
Edinburgh evangelism....

04/09/2019 13:28

I had an interesting morning as I went into Edinburgh. I had three opportunities as I caught the bus into Edinburgh. These were all people I have witnessed to before. The first was at the bus stop. The second as I got on the bus and a man who works near our church was sitting in front. I spoke with him on my way to find a place to sit. God's been working in this young man's life and I hope to see him visit our church. 

The third was very interesting. I took my seat just at the top of the stairs and saw a young man boarding. I witnessed to him last week in Edinburgh and we share the same first name. We were 6 miles from where we had talked. I greeted him by name as he got to the top of the stairs.

Another interesting thing about today was the filming of a major film in Edinburgh. I walked by where the filming was taking place and saw all the equipment. I was able to witness to a young man from Glasgow who was part of their work crew. 

The best witnessing opportunity was with Paddy. Please pray that he will visit the church. God has prepared his heart and he gladly took a John and  Romans. He said was we parted, "I can't say when, but I'm going to visit your church." I hope he does. We spoke for about 20 minutes and God's leading was evident. His dad works about 6 blocks from our church location and he knows the property where we meet. Thanks for praying!

Happy 17th Birthday Kay Lee!!!!

03/09/2019 11:05

Yikes - my wife isn't getting old, but I must be.... Wow - deep breath as our kids are growing up very quickly. We're very thankful to God for His grace to our family.  Kay Lee was born in Port Huron, MI 5 days after Katie and I moved there from NYC. We are having fun reminiscing today.

I put out flyers this morning for a little while. God gave me three brief conversations. The first was with an older man who was hard of hearing. Sadly, he is a scoffer. I wish you could have seen his reaction to my telling him that despite his unbelief Jesus died for him. It was an incredulous haughty laugh. I didn't say it rudely and I'm not sure that he heard me as I said after he laughed, "You will know soon that He did." It's amazing that someone could be so close to eternity and mock the only One who would willingly save them from an eternity in Hell.

The second couple were older Church of Scotland members. They are trusting in their goodness. I preached on Sunday night, "An hypocrite with his mouth destroyeth his neighbor" from Proverbs 11. The religious hypocrite (false teacher) is the best example of this truth as Jesus outlined in Matthew 23. "Ye hypocrites....Making them twofold more the child of hell than yourself" "not entering yourself and keeping them from entering." (My paraphrase.) Please pray for God to awaken this couple's heart to the truth I tried to share with them.

The third man loves John 3:16 but hasn't taken that truth to his heart. He also attends a church of Scotland (parish church) near his home. I encouraged him to read John 3 and see what it says about being born again. 

Thank you for your prayers for our evangelism.

Upon the first day of the week....

01/09/2019 13:18

Aren't you thankful that God has scheduled times for the body for Christ to get together? It was a blessing this morning to  be in the house of God. God gave us good attendance and a good spirit in our services. We are enjoying studying walking in the Spirit in our adult/teen SS as we make our way through Romans 8. I preached this morning on Paul's admonition to the Thessalonians to "Stand Fast" in 2 Thessalonians 2:10-17. I'm thankful for a church with an appetite for the Word of God. Please continue to pray for God's enablement in our services.

Our visitor was faithfully back. Next week we anticipate another visitor as a young man arrives to do a year of grad school in Edinburgh. Please pray for Blake and his mom as they travel this way this next week. He's planning on being in church next Sunday.

Please pray for our evangelistic meetings coming on the 15-20 of September. The Webbs are currently in England. Please pray for God's grace and strength for them in each church they visit. We are praying for God to do a special work in our church through their ministry.

divine appointment

29/08/2019 14:02

Yesterday Don Dillman and I were out about 2 miles from our church in Edinburgh. God helped us walk a lot of miles as we put out 4-500 flyers. We had one really good witnessing opportunity with a young muslim man. He understood what I meant when I shared that justice means crimes must be paid. He asked some good questions. I encouraged him to visit our church. He said he had a Christian friend from Poland who could perhaps come with him. One of these days, God is going to break through in our evangelism. Thank you for praying for us as we plow in hope.

Outreach in Edinburgh

27/08/2019 13:42

I bumped into Andy (homeless man) again today in Edinburgh.  About a month ago Andy prayed to ask Jesus to save him. I've prayed for him since then and hope to see God sort out the many difficulties in his life. I tried to again encourage him to follow God. Andy can't read.... Praise God for those who have the ability to read God's Word for themselves. He says that he is attending church on Sundays.

Silas was probably the best divine appointment this morning. He had just arrived from Germany for a short stay in Edinburgh. He was very interested in our conversation though an agnostic. I gave him a John and Romans and wrote my email address on it. I hope to hear from Silas and get him the contact information for any good churches near him in Germany. (He didn't know that he had a Bible name.)

I also spoke with three teen boys for 10-15 minutes. I'm sure they will look at life a bit differently after our conversation. Please pray that the truth of God's Word will penetrate their hearts. They are in their last year of high school and are at a turning point in their life.

Thank you for praying for our outreach.

A visitor who came....

25/08/2019 13:15

Last Sunday our visitor did not come. On Thursday the footballer didn't come. (Praise God, this young man did shoot me a text letting me know that he was unable to be there.) We had a woman contact us this week letting us know that she had recently been saved. She came and visited this morning. Praise the Lord! Thanks for praying for our attendance.

I enjoyed preaching a topical message this morning entitled, "Don't Stop Your Run!" I love the picture of the runner in the race found throughout the Bible. God blessed the service. Thank you for praying.


Fringe Evangelism

21/08/2019 13:37

There is currently an international festival called the Fringe taking place in Edinburgh. When it is festival season the population of Edinburgh doubles. I took bus into Edinburgh to do evangelism today and started by handing out flyers for about an hour on the Royal Mile near St. Giles (where John Knox ministered.) 

God gave me one divine appointment there with a man from Central Asia (muslim background.) He was open and took a John and Romans.

The second opportunity, was with a man named, Jesus. I don't know if it was a good opportunity or not. I witnessed to him for about 10 minutes before he had to leave.

The third opportunity was the best. Please pray that Harold (early 20's) will visit our church. He's grown up Catholic but listened to a clear Gospel presentation and took a John and Romans. He was very engaged in the conversation and I would not be shocked (though I'd be thrilled) if he visited the church. He said at one point, "Oh, you're a priest." Well... kind of. :) We spoke for close to half an hour.

I was able to share why I believe Jesus is God with two mormon missionary girls (20 years old.) It made me think of Paul's words in 2 Cor. 11, "13  For such are false apostles, deceitful workers, transforming themselves into the apostles of Christ. 14  And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light. 15  Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also be transformed as the ministers of righteousness; whose end shall be according to their works." They look and sound Good. But, they reject the Word of God and change the meaning of words like trinity, etc. I hope God will illumine their minds to His truth.

Praise God - we have truth! I'm so thankful for God's Word. Thank you for praying for our outreach.

14  And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light.
15  Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also be transformed as the ministers of righteousness; whose end shall be according to their works.

Kate and the atheist

20/08/2019 12:21

God gave me two divine appointments this morning as I put out flyers. Kate immigrated to the UK from Budapest many years ago. She is an elderly widow who is Catholic. Please pray that God would open her eyes to the knowledge of salvation by faith in Jesus. It is sad to meet someone who is religious but who does not know if they are going to heaven. And because they do not know the way, we know from God's Word that they are not in the way.

The second opportunity was not as fun as it was with a religious evolutionist who denies the truth of God's Word on all levels. I have no idea why he goes to church. Church here has become a community of people who do not know what they believe, if they believe, or if the person they think they believe in exists. I hope God awakens this man's heart. Jesus died for him as well as me.

The Lord gave me energy to complete a large area this morning as I walked for three hours putting out flyers. Please pray for fruit that will remain. Thank you for praying for our evangelism.

The body of Christ

18/08/2019 13:06

This morning we enjoyed watching, "Incredible Creatures that Defy Evolution III" in our SS hour. I then preached this morning on, "Members in Particular" about joining the body of Christ from 1 Corinthians 12. There was a good spirit in our service which was pretty well attended. Our visitor did not come this morning as anticipated. We'll keep sowing in hope. Please pray for wisdom as we follow up.

Thank you for praying for Free Baptist Church in Loanhead.

PS. Here is a picture of the building which is for sale in our community.


Door to Door with Benson

17/08/2019 17:01

Benson was my door to door partner this morning. Imagine our suprise when the first woman who answered the door at the first house told us that she will come tomorrow to our AM service. I could be wrong, but I have no doubt that she was sincere and I hope to see her tomorrow. Please pray that God will help her to come as she intends. We were encouraged by that short visit.

We had another good conversation at the next door. That young man was listening very well until someone else ended our conversation. We shouldn't be suprised but it was pretty abruptly ended by someone whom we did not know was listening. Please pray that God awakens his heart and does not let the Wicked One snatch away God's truth from his heart.

God then gave us a better opportunity with a religious man. Please pray for this man. He is muslim and was at the mosque to pray this morning at 4:00 AM. If Christians would have half the zeal of these sincere people we would see the world turned upside down again. He invited us into his home and we spoke for about 40 minutes. He allowed me to pray at the end of our conversation and I asked God to illumine his mind by His truth. Please pray that God will do a great work in his life. If he got saved, he would be much better at reaching Muslims with the Gospel than a non muslim could hope to be. Thank you for your prayers for divine appointments. God is working.

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