
Happy Father's Day!

16/06/2019 13:19

God gave us a wonderful morning as we enjoyed the Lord's day and Father's day. The kids made some nice badges (buttons) for the fathers and gave them some chocolate to sweeten them up. I trust God is giving you a wonderful father's day as well!

I preached a message about two men this morning. The man with a house that will stand at the judgment and him whose house will crumble. "A Tale of Two Men" Matthew 7. The singing before my message is my family plus one. Amber safely arrived on Wednesday and is enjoying the beginning of the month which she will spend with our family.

Thank you for praying for our ministry today. Saturday is our children's fair. We're thankful that God gave us a rain free parade. We have been praying much about the Gala Day as well. Please pray that God will bless us with good weather as well as great opportunities to serve our community and present them with the Gospel.


15/06/2019 12:11

The parade went really well. The weather was very good. We had a good group and enjoyed passing out literature and sweeties along the parade route. Thank you for your prayers! There is also a group photo on our church facebook page - free baptist church, Loanhead.

Listen in....

12/06/2019 12:16

I miss the Tabernacle Team this morning as I upload the audio from their time with us. You'll hear online that they could sing. It was a blessing to have them minister in music at the football tournament. One of the highlights later that day was when we toured Craigmillar Castle. We went into one vaulted chamber and sang several hymns. We had an audience at different times who we hope were not just impacted by the harmony of the music but the message of what we were singing.

Here is the audio from the 2019 Football Tournament and the message I preached from John 1:1-12.

Also, we were blessed by the ministry of Pastor Baker. Here is the audio from His message on A Life that Ministers.

Now, we are excited to be welcoming Amber Lyndsey to our home today. This Friday is our parade. Please pray for the power of God as we hand out literature and invite people to participate in our church ministries. God's good! Thanks for your prayers!

Great Mission Team

11/06/2019 16:53

The Lord gave us a great time with the mission team from Tabernacle Baptist in Virginia Beach. They left this afternoon to head down to Peterbourgh, England. We had several ministry opportunities with them. We handed out flyers on Princess St. in Edinburgh. We put flyers through mail slots in another section of Edinburgh. We handed out football invitations at the local highschools. We had the football tournament. Their choir sang several times at our church and at the Trust Service. Pastor Baker preached 3 times and was a great blessing. We enjoyed a church fellowship with them as well! It was a great time. 

We also showed them God's awesome creation in Scotland and toured some local attractions. The football tournament went very well. It was a blessing to have two of our church men running the football tournament. We had 5 first time teenagers, 1 girl and 4 boys. They paid great attention in the preaching time and the boys told me that they found it interesting. Please pray that they will read the John and Romans that they received.

Thank you for praying for this past week of ministry. Now - Amber flies out today and arrives here tomorrow. Please pray that God will bless her travels and that she will have a wonderful month of ministry with us.

We had a good morning....

02/06/2019 13:10

Our attendance was down a bit this morning due to illnesses and car problems. However, we had a wonderful morning with those who were able to be there. There is a very good spirit in our church just now and we are very thankful. It's fun when everyone stays after the service just to visit with one another. 

I preached this morning a message entitled, "Come After Me" from Mark 8:26-38. Jesus said, "Whosoever will come after me...." Not everyone wants to follow Jesus to the places He calls them. He called them to suffering, surrender, sacrifice, salvation and shamelessness. Many within modern evangelicalism and sadly even within fundamentalism have turned aside from following Him. God help us to be those who follow Him to where He has called us.

Please pray for the Tabernacle Baptist Church mission team arriving here from Virginia Beach on Wednesday. Pastor and Mrs. Baker, a sponsor and 7 teen girls are coming on this senior/mission trip. The Baker's daughter, a missionary with BWM will also be coming up from England to be with us. Next week the team will head down to her location in Peterburgh. The main ministry of this team will be to participate with us in our football tournament this Saturday. Please pray for us to be able to get information into the hands of young people who will come. I'm going to preach a message on John 1:1-12 on Saturday and would appreciate your prayers for God to open hearts. We're excited about what God is doing and will do in the days ahead. Thank you for your prayers.

Great door to door opportunities....

01/06/2019 11:59

Katie and I had some wonderful chances to speak with people this morning as we did door to door. We left a John and Romans with one man. Another man shook my hand as we departed and said that he would reflect upon what we had shared. Another man had spoken with me before nearer to my home. It's a blessing to see God opening doors. Thank you for praying.


Liberton evangelism

29/05/2019 13:05

The closest part of Edinburgh to Loanhead is LIberton. Pastor Dillman and I were able to finish a large part of this area today. We didn't have any significant opportunities until we were waiting in the line for lunch at Costco. God allowed us to speak with a lady and to find out that she works with someone who attends our church. Please pray that God will help her to see the significance of our conversation and get back to God's Word. We'd love to see her visit our church with her co-worker. Thank you for praying for divine appointments.

Stronger Family Seminar

27/05/2019 15:28

Thank you for praying for our time under the ministry of Dr. Bud Steadman. God gave us a good turnout for the meetings and great encouragement from the Word of God. Dr. Steadman preached on going forward. Friday night was, "Going Forward in Impossible Situations." Saturday night was, "Going Forward to Healing." Sunday night was, "Going Forward to Battle." If you take the time to listen to the audio from our meetings, they will be a blessing to you.

God gave us a good Sunday. I preached yesterday from Daniel 2 on "Life and Death Praying." Daniel and his companions had to pray as if their life depended upon it... because it did. They had to know the king's dream or they would perish. They were men of prayer and they delivered themselves and all the other advisors to the king because God answered them. I said to our church that we don't need prayer warriors, we need a praying army. We appreciate those who are a part of the prayer army behind us and our ministry.

Thank you for your prayers for these special events. The next thing on our calendar of special events is a mission team from Tabernacle Baptist Church arriving next Wednesday. On Saturday 8 June, we will be hosting a teen football tournament. Please pray for the power of God to draw young people to this tournament and to open their hearts to His great news!

Edinburgh Outreach

22/05/2019 13:17

It was a slower morning, it seems, for evangelism in Edinburgh. People seemed slow to take the flyer today. The Lord did give me a few witnessing opportunities. One was with a woman who lives quite near Loanhead. I witnessed to her for about 20 minutes and she was thoughtful. She said that she would think about visiting the church. She knows our location.

I met a few believers today. Sadly, the first looked more ungodly than most the other people around her. But, she said she got saved when she was seven and that she faithfully attends her Baptist Church. I was frank with her and hope that God speaks to her heart about separation from the world. Another man I met is Brazilian and has only been in Scotland for two months. He is from a different denomination but was born again as a teenager. I encouraged him to come visit the church and he said he would find the location online. Please pray that Philip will visit.

One of the sadder conversations today was with a man who is 43 (I'll be 43 in July). He is an alcoholic. I went through the Gospel with him and left him a John and Romans. When he told me his age he said that he feels 73. (He looks much older than he is.) Sin has hurt is life. Please pray that He will obey the Gospel and find the victory which Jesus has promised.

My family had a busy day yesterday as we left at 8 AM to visit another minister's family, Don Clough, up in Lossiemouth. It's a four hour drive up there. Their church in Fochabers was having special meetings with Evangelist Ted Alexander. We enjoyed fellowshipping with both families and attending the 6 PM service. We got back here last night at midnight after a very enjoyable time away.

Thank you for praying for our church. The Steadmans have arrived in Scotland. They will be with us from Friday - Monday. We appreciate your prayers for our Stronger Family Seminar.

Praying ahead for our Stronger Family Seminar

19/05/2019 13:30

We are excited to be at a week of ministry which we have anticipated for many months. This coming Friday - Sunday nights at 6:00 PM we are having our Stronger Family Seminar. Dr. and Mrs. Steadman will be arriving to spend these days in ministry with us. Please pray for the power of God in these meetings.

We enjoyed a good Lord's day. There are a number of young families in our church. Please pray for Katie as she leads our children's ministry and creshe (nursery). Please also pray that God will do a great work in these young families lives.

I preached this morning on 1 Samuel 12 - Turn Not Aside. Samuel's final address to the children of Israel as he challenged them to stay with God. Thank you for your prayers for our preaching/ teaching ministry.

Thursday night we are going to use our midweek service to be a prayer service in preparation for what God is going to do in our hearts this next weekend. We appreciate your joining with us in intercession for this week.

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