Out again....
06/11/2019 11:10It was the best weather morning yet (in quite a while) to get out with flyers. God gave me one divine appointment with a lady who is a born again anglican. She got saved when she was 15 but has remained in the Anglican church her whole life. She is elderly. She had a happy disposition which was a refreshing change from much of our world. I don't know if God had us meet for her encouragement or mine. But, I'm certain it was mutual. There are so few true believers in our day that whenever we meet it is encouraging.
A break in the weather....
05/11/2019 11:44We have had rain, rain, and more rain the last several days. Thankfully, the rain stopped this morning and I was able to get out to do flyers. There weren't any conversations this morning. But, most of a new housing scheme about 2 miles away from our church has the flyer. Please pray for the seed sown to be protected.
On the first day of the week....
03/11/2019 16:05We enjoyed a great start to our week in the house of God this morning. Thank you for praying for our services. We began a 4 week leadership training in SS for our adults and teens. I'm thankful for the good spirit in our church about getting involved in our ministry. We've begun a men's class (TNT - Titus and Timothy) at 4:30 as an informal way to help our men with ministry opportunities such as teaching, song leading, evangelism, etc. We had 3 men and two teens plus myself last week.
We now have video on sermon audio, but it takes me longer to upload. I'm still figuring it out. If you watch the beginning of our service this week, you'll enjoy hearing a trio of My Jesus I Love Thee. I preached on 2 Samuel 22:20-25 on Living in a Way God Delights In. David made an interesting statement in that passage when he said, "He Delighteth in Me."
We appreciate your prayers, interest and participation in our ministry. Thank you for keeping up with what God is doing at Free Baptist Church.
PS. God gave a wonderful divine appointment yesterday while knocking on doors. Please pray for this atheist to come to faith. We spoke for 40 minutes.
Edinburgh evangelism....
28/10/2019 14:51I guess I'm getting into a routine a little bit on Monday mornings. God's given some good Sunny days on Mondays which are helpful when handing people literature. I went a different direction today in Edinburgh and headed to the Meadows. The University of Edinburgh surrounds this area and there are a lot of college age young people.
I witnessed to an 18 year old theology student. She doesn't believe in God. This used to suprise me. Sadly, it doesn't anymore. I told her that her studies were pointless. I said, "It is like studying Boris Johnson (current Prime Minister) by reading biographies about Tony Blair (former Prime Minister.)" I told her that what she needed was Biblical Theology.
The second opportunity was with Peter (25) who is an evolutionary scientist. He was a great listener and we had a good concersation. Please pray for him. He went to church this past Sunday because he saw the door was open. I believe God is working in his life and think he may be the reason God had me go that direction.
The last opportunity was with a young man from Hong Kong who is studying artificial intelligence. He refused the flyer but then dialogued with me. We spoke for over 10 minutes and God was working. In the end he took the flyer. It will be interesting in Heaven to see the fruit of these simple conversations which could be life changing turning points for those who will believe in Jesus. Thank you for praying for fruit for our evangelistic efforts.
Technological advancement in progress....
27/10/2019 13:13We thank the Lord for His help and guidance as we step into previously uncharted waters in our ministry. For the first time today we recorded our service by video. I've not yet edited the beginning of the video and so I have not yet uploaded it to sermon audio. We're appreciate your prayers as we begin this venture. We're praying about live streaming the morning service in the future.
Our attendance was very good this morning and as is very normal in our church there was a great spirit in our fellowship. I preached this morning on Acts 13 on "Short Pithy Statements" from that text. There are several gripping and thought provoking statements in that chapter of God's Word. The link above is to the sermon audio. Lord willing, I will put a separate link here, once I upload the video.
We appreciate your prayers for our family and ministry.
technological advancement
24/10/2019 13:21Well, we are getting ready to step out by faith into uncharted waters (by us) of technology. I've purchased a phone, tripod and accesories for either videoing our services or live streaming. I'd appreciate your prayers for this venture.
Some of you have asked us for video updates, which I have previously declined. I hesitate to say that I'm now able to do that lest I receive a volumous amount of requests. :) To help alleviate that concern, may I offer an immediate option to send you a link to a video I recorded this morning. It is addressed to Calvary Baptist in Huntsville who's timing for requesting a video update was spot on as I just got the equipment. If you are interested in viewing it or sharing it with your church, please let me know by email and I will forward you a link. There is a contact us page on our website.
God gave me a wonderful divine appointment as I concluded the video by speaking about God's goodness in giving divine appointments. I finished, folded up the tripod and then witnessed to a young mother with three little ones for about 15 minutes. It was a joy to speak with her about the Lord. Thank you for your prayers for us and our ministry.
Outreach update....
23/10/2019 11:45God has given us good weather for evangelism this week as the rain is away. On Monday I did some evangelism in the heart of Edinburgh around Princess St. God gave me two good witnessing opportunities as I handed out leaflets. The first was with three 15 year olds who listened while being a bit uncomfortable thinking about God, the Bible, Jesus, etc. They each thanked me as we finished speaking.
The second was with two muslim men from Sudan. Please pray that God will really convict their heart about the false idea that God can forgive with punishing sin. Praise God, Jesus paid the punishment for our sin SO THAT forgiveness is possible.
Yesterday I did evangelism by putting out flyers in Edinburgh a couple miles from our church. I saw the postman, Henry, again. I had prayed for him that morning and trust God will bring him to salvation. I had a divine appointment with two elderly women.
Today I was back in the same area and had one opportunity to speak with a man who was power washing his drive. He was cordial and though our conversation was brief, the truth that was share is able to open his heart. Please pray for a harvest for our labours. Thank you for your prayers.
Still busy....
20/10/2019 13:11I have the privilige of filling pulpit for Don Dillman this afternoon in their ministry in Livingston. We appreciate your prayers for God's blessing in this 3:00 PM (5 hours ahead of EST) ministry.
God gave us very good attendance this morning in SS and Sunday morning. We're in a precious place in our study of Romans as we are examining our priviliges as children of God. I preached a message on "Possess the Good Land" from Moses instruction to the Children of Israel as he prepared them to enter the promised land. As long as their heart was kept right with God, the would possess the land. Idolatry would signal a departure from the land. There was a very good spirit in the service and after church. Thank you for your prayers for God's blessing upon our ministry.
15/10/2019 11:30I was able to get out to do flyers this morning. Our wet weather continues and I'm thankful that this morning was clear. I may not be able to get out tomorrow morning because of rain.
God gave me a neat divine appointment. About three weeks ago I handed a postman a flyer. I prayed for him and had a second opportunity to see him about two weeks ago. I had a third opportunity to see him this morning and I asked him about the flyer which he had read. He told me an interesting story which happened after meeting me the first time. He found out that another Baptist minister, which he knows lived in the neighborhood where I met him. God is obviously reaching out to this man. Please pray for Henry's salvation. I left a copy of John and Romans with him this morning.
The rest of my time out was pretty unexceptional. I put out around 250 flyers. We had visitors in our church this past Sunday from flyers which we put out 3 months ago. Praise the Lord! Thank you for praying for our evangelism.
Some divine opportunities....
14/10/2019 14:48The Lord gave me two really good opportunities to share the Gospel as I handed out some Gospel flyers in the heart of Edinburgh. The first was with a young German who is here to study English for a couple of weeks. I spoke with him for around 20 minutes about God's revelation in nature and in His Word. It was a good conversation and he was interested in some of the things I showed him in my Bible.
The second conversation was with a Northern Irish young man who is studying in Northern England. His sister is born again and has spoken with him about it. God gave us a good brief conversation. Thank you for praying for divine appointments.