man in our church drove an hour to provide a way for them to attend church this morning. Praise God - they were there and someone stepped up to do something for God.

I preached this morning on, Get Behind God for Victory from I Samuel 5. David got behind God as he went into battle and God gave the victory. There are 5 things that David did that helped him get behind God. 

1.) He prayed.

2.) He got a promise from God.

3.) He got God's battle plan.

4.) He stirred himself up to fight.

5.) He destroyed everything to do with the enemy.

It is a great formula for victory as we get ourselves behind God. Thank you for your prayers for our ministry. You have blessed our church and we thank you.

Livingston Outreach

01/05/2019 13:55

I enjoyed being back with Pastor Don Dillman in his neck of the woods today. We put out about 300 flyers into homes in his area. God gave us a couple of conversations. The best was with two gardeners who were taking a break in the garage of the property where they were working. Please pray that God will awaken the hearts of these two men as they received a pretty clear presentation of God's great news! 

Outreach in Biggar

29/04/2019 15:49

I drove a half an hour away today back to the village of Biggar. God gave me a few divine appointments. Two were very good. Please pray for Darren. I was able to present to him a complete Gospel witness. He was waiting for his boss who arrived just as we were finishing our chat. The other great opportunity was with David. David has studied a lot of the good Scottish church history but has not accepted Jesus as his personal Saviour. I felt in both opportunities that God was opening their hearts. Please pray for fruit from those verbal opportunities as well as through the flyers. 

We enjoyed sharing pictures from camp at church last night. I'll put some below for your enjoyment as well.

Back from camp :)

28/04/2019 13:38

Wow - God gave us a great time at men's camp in Ireland. Special thanks to Pastor Ledbetter and his church for their vision to provide this awesome opportunity over the last 19 years. I had the privilige of preaching the opening session on Wednesday and we had 6 other opportunites to sit under the teaching and preaching of God's Word. If you want to get a taste of camp, please click on the following link. I preached my camp message this morning, "The God of the Impossible and the Man of Faith." Tommy, who attended camp from our church, sang before I preached. We participated often in the special music at camp and enjoyed those ministry opportunities as well. Thank you for praying for camp. God worked!

We had a special Sunday morning. A Christian family with 4 children drove an hour to visit our church this morning. Interestingly, they were looking for a church that has Sunday School. It is sad that there are not more Gospel Sunday Schools for families to bring up their children in the nurture of the Lord. Please pray for them as they seek God's will for a church family. We'd love to have them in our ministry.

The attendance was good and there was a very sweet spirit. Thank you so much for your earnest prayers on our behalf. May God bless you and encourage you in Him today.

Evangelism in Edinburgh

22/04/2019 13:55

We have experienced gorgeous weather the last few days. Yesterday was the warmest Easter Sunday in 3 of the 4 nations (England excluded) of the United Kingdom. There isn't a cloud in the sky today. I enjoyed using the good weather to do evangelism in Edinburgh this morning. God gave me several good divine appointments.

One man - a publican - (pub manager) - spoke with me for a good while. I talked to him about what alcohol is doing to those he serves. It was an interesting conversation and one I hope he is reminded of everytime he goes to work. Interestingly, I later saw him in a completely different part of the city (several blocks from where we talked) sitting at a table with a huge beer. I said, "Hi again" and hope the irony of the situation wasn't lost on him.

Another very interesting divine appointment was with a young lady who grew up in Evangelicalism in Ireland. Sadly she is an agnostic who studied philosophy for 4 years. I told her after seeking to help her to faith (not that she really wants faith), "I just want to do my best to reach you as I would want someone to reach my daughter." Please pray that God convicts and awakens Abi's heart.

The third very good opportunity was with a man who is a carer for an autistic man. I spoke with him for about 20 minutes. Please pray for God to awaken Scott's heart. He thinks he can live life without facing the big question of God's existence. 

God gave me a divine appointment on Saturday night as well. I'm very thankful for these opportunities and appreciate your prayers for God to bless and provide opportunities to share the Gospel.

We enjoyed baptizing Jade last night. This was our first baptism in our garden instead of in our garage. We've normally had winter baptisms. It was a blessing to baptize outside.


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